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General/Other - Ermac Are You Satisfied with The Design of Ermac?


No problem.

I have been trying to get my word out about Mystic for a long time now; so I might as well come out and say it.
MoS will be completely secondary to Mystic with the proper change. Telepush CANNOT be so unsafe on block. It destroys the variations purpose as a whole. And all Spectral needs is Mystic's version of telelift. Then all three variations will be completely equal to each other.
I see exacly what you mean, since i last comented i started playing around with mystic and yeah... TP and TL are both -100000 on block or might as well be considering how long Ermac just stands there going "ahhh hey guys anytime you wanna punish me feel free yeah, im just gonna stand here for a bit"...

Im ok with Lift being like that, since there is no point in tossing it out like a retard, theres very small situations where it would be a good punish without considering a combo starter first ( punishing Sub Zeros clone recovery for instance) Honestly tho if Push had a similar range to Kenshi´s zoning, a little less perhaps, and be something in the lines of -9 i would immediatly switch to Mystic without even thinking about it.

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
Honestly tho if Push had a similar range to Kenshi´s zoning, a little less perhaps, and be something in the lines of -9 i would immediatly switch to Mystic without even thinking about it.
Even -9 I understand being too much... I'd take like -11 or -12. So at least if you do it up close, its still FCP...thats extremely fair.

Also, I have yet to understand why the health gain and meter drain from ex telepush is so low...its not even worth it.

Shark Tank

I don't actually play these games
There's nothing really wrong with Ermac in terms of his normals in MKX. You'd be surprised what this character can really do up close. I witnessed some wonderful gameplay from @zaf this past weekend. He has the tools to contend rushdown characters. The push is the only thing that makes mystic not worth using over MoS. Buff the push and he'll have two awesome variations. At least in my humble.
Keyword was up close, I don't know maybe I was expecting a more space control oriented ermac but what I essentially got was a one trick pony vortex character. I mean regardless of his normals mystic gains very little utility, it's just a free ex tks, and a glorified combo ender. Mystic is essentially "do more combo damage". It's rather binary to use it to control space which is kinda what I expect from a skinny mystic telekinetic sorcerer lich magician but maybe I'm just mixing up my ideals for what NRS want but what they seem to want is so linear. I mean even if push was good it's basically a very binary midscreen guessing game and that's his one and only tool. No other nuance to it, no normals to compliment it. So essentially it's that and a combo ender. He should have gotten some variation strings with it or something.
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I think Ermac is good, but its in a weird place right now, in all aspects in my opinion.

Its a spacing character that is trying really hard not to be, or maybe its the other way around i dont even know.

It clearly doesnt know anymore if its a Ninja or a Sorcerer or a Mummy so its trying to be all of them at once, and in my personal taste its coming out a bit poorly.

It just feels that NRS doesnt quite know what they want to do with Ermac so they are trying stuff out...


Yeah, I think -11 push wouldn't be too strong in this game due to run, a lot of people have PTSD because of MK9 Kenshi push being -10, but you have to remember that getting in is super easy due to the run mechanic, it seems like NRS balanced most zoning tools without taking the run into consideration.


Yeah, I think -11 push wouldn't be too strong in this game due to run, a lot of people have PTSD because of MK9 Kenshi push being -10, but you have to remember that getting in is super easy due to the run mechanic, it seems like NRS balanced most zoning tools without taking the run into consideration.
Yeah thats what i considered, but sure -9 might be pushing it a bit. Run is not the only tool as well, pretty much all the cast has some sort of way around it now. From teleports, to KD projectiles, to patiently moving yourself in range. There are enouth tools on every character that making Push a lot stronger is not an overbuff at all.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
MK9 scorps did even though it could be punished by crouching etc.
I didnt play MK9 to know that lol.
But at least it had the duck option to make up for it.
And since were on the subject. Is Shinnoks teleport safe? I dont have him unlocked to know.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Just curious...
Ermac in general or a specific variation? Why is he fine?
I mean come on... whats that for a statement to make...
MoS and Mystic are fine as is. Spectral maybe could use something unique to make it stand out more as a viable pick up.

