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Beliefs, Non-Beliefs, Worldviews and Philosophy v2.0


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
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I had a thread like this way back, and for the most part it went well. There seems to be a lot of discussion lately on these subjects, and they are all over the place. I wanted to make this a "safe" place to discuss anything related to the thread title, without the fear of the thread being closed. This thread will not be closed. However, that does not mean this is will be a "anything goes" type of thread. The same rules apply to this thread as any other. And if you're blatantly trying to cause drama or making constant inflammatory remarks, you will be moderated accordingly. This thread will be heavily watched and moderated, so just keep that in mind.

This thread is to discuss your beliefs, your non-beliefs, philosophy, worldviews, ideals, psychology, anthropology, theology, geography, logic, reason, and many many more topics. This isn't a thread to attack someone elses beliefs, or attack them for believing in what they believe. You can question and challenge their beliefs, but don't insult their belief or them for believing it. If someone says they believe in something that you think doesn't make sense, you're free to ask them why. But they don't have to explain themselves if they don't want to.

This is supposed to be a friendly and healthy discussion. And I'm making this thread despite how other staff members feel about the subject, so don't make me regret this. I have faith (lol) that you guys can behave yourselves, at least most of you. And if you can't, actions will be taken.

If you don't like the idea of this thread, that's okay, just don't post in it or read it. If you feel the need to troll, then maybe this isn't the thread for you. Because you will be dealt with much more harshly in this thread, so I'd advise you to keep your trolling to the absolute minimum.


Now, I was going to start off the thread with me stating my beliefs, worldviews, ideologies, etc. But, I feel that would be leading the thread in a certain direction. I want this to be open for YOU guys to share what's inside of your beautiful minds. So, open them up and let what ever spills out flow through your fingers in a coherent manner!


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I'm an atheist because everything religion is based on is man-made. All books, stories, folklore, are made by man and are just stories.

I think religion was originally created to spread moral and make life goals. I do not think there is actually any sort of "higher power" because in reality that "higher power" is just yourself.

Instead what I do is take a little bit from everything from religions across the board and make what I think is a way of living life.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Are you sure this isn't a trap?
I'm pretty sure, but not absolutely certain. I feel that there's almost nothing you can be absolutely certain about, aside from logical absolutes. And even logical absolutes can be argued and not everyone finds them... absolute.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
I'm an atheist because everything religion is based on is man-made. All books, stories, folklore, are made by man and are just stories.

I think religion was originally created to spread moral and make life goals. I do not think there is actually any sort of "higher power" because in reality that "higher power" is just yourself.

Instead what I do is take a little bit from everything from religions across the board and make what I think is a way of living life.
I respect this view and while maintaining being a Christian, I've done the same. It always baffles me when those radical preachers go out and say everyone is wrong without doing independent research. We had one of those guys come to our school last semester and I asked him "Have you ever studied Buddhism? Have you ever read the Qur'an? No? Then how do you know they're wrong?" Independent research will lead you to discover that all religions have very similar standard beliefs, but go about achieving them in different ways. I don't feel anyone is wrong because we don't 100% know if a higher being exists, we just choose to believe (or not believe) in whatever God resonates with us the most. It's also embarrassing when they say Atheism is devil worship.


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
I respect this view and while maintaining being a Christian, I've done the same. It always baffles me when those radical preachers go out and say everyone is wrong without doing independent research. We had one of those guys come to our school last semester and I asked him "Have you ever studied Buddhism? Have you ever read the Qur'an? No? Then how do you know they're wrong?" Independent research will lead you to discover that all religions have very similar standard beliefs, but go about achieving them in different ways. I don't feel anyone is wrong because we don't 100% know if a higher being exists, we just choose to believe (or not believe) in whatever God resonates with us the most. It's also embarrassing when they say Atheism is devil worship.
well you're wrong because I said so

(just kidding <3 )


I am a very spiritual person and I believe in what we call a "higher power" but I do not agree with or condone organized religion. God is just a word used to describe something that we cannot fully understand.

IMO many religions were created as a means to control people. At this point It has turned into quite the lucrative business.

True Grave

Giving The Gift Of Graves
Thou wilt is thou way. But seriously, as far as religion goes. Read this: http://nazirene.org/gospel_of_thomas.htm Basically, Jesus, (I'm agnostic BTW) says to just love everyone unconditionally regardless of religion, color, sex, etc.

Edit: Just for giggles here is a thread (http://testyourmight.com/threads/any-free-thinkers.38129/) I did a while back, but didn't structure it the way it should have been. I also half ass wrote that at work, and got a lot of heat because there wasn't a point to it. Mainly just things I learned in my journey towards enlightenment that I use when thinking about life and it's endeavors. Minus my books.
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Vulcan Hades

I think religion was originally created to spread moral and make life goals.
Religion was created to unite an otherwise divided country in the context of war. You needed something to bring people to fight together against a common enemy.

