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General/Other Are Smoke players the biggest downplayers in the community?

Are Smoke players the biggest downplayers in the community?

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Zoning Master
Lol get the fk off the gas u aint prove squat, u already have the proper tools, ur dumbass just dont use them, ur no where near cd jr and tyrants level of jax play...
Give me an 8F low string that jails and I will rush down almost everyone.

Also, stop talking like you know Freddy. You know nothing, fool. You are arguably the worst Freddy player in this community at the moment.


Give me an 8F low string that jails and I will rush down almost everyone.

Also, stop talking like you know Freddy. You know nothing, fool. You are arguably the worst Freddy player in this community at the moment.
Lets see your freddy take out Cats Kabal/Kung Lao, and Showtimes Sonya/Reptile, easily 2 of the top players in this community, with that zoning master skillz of yours, then u tell me if im the worst freddy in this community lol...your dead when it comes to those matchups


Zoning Master
Lets see your freddy take out Cats Kabal/Kung Lao, and Showtimes Sonya/Reptile, easily 2 of the top players in this community, with that zoning master skillz of yours, then u tell me if im the worst freddy in this community lol...your dead when it comes to those matchups
I fought Cat 's Kabal at Raleigh. We played several casual games. He is a good player, but he had no idea how to deal with Freddy's zoning game until much later in the series. That is because playing your dumbass made him believe Freddy is some type of rush down character. Even he admitted my Freddy is a lot better. LOL. You are a such a fool.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
thats impossible im a kung lao player and i know that all smoke players hate kung lao because its a bad match ups
like 6-4 or 7-3
spin can destroy all they're moves ! even smoke's teleport is useless vs kung lao
i can say its 6-4 MAYBE 7-3
impossible 5-5


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Not necessarily, they should've just thought through picking up a character that is top 10 on paper, but in reality, their only incentives was that he's a Scorpion clone with scrubby reset damage, OTGs and zero risks necessary.

and on that note I meant to click no, lol


I fought Cat 's Kabal at Raleigh. We played several casual games. He is a good player, but he had no idea how to deal with Freddy's zoning game until much later in the series. That is because playing your dumbass made him believe Freddy is some type of rush down character. Even he admitted my Freddy is a lot better. LOL. You are a such a fool.
lol you clown he gave u props 4 ur zoning which (lbsh) u base ur game plan around, we can all say "yea m2dave is a great zoner" but thats where it ends, like i say thats only gonna get u so far, you will never be complete, if he did tell u that im good it will make it all that more devastating come dallas, once i put ur freddy out of its misery... instead of complaining about smoke players hit the lab and focus on winning the matchup, or is that too hard 4 u to do...must be looking at ur view on the matchup lol, i second woundcowboys comment posted earlier in this thread

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
we can all say "yea m2dave is a great zoner" but thats where it ends, like i say thats only gonna get u so far

Top 8 at Evolution is pretty damn far....

Dave, STOP blowing up Kitana players for downplaying. The downplaying era ended a while ago. Kitana players are one of the most reasonable and merciful communities these days when it comes to matchup numbers.


Top 8 at Evolution is pretty damn far....

Dave, STOP blowing up Kitana players for downplaying. The downplaying era ended a while ago. Kitana players are one of the most reasonable and merciful communities these days when it comes to matchup numbers.
Yea 4 someone using a character on opponents who barely have experience in the matchup, suuure, lets see him place the same come dallas, too be honest not nearly as much as the competition that will be in dallas, attended evo, soo lets see davey boy "claw" his way to the top in this one....thats if he doesnt coward out..

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Yea 4 someone using a character on opponents who barely have experience in the matchup, suuure, lets see him place the same come dallas, too be honest not nearly as much as the competition that will be in dallas, attended evo, soo lets see davey boy "claw" his way to the top in this one....thats if he doesnt coward out..

This post makes no sense.

The EVO brackets went up early. Everyone had time to prepare for the Freddy MU. I personally lost to Dave there and I had known one of my likely paths into top 8 would be through Dave. I got outplayed. You cannot discredit the EVO placement. The dude beat myself, Curbo, and DJT on the way there. I don't know WTF you're talking about with EVO having less comp than Dallas either. Get out of here man.

Pump yourself up if you must but the attempts at discrediting Dave's accomplishments are lame as hell.


Zoning Master
Dave, STOP blowing up Kitana players for downplaying. The downplaying era ended a while ago. Kitana players are one of the most reasonable and merciful communities these days when it comes to matchup numbers.
If you admit that Freddy versus Kitana is 6:4, I will admit that you are reasonable.


This post makes no sense.

The EVO brackets went up early. Everyone had time to prepare for the Freddy MU. I personally lost to Dave there and I had known one of my likely paths into top 8 would be through Dave. I got outplayed. You cannot discredit the EVO placement. The dude beat myself, Curbo, and DJT on the way there. I don't know WTF you're talking about with EVO having less comp than Dallas either. Get out of here man.

