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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Bro nobody HAS to block a sonic boom though
Psh I wish I was complaining about blocking a projectile. That was just an example of a cheap, plus on block/ launching on hit advancing special 2/3 of the cast has to the point the game pretty much depends on them. You think I'm wrong? Look at fujimura with his ex air kunai. Any cammy player at stunfest with dive kick. Tokido demon flip. Infiltration orb set up. Look at the cast and count how many have plus on block launching specials that are also mix ups and hard to counter. All who pressure the same way I do or better. Meanwhile I'm out here trying to play classic footsies and counter this mkx obnoxiousness with my mid tier normals mid tier anti airs and 900 health/ stun.
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FL Rushdown

Psh I wish I was complaining about blocking a projectile. That was just an example of a cheap, plus on block/ launching on hit advancing special 2/3 of the cast has to the point the game pretty much depends on them. You think I'm wrong? Look at fujimura with his ex air kunai. Any cammy player at stunfest with dive kick. Tokido demon flip. Infiltration orb set up. Look at the cast and count how many have plus on block launching specials that are also mix ups and hard to counter. All who pressure the same way I do or better. Meanwhile I'm out here trying to play classic footsies and counter this mkx obnoxiousness with my mid tier normals mid tier anti airs and 900 health/ stun.
Insert is this footsies meme featuring Karin st hk.
Insert is this footsies meme featuring Karin st hk.
I don't know what you're implying but yes her grounded normals are the only footsie tools she has. Which would be fine if the game actually focused on footsies instead of making everything ambiguous/ safe/ +1000 to get in. Can we talk about how useless her st. Hk is now?

B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
Just raged quit on some worthless grand master child using karin just spaming hk all day, and i feel excellent about it. Get the f*ck out of ranked and go do something with your life after hitting grand master
Just raged quit on some worthless grand master child using karin just spaming hk all day, and i feel excellent about it. Get the f*ck out of ranked and go do something with your life after hitting grand master
I saw that comment lol

I'm guessing that guile he was talking about was you?
Is this "cricket" suffix at the end of online Id's a clan or something? And do they all act like aggressive hormonal adolescents with behavioral problems? I.e- "shazzycricket," "rammacricket" ect.

Last night this "rammacricket" said he was going to "expose" me on his yt channel (that averages 12 views) and this forum called "blockstring" for "rage quitting" on him. Yes, I quit our **casual match** set bc our connection was so bad hits would rollback as blocks and dp's would register as random ressenhas. Not only that he decides to flex on me as if me quitting had anything to do with him having a round on me, not our horrendous connection. "There is not a Karin in North America I haven't beaten. That includes punk" he says. Idiot.

What do you know 10 minutes later we're matched again and I beat him lag free. Sooo, this blockstring.... where do I sign up?!?!?!

Watch out for these size 13's you disrespectful little insects
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B. Shazzy

NRS shill #42069
hey you scrubs remember when combobreaker champion NL visited west coast for a tourney then played online and only invited me for sets?

good times



Cody looks absolutely amazing, and he gets 5 FREAKING COSTUMES!!! And they are ALL AWESOME!!!

His gameplay looks amazing. They have changed up a few things, but I think it is quite alright. And DAMN does he look fine in-game!

… That live-actor though… #NOTMYCODY!


Mr. Righteous

Cody looks absolutely amazing, and he gets 5 FREAKING COSTUMES!!! And they are ALL AWESOME!!!

His gameplay looks amazing. They have changed up a few things, but I think it is quite alright. And DAMN does he look fine in-game!

… That live-actor though… #NOTMYCODY!
Thats just Kenny Omega lol. Not the best looking Cody...like at all...but its dope that they gave him work :)
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