Hey Plastbunker, i messed around with those two combos there for afew minutes in training mode today and I'd like to say thank you very much!

The B2U3 I can get to land quite consistently and is an awesome mixup when I have them scared and simplying blocking low (cause of course b2 is an Overhead).
The 22/DB2MB I have a ton of issues connecting a B3. I think maybe it's character dependent (I was practicing against Superman) because its a bit bizzar when it hits or doesn't hit.
Also I played around abit with the combo RiverHB posted. I think this is yet another one for the arsenal! I didn't think FTD would cancel a 4-hit string like 1,1,2,3 but it does if your quick about it. And for some reason, linking a B1,2,FTD-MB seems much easier (then trying to chain two of them together). Maybe it's the motion, maybe it's the height you get off of the FTD-cancel, but my guess is my brain just likes the variation.
RiverHB you mention that you can start your combo listed there with a jump 2? So does this mean I could JumpIn-2, Land, 1,1,2,3 xx Cancel into FTD-MB, 2,2, Scoop, Poke, Slam? That seems too godlike...
I'm going to have to keep practicing these 3 combo variations. I can only hope the netcode likes them as much as i do. Thx guys