Pump yourself up if you must but the attempts at discrediting Dave's accomplishments are lame as hell.
When i say evo had less comp i mean that the amount of well known players that will be attending dallas where not present at evo, im not down playing you, or others who attended, yes there were some heavy hitters there at evo, sure players can prepare 4 the matchup, but they actually prepare against someone who used freddy seriously or did they have to mess around with half ass tactics, lol evo is the grand tournament of them all but in my eyes what really makes it diff from mlg or any other majors?, aside from the fact more ppl from around the world, and sponsers, get wind of the fighters in diff fg genres, you right i cant discredit his evo placement it is what it is but i dont see what makes it so special if u didnt win the damn thing, when it comes 2 evo if u aint first then ya last...


Get over here!
As a smoke Mainer, I can say that he is definitely a strong character. Fast whiff punisher with b23, awesome damage that can always end in follow-up pressure, great pokes (d1, d3,d4), great mobility (smoke port), eliminates most zoning with shake, great anti air that leads to combo, resets. I don't ever downplay smoke.

HD Smoke

Smokes aren't downplayed by the people who play him we are just honest. He is a top 10-12 with amazing spacing but he lacks some key elements to be top tier. Sure resets are great but I'd trade it for armor on ex bomb or teleport punch! Wafflez and XSmokeX make smoke look better than he is. I was so impressed with wafflez beating JR but I kinda knew wafflez had a chance because CD jr plays a footsie game and probably is the best period with footsies. Cdjrs footsie game with jax played right into what smoke excels against most the cast with. Smokes footsies are amazing. Had Cdjr of played a rushdown jax and given smoke no respect that fight coulda been different. Kinda like how tyrant bodied kt smith so badly. Smoke will beat characters that are semi good at everything or just solid characters that smoke can runaway from and out space. However against a rushdown character (not a character who can't rushdown but they try to rush with him/her anyway) smoke is free. Sonya, Rushdown Jax, cage, kabal, and Kung Lao beat a high level smoke and its so hard for Smoke to win it. Besides those characters smoke is a beast and will out footsies/space the hell out of the rest of the cast!

HD Smoke

Also it's so dumb when people who don't play Smoke try and speak for him. Cage, kabal, and kl at top level have almost zero chance of losing to a top smoke. Seriously smoke has a goofy game design where he body's spacing characters and zoners but against pure rushdown he gets beat worse than the rest of the cast. Smoke has no answer for a Reo kabal, a dizzy cage, or a pl Kung Lao and he never will. It's just the way he was designed and Dave is so wrong when he says smokes have no fundamentals even if he is trolling he probably does believe that. Smoke is a poke/footsie character that has to get in to win or hope that the player is a dumb ass and try's to zone him. That's the only way he does damage. Smoke relying on his godlike d1,d3,d4 and anti airs to win at high level gives smoke players almost more fundamentals than any other player. You can't deny that it takes time to get good and win with smoke.

HD Smoke

GGA 16 Bit after playing lots of great ONLINE kitana's and knowing when to d3 I too admit smoke beats kitana's however it's slight advantage and kitana with right reads can still blow smoke up before the smoke player adjusts. IMO it is 5.5-4.5 smoke as he controls the whole match unless in the air. Smoke has a answer for everything she has but she can really mess his day up when she gets in or he try's to play and air to air game. Smoke away and shake are what gives smoke a slight advantage plus she must respect d4 and b2 on oki pressure and she has to guess which one when he teleports after air throw!


Get over here!
I agree with HD smoke, especially about how smoke players need to have good fundamentals to be successful (poking, spacing, aa's). I think (for me at least) the hardest thing for me to condition my opponent to do is block low since really the only low threat that smoke has is d4. Now I realize that d4 is a legitimate threat due to the potential for either a follow up d4 or a dash in and throw due to smokes d4 having advantage on hit so I'm not saying it is useless, its just that many players are willing to eat the d4s and potential throw attempts rather than open themselves to a b23. Its not like playing smoke is brain dead, I know that personally since I switched to smoke my footsie, spacing, aa, counter poking game has improved drastically and I am a better player for it. If anything playing smoke forced me to have better fundamentals. I definitely wont ever downplay smoke or say that he is bad but LBSH, he is nowhere near as strong of an all around character as KL, kabal, kenshi, Sonya, Freddy or the other top 5 ish characters. I think smoke is absolutely top 10 and I don't think that I am "downplaying" him just because I don't think he is top 5. But that's just my opinion, take it or leave it.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
GGA 16 Bit after playing lots of great ONLINE kitana's and knowing when to d3 I too admit smoke beats kitana's however it's slight advantage and kitana with right reads can still blow smoke up before the smoke player adjusts. IMO it is 5.5-4.5 smoke as he controls the whole match unless in the air. Smoke has a answer for everything she has but she can really mess his day up when she gets in or he try's to play and air to air game. Smoke away and shake are what gives smoke a slight advantage plus she must respect d4 and b2 on oki pressure and she has to guess which one when he teleports after air throw!
Exactly dude, I think if Smoke had to respect Kitana's wake up game more the match would be a 5-5, but this definitely makes it slight advantage for Smoke. D4 is such a good tool on knockdown and sets up the rest of his pressure. Kitana more or less controls the air as the only thing Smoke can do is read a instant air fan with an instant air teleport.