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Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
It's not "Kryptonite or GTFO", Supes can be hurt by anything if it's strong enough/hits him hard enough. Magic simply blows through his resistance to damage and kryptonite makes him ill, not a complete nothing. Think of the worst cold/flu you've ever had: your body aches, you can barely move, your breathing is erratic, etc.... but you can still get up if need be just like Superman can still use things like heat vision while exposed to kryptonite but just in a reduced state.
Exactly. People always think Superman's powers (mostly strength) are completely negated when exposed to krytonite, it doesn't. Red Sun radiation actually does that. Kryptonite just makes his body aches from head to toe in a really painful way.

Superman has been able to lift Metallo who exposed him to Kryptonite.


Eternal student
They're out on the street like... almost immediately. It's pretty sad. It's one thing with Superman, who fights the gdlk and the super-rich. Can't do anything to keep those fuckers down, but Batman just fights crazy humans obsessed with themes.
To be fair, that's because the prisons suck. Unless he decides to murder them or make his own godlike prison somewhere, I don't see a practical solution to his dilemma.


too smart to play MKX
Yep, the universe's most awesome power in the hands of the world's most boring pedo. Green Lantern in a nutshell. What do you mean a comic series where the villains are cooler!? Batman should've stayed with the Green Lantern Corps. Would've solved a fuckton of problems.

Goddammit I know so much about comics now. I was so happy with my ignorance before I came back to this site for Injustice shit.

... make his own godlike prison somewhere, I don't see a practical solution to his dilemma.
Too bad Batman doesn't have billions of dollars to do this. Oh... wait.

Nah, just kidding, gonna spend that shit on theme weaponry, son.


Scary Bat
Flash could always beat Batman by running backwards in time to the night Bruce Wayne was conceived and hose down his parents.
The last time The Flash went back in time and changed things he got the whole DC Universe rebooted and now we have the New 52.

We don't let The Flash go back in time anymore!


Eternal student
Yep, the universe's most awesome power in the hands of the world's most boring pedo. Green Lantern in a nutshell. What do you mean a comic series where the villains are cooler!?

Too bad Batman doesn't have billions of dollars to do this. Oh... wait.

Nah, just kidding, gonna spend that shit on theme weaponry, son.
I said practical. He needs those billions for the stripclub. He can't be seen looking like a poor man throwing out $100s.


Eternal student
For some reason I find this really funny, I'm just imagining the scene.
>I'm sorry Batman. It looks like this might be it for you. Random bullshit supervillain has stolen some device that will let him go back in time, and I regret to inform you that he'll be killing the past, defenseless you.
>Don't worry about it.
>...Excuse me?
>I got this shit on lock down, son.
>Errr, how-
>You see, the moment I became Batman I thought, "Someone is going to eventually try to kill me via time travel." So I made a plan for that.
>How would you see that comin-
>So I created an anti-time travel device. Look, all I have to do is give you some convoluted explanation, that makes no logical sense, and then click this button.
>What?! How does that even work?


Scary Bat
You can't tell me people don't know John. Most people thought the GL movie was racist because they thought GL was black.
I wouldn't say most people. Some people.

Although I do wish it was John Stewart in the movie/this game, Hal Jordan is so boring it causes me physical pain.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
I always thought John was the green lantern... Just bc he was the one on the justice league cartoon when I was a kid lol


Scary Bat
Pfft, when was the last time John did anything interesting at all?
...dude blew up two planets. He's trying to collect the pieces of the second one to put in back together. Man is tough as balls.

But I see what you're getting at, I only really care about Simon Baz, Kyle Rayner is too emo and much though I love Guy I can only read so much of him before I start yelling "Stop being an ass!" at a comic book.


too smart to play MKX
You can't tell me people don't know John. Most people thought the GL movie was racist because they thought GL was black.
I missed that one.

I mostly remember people not watching the Green Lantern movie because it was really bad.