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Beliefs, Non-Beliefs, Worldviews and Philosophy v2.0

Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine
While I disagree, why not just take Nietzsche's sensible way?
If I could sum up his philosophy in one sentence:
"Life is not meaningless, but sadly, here's how it works."

Of course, I don't agree with everything he says. Nietzsche lays down some heavily questionable stuff. His "Gott ist Tot" spiel from The Gay Science is poetic, you have to admit :p

... in other words, I miss philosophyforum.com. Went down just this summer. Shame too, I really liked it.



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Sage Leviathan

I'm platinum mad!
Also, might I add, why is this thread going straight to theology?
There are so many other facets of philosophy that surely people would love to argue and question and comment on.

Morality, aesthetics, politics, metaphysics, arithmetic, and so many more.


I would like to know If any of TYM's homosexuals were actually offended, or the Mod who banned me loves to be a cop.

Thank you.
I didn't see it, but not at all. I don't tend to get offended at words unless they are being directed at me/someone. Even then, I usually don't give a shit. Same with the "n word," especially not on the Internet.


AUS FGC represent!
So have you completely missed the posts in this thread where I highlight the misguided Christians, or are you still intent on grouping us all in together? My dad doesn't sit anyone down and say "LOOK, YOU'RE WRONG, CHANGE YOUR WAYS!". It's a voluntary process called "Alter Call" where people walk up after the sermon and ask for prayer. That's it. The people make their own choices in what they want changed about their lives and he helps them along the way. If that man doesn't want to be gay anymore, then you have to respect his decision, just like I respect your decision to stop being religious.
No, I was pointing out how saying some gays make a choice therefore it's ok for me to say being gay is a choice is hypocritical if you then bitch about people generalising Christianity.

I didn't want to be gay for the longest time. I prayed daily to a god who didn't answer my prayers. I'd try all sorts of aversion therapies, none of which worked. In the end I learnt it was healthier to accept who I was than to try and psychologically damage myself further with self loathing and hate. I get annoyed when people insinuate that had I been more genuine or prayed harder or listened more to my pastor I could have changed.


I agree. This is why I don't like intolerant Atheists. :rolleyes:

Objectively, atheists are ultimately useless and serve no purpose other than hate, spread hate and reject/spit on other people's beliefs/spirituality. They have every right not to believe in a god. But when they look down on theists and try to convince believers that what they believe in is "wrong" or "stupid", then atheists prove they aren't worth anyone's attention or respect. Because they become no better than cult extremists.

Atheists base their disbelief on lack of proof, saying things like "I'll believe in god when I see him/her/it or when science proves him/her/it". Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than 60 understands that science and empiricism cannot research, prove or disprove anything that is of the metaphysical realm. Whether these primitive atheists are aware of it or not remains uncertain to me. Regardless, they continue to believe that matter is all that matters and that there is no such thing as a human soul, a designer, a purpose to life or an afterlife. So being atheist is essentially accepting to live a meaningless materialist YOLO life with no purpose or spirituality.

So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine with no other purpose than hating on, discrediting and devaluing other cultures and their spiritual beliefs. It is unneeded and it is more cancerous than all religions combined. Considering its only goal is to provoke, agitate, increase tensions and encourage theists to adopt more extremist positions to defend their views and their fundamental rights.
This is like, your first bad post. I'll be expecting some good Ermac tech in mkx to make up for this:D


cr. HP Master
i simply do not know. i feel like no one can prove or disprove the existence of anything. everything you say was created by man and thats not to be trusted. religion can bring peace and happiness to some so i will never mock someones beliefs. the other side of the coin is the body count from religion.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
No, I was pointing out how saying some gays make a choice therefore it's ok for me to say being gay is a choice is hypocritical if you then bitch about people generalising Christianity.
And how many times have I put the disclaimer that it's not a universal answer? The problem is you still insist in saying "your bigoted views". They're not my bigoted views. They're the radical views of someone else that you're using to project on all Christians. Big difference.

I didn't want to be gay for the longest time. I prayed daily to a god who didn't answer my prayers. I'd try all sorts of aversion therapies, none of which worked. In the end I learnt it was healthier to accept who I was than to try and psychologically damage myself further with self loathing and hate. I get annoyed when people insinuate that had I been more genuine or prayed harder or listened more to my pastor I could have changed.
Well, not all of us enforce those therapies or force people to convert. My childhood baby sitter came out of the closet recently and he's still welcome into my dad's home. No one asks him "So when are you going to denounce your homosexuality?" We just sit and have everyday conversations. He only helps people that want to be helped. We don't impose our beliefs on anybody.


