Nothing gets past the Cold Field.
Exactly. People always think Superman's powers (mostly strength) are completely negated when exposed to krytonite, it doesn't. Red Sun radiation actually does that. Kryptonite just makes his body aches from head to toe in a really painful way.It's not "Kryptonite or GTFO", Supes can be hurt by anything if it's strong enough/hits him hard enough. Magic simply blows through his resistance to damage and kryptonite makes him ill, not a complete nothing. Think of the worst cold/flu you've ever had: your body aches, you can barely move, your breathing is erratic, etc.... but you can still get up if need be just like Superman can still use things like heat vision while exposed to kryptonite but just in a reduced state.
Superman has been able to lift Metallo who exposed him to Kryptonite.