I wasn't even complaining...what the hell are you talking about?
Is it a lie that BA's an easy character to play with? I've seen Rico play and he doesn't do nothing spectacular or a really hard to block setup, like VulcanHades shown. He uses a simple gamplay, sometimes he doesn't even go for max damage, and wins, didn't said that it's easy to WIN with, but it is easy to pick up and play, if you are looking for solid but simple gameplay.
Rico's smart and has good match up knowledge, that's why the way he plays the character gives him wins. I dislike it a lot, because we all know that BA's much more to it and everyone that's learning, or learnt, the setups feels like it was wasted time. Rico mastered the basics of BA not the character and it's possibilities.
Adam has a lot of shit that might need nerfing but if you think you can play a flowchart adam and win tournaments then I'm expecting people to put up or shut up. America has a lot of tournaments, go go go
If that matters to anything I live in Portugal and tournaments, regular or not, for Injustice are rare and most of the FGC here only plays SSF4 and UMvC3. If I lived in UK/US you bet I would try that out, even tho I didn't called Rico a Flowchart BA. He plays a simple game with him and that you can not deny.