WakeUp DP

GT MK OshTekk.
I didnt play MK9 to know that lol.
But at least it had the duck option to make up for it.
And since were on the subject. Is Shinnoks teleport safe? I dont have him unlocked to know.
They say u can neutral jump punch punish it. I've only played onw Shinnok so far and he kicked my ass lol.


If by fine you mean, Mystic is not viable/no reason to use over MoS, then sure, but that's a strange way to use fine.
The character is fine, both Mystic & MOS are viable & asking for Push to be anything below -15 is insane like I see alot of people saying here. -9 what is with you peopel Jesus.


Go big or go home. As it is right now, Mystic is just MoS without standing vortex potential, which is what makes that that variation strong. Kenshi's push range is not much shorter than Ermac's yet it is way safer, his MB push is -2...

Ermac push being around -15 and EX being around -9 wouldn't break him.

Btw, bottom 5 is too low unless you mean Spectral @BoromiRofGeo
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Go big or go home. As it is right now, Mystic is just MoS without standing vortex potential, which is what makes that that variation strong. Kenshi's push range is not much shorter than Ermac's yet it is way safer, his MB push is -2...

Btw, bottomt 5 is too low unless you mean Spectral @BoromiRofGeo
arithmetic average of all his three variations. one average variation (mos) + pathetic unviable mystic + betatestermac #3 variation aka spektral


fear the moobs
@Col....LOLJK.... he's pretty good.

One desirable mini-buff would be to make force blast -5 and EX blast do something like 12 damage. Just one safe special would be nice.

I really have 0 complaints about this character otherwise. Great design job NRS.



fear the moobs
@Col....LOLJK.... he's pretty good.

One desirable mini-buff would be to make force blast -5 and EX blast do something like 12 damage. Just one safe special would be nice.

I really have 0 complaints about this character otherwise. Great design job NRS.

ARE YOU CRAZY. HELL NO I'M NOT SATISFIED. wthell is spectral ermac's purpose in this game? he's the most useless piece of shit i've seen in my life. and considering the fact that mistic is supposed to be about space control how about making lift safer? just cus MoS is THE UNSAFEGOD doesn't mean ermac is good enough


『T R I G G E R E D』
Go big or go home. As it is right now, Mystic is just MoS without standing vortex potential, which is what makes that that variation strong. Kenshi's push range is not much shorter than Ermac's yet it is way safer, his MB push is -2...

Btw, bottom 5 is too low unless you mean Spectral @BoromiRofGeo
mystic is not just MoS though, MoS is better at eveything. Mystic has no projectile, standing reset, less damage,punishable push making his zoning awful. the only thing mystic has is lift is a combo, but that doesnt matter when MoS projectile is a full screen combo starter and is safe from a distance.


fear the moobs
mystic is not just MoS though, MoS is better at eveything. Mystic has no projectile, standing reset, less damage,punishable push making his zoning awful. the only thing mystic has is lift is a combo, but that doesnt matter when MoS projectile is a full screen combo starter and is safe from a distance.
that's what i'm saying man. it's like the thought the community wouldn't notice that two variations are complete ASS just cause MoS is THE UNSAFE GOD. this shit pissess me off. i've spent hours trying to figure out why anyone would choose the other two over MoS and the only answer so far is trollolol and that's not good enough


Aight I'm done saying anything about Mystic not being bad, I'll take all the unneeded buffs it'll get if this keeps going (`-`)b


You think you bad? You aint bad.
They say u can neutral jump punch punish it. I've only played onw Shinnok so far and he kicked my ass lol.
I have had success with ex nutpunching him on reaction out of his teleport. Neutral jump Punches and Kicks are unsafe right? I dont know the frame mechanics of MKX.


arithmetic average of all his three variations. one average variation (mos) + pathetic unviable mystic + betatestermac #3 variation aka spektral
MoS isnt average. Stop with all the downplaying. Sure mystic and spectral have problems. But MoS is fine. It sucks that he truly only has one tourney viable variation but every where I go, I see you complaining man. Use MoS or stop complaining. Pretty much all there is too it.