King of the Bill
Hitchens is my God...
But in all seriousness, the vast amount of religions in the world (could be argued that there's a different individual religion for each human being who believes in God) makes the chances of one religion being correct over the others very slim. If you were born in India, you have a high chance of being indoctrinated into a Hindu religion, and it has nothing to do with researching it discovering that it has any truths. Also, 99.99% of all religions that were once practiced just as adamantly as Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. are now extinct.
When it comes to God in general, my opinion is that it seems natural for early humans to create a notion of God to explain the (at that time) unexplainable. Why does the sun come up and give us warmth and light? Why is there a drought? Did we not appease the Gods correctly this month? Who are those bright dots in the night's sky, are they ancestors looking down upon us?
Thanks to science, most of these questions can be answered and our old theories that consisted of deities and magic can be provide comic relief, although I do find it interesting and creative. As science improves and we find out more and more about the universe, we will slowly rely less and less on the "god did it" theory.
I respect everyone's beliefs insofar as they don't impede on my freedoms and they don't force themselves into science class. Thank you and have a nice day.:)


AUS FGC represent!
And how many times have I put the disclaimer that it's not a universal answer? The problem is you still insist in saying "your bigoted views". They're not my bigoted views. They're the radical views of someone else that you're using to project on all Christians. Big difference.

Well, not all of us enforce those therapies or force people to convert. My childhood baby sitter came out of the closet recently and he's still welcome into my dad's home. No one asks him "So when are you going to denounce your homosexuality?" We just sit and have everyday conversations. He only helps people that want to be helped. We don't impose our beliefs on anybody.
That's great for you! I have no problem with Christians like yourself. However I suspect that if a marriage equality bill was to be enacted in your state or a federal marriage equality bill was to be enacted your father (and potentially yourself) would vote/lobby against that. At that point you would be imposing your beliefs on others. If that's not the case then I'm sorry for projecting that on you.

By the way, I never insisted that you were bigoted. What I said was the largely accepting majority give credence to the vocal crazies. I don't think your bigoted. I think some Christian views are inherently bigoted, but I certainly do t think you are. When we met I had no problems with you whatsoever, you seemed like a pretty cool bro.


Kytinn King
I'm an atheist because everything religion is based on is man-made. All books, stories, folklore, are made by man and are just stories.

I think religion was originally created to spread moral and make life goals. I do not think there is actually any sort of "higher power" because in reality that "higher power" is just yourself.

Instead what I do is take a little bit from everything from religions across the board and make what I think is a way of living life.
Exactly, Mike pretty much answered for me


Kytinn King
I agree. This is why I don't like intolerant Atheists. :rolleyes:

Objectively, atheists are ultimately useless and serve no purpose other than hate, spread hate and reject/spit on other people's beliefs/spirituality. They have every right not to believe in a god. But when they look down on theists and try to convince believers that what they believe in is "wrong" or "stupid", then atheists prove they aren't worth anyone's attention or respect. Because they become no better than cult extremists.

Atheists base their disbelief on lack of proof, saying things like "I'll believe in god when I see him/her/it or when science proves him/her/it". Of course, anyone with an IQ higher than 60 understands that science and empiricism cannot research, prove or disprove anything that is of the metaphysical realm. Whether these primitive atheists are aware of it or not remains uncertain to me. Regardless, they continue to believe that matter is all that matters and that there is no such thing as a human soul, a designer, a purpose to life or an afterlife. So being atheist is essentially accepting to live a meaningless materialist YOLO life with no purpose or spirituality.

So again, Atheism is an utterly useless and pointless doctrine with no other purpose than hating on, discrediting and devaluing other cultures and their spiritual beliefs. It is unneeded and it is more cancerous than all religions combined. Considering its only goal is to provoke, agitate, increase tensions and encourage theists to adopt more extremist positions to defend their views and their fundamental rights.
THough I am an atheist, I try not to be the one you describe, I let people believe in what ever they want, hell I even sit down and listen to them tell me about their religion, I'm just not a believer personally, and I try not to push that on people


Mama's Little Bumgorf
That's great for you! I have no problem with Christians like yourself. However I suspect that if a marriage equality bill was to be enacted in your state or a federal marriage equality bill was to be enacted your father (and potentially yourself) would vote/lobby against that. At that point you would be imposing your beliefs on others. If that's not the case then I'm sorry for projecting that on you.

