too smart to play MKX
Flash could always beat Batman by running backwards in time to the night Bruce Wayne was conceived and hose down his parents.You say that like Batman wouldn't be moving in slow motion the entire time he went for his belt. Flash can beat him to that. He moves so fast not only do people appear stopped, but you do realize he vibrates through objects right? Flash can
Flash would take him out before he could move. Dodge anything in his way to that. Vibrate through anything he was too bored to go around. And he would still have time to repaint the Batmobile Red with his own symbol across the hood afterwards before Batman had moved an inch.
Seriously...Flash beats everything the way he is written. He evacuated an entire country before the nuke finished exploding. He's gonna beat a guy going for his belt or whatever to a pulp.
However, like I said Batman winning is a meme that beat Wonder Woman in a vote so Batman will win due to that. However he only wins in a vote. He loses pathetically in any fight versus The Flash. No Contest.
Just saying.
Batman can't beat time travel.