Without religion there is no america, there is no capitalism and there is no individual freedom. It is also a necessary step to any civilized world. To be against religion is to be against the very idea of democracy. It's to reject multiculturalism, spirituality and tolerance. And embrace ultranationalism, materialism and xenophobia.

I reject any form of divinity because divinity is open to interpretation. And the interpretations of the sacred / divine is what causes so much division, hatred and war in what should be uniting people. But I can respect the morals, maxims and the spirituality of religions.
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Icy Black Deep

Still training...
I'm an atheist because everything religion is based on is man-made.
Well of course an atheist would say that!

Without religion there is no America
Without religious persecution there is no America too. I mean, there are reasons for everything but that doesn't mean they're all-good or indispensable.
(Well, discounting all of those Native Americans who were here with their own religions and probably got here having nothing to do with religion.)

Vulcan Hades

it really angers me when people use their belief to spread hate,
I agree. This is why I don't like intolerant Atheists. :rolleyes:

Objectively, atheists are ultimately useless and serve no purpose other than hate, spread hate and reject/spit on other people's beliefs/spirituality. They have every right not to believe in a god. But when they look down on theists and try to convince believers that what they believe in is "wrong" or "stupid", then atheists prove they aren't worth anyone's attention or respect. Because they become no better than cult extremists.

Atheists base their disbelief on lack of proof, saying things like "I'll believe in god when I see him/her/it or when science proves him/her/it". Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than 60 understands that science and empiricism cannot research, prove or disprove anything that is of the metaphysical realm. Whether these primitive atheists are aware of it or not remains uncertain to me. Regardless, they continue to believe that matter is all that matters and that there is no such thing as a human soul, a designer, a purpose to life or an afterlife. So being atheist is essentially accepting to live a meaningless materialist YOLO life with no purpose or spirituality.

So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine with no other purpose than hating on, discrediting and devaluing other cultures and their spiritual beliefs. It is unneeded and it is more cancerous than all religions combined. Considering its only goal is to provoke, agitate, increase tensions and encourage theists to adopt more extremist positions to defend their views and their fundamental rights.
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Well-Known Member
when thinking about the present, i will sometimes think to myself...

if i were an old man on my death bed looking back on today, would i be happy to die, or regret i didnt make today better?

i sometimes think, well im 24 my life is like 30% over, i better make this day count

not sure if i want kids or to enjoy my own life and learn, study, and appreciate the universe oh and NRS games


My pussy, my rules
I agree. This is why I hate Atheists. :rolleyes:

Objectively, atheists are ultimately useless and serve no purpose other than hate, spread hate and reject/spit on other people's beliefs/spirituality. They have every right not to believe in a god. But when they look down on theists and try to convince believers that what they believe in is "wrong" or "stupid", then atheists prove they aren't worth anyone's attention or respect. Because they become no better than cult extremists.

Atheists base their disbelief on lack of proof, saying things like "I'll believe in god when I see him/her/it or when science proves him/her/it". Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than 60 understands that science and empiricism cannot research, prove or disprove anything that is of the metaphysical realm. Whether these primitive atheists are aware of it or not remains uncertain to me. Regardless, they continue to believe that matter is all that matters and that there is no such thing as a human soul, a designer, a purpose to life or an afterlife. So being atheist is essentially accepting to live a meaningless materialist YOLO life with no purpose or spirituality.

So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine with no other purpose than hating on, discrediting and devaluing other cultures and their spiritual beliefs. It is unneeded and it is more cancerous than all religions combined. Considering its only goal is to provoke, agitate, increase tensions and encourage theists to adopt more extremist positions to defend their views and their fundamental rights.
Or we just don't believe in gods/higher powers.

I've got absolutely nothing against anyone's religion, I don't make it my life's goal to try an undermine anyone's beliefs, nor do I live what you describe as a "meaningless, materialistic" life.

You don't need religion to have purpose. Or to be a good person.

Vulcan Hades

not sure if i want kids or to enjoy my own life
Why is having kids opposed to enjoying your life? Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but I've heard a lot of people say they don't want kids because they feel they'll suddenly stop living "the good life" if they do.

Which begs the question, what is "the good life"?

I assume it's smoking, taking drugs and having a lot of sex with multiple women. Because those are pretty much the only things that would need to stop if you ever decided to "settle down" and have a child.
Have a life goal that you actually work towards, lift heavy ass weight, do cocaine or any kind of upper(fuck weed outside of rare occasions), and generally be the 1980s in the flesh and you're set.


I'm pretty sure, but not absolutely certain. I feel that there's almost nothing you can be absolutely certain about, aside from logical absolutes. And even logical absolutes can be argued and not everyone finds them... absolute.
"I know one thing: that I know nothing"


I don't mean to offend anyone here but I think that this, for the most part, is true, sadly

I believe in loving others disregarding their race, religion, sexual orientation etc...
When I first meet someone, I never ask about their religion nor their sexual preference... In fact, I never ask about these stuff anyway because it wouldn't make any difference to me in the first place. Some people I already met here might know that.
However, call it what you want but I have a huge preference for gamers and people who like food (preferably Mexican) lmao