By the way, I never insisted that you were bigoted. What I said was the largely accepting majority give credence to the vocal crazies. I don't think your bigoted. I think some Christian views are inherently bigoted, but I certainly do t think you are. When we met I had no problems with you whatsoever, you seemed like a pretty cool bro.
To be honest, I wouldn't vote because it's none of my damn business. Whether I disagree or not, it's not my place to ruin someone's life and take that happy moment away from them.


religion has fucked the world and i think the whole deal with it being responsible for morals is belittling.

religion is opt in, not opt out. no one is born religious, it is a condition of your environment.

i will fight for your right to practice your customs but i hate them
and i think they are dividing the world. but if thats what you must do so be it. i am the kind if person who believes in equality.


Thoughts on cases like these having similar outcomes? It almost happened to me last year, but I was fortunate, I guess. This is my school too, by the way.

tl;dr Male college students being accused of rape/assault, not even by the victims themselves, and being assumed guilty and not being given due process or any other resource. Both of them were expelled and are now suing the school.
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Personally, I kind of went with Christianity when I was younger, but because of my dad I found out that I didn't want to follow any religion of today now. Instead I have looked into ancient African relgion and seen what the people of my skin color/race created which has been overshadowed by society and etc. over time for a multitude of reasons. I would rather learn about that instead of the religions that are very popular nowadays. I do believe there is a higher power, but not the same one many talk up today.
P.S. The religion I have looked into is the ancient Egyptian religion of Maat.


Confused Thanagarian
I think I may be the lone Wiccan here. Wicca is nice because there isn't a set rulebook you have to follow, and if you go to a group, you are supposed to change the guy in charge every week. It's almost like Buddhism, where it can be more of a way of thought than about worshipping a god.

And a beef I have with Christian religions is the selective nature of good vs bad. If a child with cancer pulls through, God was responsible. Another kid dies, it's Satan's fault, or God had a reason for killing the kid that we can't understand.


Well-Known Member
Why is having kids opposed to enjoying your life? Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but I've heard a lot of people say they don't want kids because they feel they'll suddenly stop living "the good life" if they do.
I think the common notion is that you have less time for what you enjoy. I worked in machine design last summer for example...

Between full-time work, studying/research, gaming, going to the gym, taking care around my house, and anything that randomly came up, my schedule felt saturated. I was also getting... a full night of sleep :eek:. To throw a child into the mix seems like I wouldn't get to do all I wanted to do.

Not a blow up on people who do have kids though. I might even have them one day. But since you asked.


And a beef I have with Christian religions is the selective nature of good vs bad. If a child with cancer pulls through, God was responsible. Another kid dies, it's Satan's fault, or God had a reason for killing the kid that we can't understand.
If you are rich and christian, you are blessed, but if you're poor, God is testing you.
If you are rich, but not christian, you sold your soul to the devil/illuminati, if you are poor it's because you need God in your life/God is punishing you.
The original option select lol.
I didn't see it, but not at all. I don't tend to get offended at words unless they are being directed at me/someone. Even then, I usually don't give a shit. Same with the "n word," especially not on the Internet.
Agreed. Why someone get offended? for just a simple word who isn't in any way directed towards anyone?


I am a very spiritual person and I believe in what we call a "higher power" but I do not agree with or condone organized religion. God is just a word used to describe something that we cannot fully understand.

IMO many religions were created as a means to control people. At this point It has turned into quite the lucrative business.
This. I was about to write word for word this.
Reactions: TKB
I think people from all walks of life and religions should practice their faith individually, not let the church be a middle man between you and the God you believe in. Today churches are nothing more than corporations, it's all about money to them.

In regards to Atheist's, they do always have great points and it's understandable where they come from. However, I have notice that once they go thru a major catastrophe in their life, like the loss of a child or a loved one or their dying of disease, their the first to seek comfort and wisdom in a higher power.


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Thoughts on cases like these having similar outcomes? It almost happened to me last year, but I was fortunate, I guess. This is my school too, by the way.
The Brian Banks story comes to mind: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/24/brian-banks-ca-football-p_n_1543992.html

tl;dr Male college students being accused of rape/assault, not even by the victims themselves, and being assumed guilty and not being given due process or any other resource. Both of them were expelled and are now suing the school.
They have every right to sue. Men are unfairly viewed as guilty of sex crimes before the lab results are even dry, but anytime a hot teacher has sex with a 14 year old boy, he's called an idiot for snitching. The double standard is ridiculous. If you truly believe rape and pedophilia are disgusting, then you should be equally outraged by a beautiful 30 year old woman having sex with a teenage boy.