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Video/Tutorial Batgirl - Official Reveal Gameplay Trailer w/ Back Story + New Joker Skin


Man of Tomorrow
You haven't read anything with the big three Batgirls. :/

Honestly, all I've read is New 52 Batgirl (nothing before of her) and it's the most boring New 52 book I've read so far but, to be fair, I've only read about 8 New 52 books.

So would MMH if he get in. Bad DLC.
Why? I can give you the reasons why I think Babs is bad choice, why do you think MMH would be?


The Prettiest
Don't generalize, and bashing fans of a character that's actually in the game is very different from bashing a character that isn't. And I don't monitor the DLC threads because they're normally filled with immature morons that care only about pointless shit.
I'm doing what every other member does. Tired of applying logic.


King of Heroes
Well sales dropped by 20,000+ so not everyone, and there are people in this forum that think it's bad or, at least, has gotten bad.
Was it the month involving the Killing Joke storyline? If so then you know the controversy behind the storyline.


Man of Tomorrow
Because no one likes him. Too many JL members. He's a superman clone but green.

That's just false; 7 JL members (same as Batman) and that's a team book instead of one man's universe; that's just false.

Was it the month involving the Killing Joke storyline? If so then you know the controversy behind the storyline.

It's happened recently (Dec-Mar), I don't know what's going on in the Batgirl comics right now because I'm behind by a few issues. Also, wasn't the Killing Joke the story of her getting crippled? I think you mean "Death of the Family".


id rather have Zoom than Zod really
The Flash:
Super speed (Speed Force)
Self-molecular control
Time travel Cyclone/tornado/highwind generation,
Steal Speed
Mass Punch
Universe Travel
Frictionless aura
Veloctity sharpened perceptions
Probability prediction (Post-Flashpoint)

Professor Zoom:
Time Travel
Temporal annihilation
Absorption of intelligence through physical contact
Age alteration
Time manipulation


Neptune's Beard!!!
Was it the month involving the Killing Joke storyline? If so then you know the controversy behind the storyline.
He means recently (I think), and that's because right before those two months, DC fired Batgirl's writer. Who's been writing her for years. And fan outcry was so huge, she was rehired the next week. But, she didn't get to write the issues for the two months.