I agree. This is why I don't like intolerant Atheists.
Objectively, atheists are ultimately useless and serve no purpose other than hate, spread hate and reject/spit on other people's beliefs/spirituality. They have every right not to believe in a god. But when they look down on theists and try to convince believers that what they believe in is "wrong" or "stupid", then atheists prove they aren't worth anyone's attention or respect. Because they become no better than cult extremists.
Atheists base their disbelief on lack of proof, saying things like "I'll believe in god when I see him/her/it or when science proves him/her/it". Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than 60 understands that science and empiricism cannot research, prove or disprove anything that is of the metaphysical realm. Whether these primitive atheists are aware of it or not remains uncertain to me. Regardless, they continue to believe that matter is all that matters and that there is no such thing as a human soul, a designer, a purpose to life or an afterlife. So being atheist is essentially accepting to live a meaningless materialist YOLO life with no purpose or spirituality.
So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine with no other purpose than hating on, discrediting and devaluing other cultures and their spiritual beliefs. It is unneeded and it is more cancerous than all religions combined. Considering its only goal is to provoke, agitate, increase tensions and encourage theists to adopt more extremist positions to defend their views and their fundamental rights.