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General/Other Batgirl is a wasted slot... wait... what?


Get over here!
in teen titans he was nightwing in the future. yeah i'm pretty sure i missed a few things.
Yeah. In Teen Titans he should have been Dick. That weird thing that was his clone was named nosyarg ckid which is Dick Grayson spelled backwards. Plus he was Nightwing in the future. So should have been him. :16Bit


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I never said it was good. I just think people read into the polls too much and assume it to be fact for no apparent reason. Is he getting backlash for his decision...yes. Should he...no. :16Bit
Why shouldn't he?

He did the good old bait and switch.

He put MMH on the comic cover. He put him in the silhouettes. He hinted at him many many times. He won a poll.

And in the end... we get a 7th batman character, a movie tie in and a mortal kombat character. Stings doesn't it?
Dunno, his name was never said in the Titan's show and I don't think it was alluded to in it either (it was in the "Teen Titans GO!" comic), he was, yet to see Young Justice.

You're technically missing the "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker" movie and, I think, one more thing but I can't be sure.
They showed him as Nightwing in the future and the alternate reality "Robin", aka. Larry's real name was Nosyarg Kcid. Which is Dick Grayson backwards.


Get over here!
Why shouldn't he?

He did the good old bait and switch.

He put MMH on the comic cover. He put him in the silhouettes. He hinted at him many many times. He won a poll.

And in the end... we get a 7th batman character, a movie tie in and a mortal kombat character. Stings doesn't it?
That silhouette picture is most likely fake. If you can prove otherwise I would love to see. Putting a character on a comic cover means nothing... he also hinted at Blue Beetle. I don't see why you cling to this poll thing so much. Where on the poll does it say vote for future DLC? :16Bit


Eternal student
That silhouette picture is most likely fake. If you can prove otherwise I would love to see. Putting a character on a comic cover means nothing... he also hinted at Blue Beetle. I don't see why you cling to this poll thing so much. Where on the poll does it say vote for future DLC? :16Bit
What's up with that stupid face people keep posting? What is that supposed to be?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
That silhouette picture is most likely fake. If you can prove otherwise I would love to see. Putting a character on a comic cover means nothing... he also hinted at Blue Beetle. I don't see why you cling to this poll thing so much. Where on the poll does it say vote for future DLC? :16Bit

First one is MMHs model. Look at him in the watchtower if you doubt it. The boots and the arms.