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Tier List through my eyes

I have to put m2dave on blast.

Was only a threat in MK when he used Kano with a safe upball and knives the instantly recovered. Skarlet when she had instant dagger cancels and of course with Freddy whos zoning is top notch but unfortunately dave has to fight up close eventually and up close he is pringles.

All you want to do is sit full screen and toss projectiles all day much like your other pals who advocate with you on your views. I could put them on blast too.

Stop ruining this game.
So you're saying that because he only ever performed with pre patch characters, he doesn't have much of a say around here? That sounds kinda like someone playing....prepatch scorpion. I'm sorry man, I'll agree that m2dave has portrayed himself as quite the whiny ass lately, but your point throughout these posts is pretty moot....Not to mention that this is an injustice forum. I really wish all you top...or at least 'known' players would just get along. I can only speak for myself, but the rest of the community probably feels like a bunch of little kids asking mom and dad not to get a divorce at this point...

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Its a bit of a shame, since he is sub-par at everything else.
Thats not true.

B23 is a rediculous string
Batarangs are probably one of the best projectiles in the game.
He can frametrap like Johnny Cage with meter.
Insane environment control and ability to avoid the opponents attempts.
Good damage.

Theres nothing that Batman doesn't have, other than a 'just do it' wakeup.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUB-PAR! Everyone maining batman should just go and main Bane instead.
eh ignores armor and doesn't afraid of anything.

Eff it, they should go play Persona 4!
You should have anticipated 10 million sub par Batmen from the announcement of this game. He's freaking batman lol. I reallllyyy wish online didn't blow ass. I'd ask to play if you were on xbox live. IMO there's not even a point though. I can't adapt to the input lag like some can...not with batman at least.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Batman subpar in every aspect aside from his trait is like saying Magikarp learns Surf because it's a Water-type.
Technically Magikarp evolves into Gyrados who does learn surf, much in the way that early on it doesn't seem to be all about the trait, but once you hit level 20 at least you realize "oh wait its actually all about the trait." That and like... being an angry flying fish that can't learn fly.

I mean a ghost/ground gigantic mech of a pokemon named Golurk can learn fly... But gyrados, the dragon-not-dragon-flying-but-cant-fly-like-Scyther? Makes perfect sense.

Batman subpar in every aspect aside from trait is like going into a situation wanting to be disappointed and it being worse than you could've ever imagined on account of his trait is equally as sub-par. He is the most balanced sub-par character in the game... Kinda like his actual character in DC.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Technically Magikarp evolves into Gyrados who does learn surf, much in the way that early on it doesn't seem to be all about the trait, but once you hit level 20 at least you realize "oh wait its actually all about the trait." That and like... being an angry flying fish that can't learn fly.

I mean a ghost/ground gigantic mech of a pokemon named Golurk can learn fly... But gyrados, the dragon-not-dragon-flying-but-cant-fly-like-Scyther? Makes perfect sense.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Technically Magikarp evolves into Gyrados who does learn surf, much in the way that early on it doesn't seem to be all about the trait, but once you hit level 20 at least you realize "oh wait its actually all about the trait." That and like... being an angry flying fish that can't learn fly.

I mean a ghost/ground gigantic mech of a pokemon named Golurk can learn fly... But gyrados, the dragon-not-dragon-flying-but-cant-fly-like-Scyther? Makes perfect sense.

Batman subpar in every aspect aside from trait is like going into a situation wanting to be disappointed and it being worse than you could've ever imagined on account of his trait is equally as sub-par. He is the most balanced sub-par character in the game... Kinda like his actual character in DC.



Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
So you're saying that because he only ever performed with pre patch characters, he doesn't have much of a say around here? That sounds kinda like someone playing....prepatch scorpion. I'm sorry man, I'll agree that m2dave has portrayed himself as quite the whiny ass lately, but your point throughout these posts is pretty moot....Not to mention that this is an injustice forum. I really wish all you top...or at least 'known' players would just get along. I can only speak for myself, but the rest of the community probably feels like a bunch of little kids asking mom and dad not to get a divorce at this point...
Apparently there's no such thing as pre-patch Scorpion according to 15 and a half pools of CEO. :REO

Also about this being an Injustice forum... I'm gonna guess you hadn't been monitoring the forums before you joined because this goes way back before Injustice was even announced, some of it for real, some trivial.


why in the hell would I use scorpion now after they NUKED him. They didn't nerf him they nuked him

Max damage spear combo is 20%
Max damage mb teleport punch combo is 19%
MB teleport punch is punishable by hella members of the cast.
J3 and J1 mineswell not even be in the game anymore cause they hit nothing.
Scorpion has no footsies at all besides flip kick.
Spear on whiff and block don't even make sense for the risk vs reward. If I hit you I get 20% with meter burn. If I whiff I lose 40%+
Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! Aren't you the same assclown who was crying a river over Kung Lao nerfs, said fuck this game and fuck Kung Lao, went screaming to Raiden to save you and when (big surprise) he couldn't you came back and won EVO a second time with...... wait for it......

Kung Lao!

There is no character in Injustice with damage output that low. So your old setups don't work. Big deal. Hit the lab like the rest of us.
Apparently there's no such thing as pre-patch Scorpion according to 15 and a half pools of CEO. :REO

Also about this being an Injustice forum... I'm gonna guess you hadn't been monitoring the forums before you joined because this goes way back before Injustice was even announced, some of it for real, some trivial.
Uhhh...were there not 2 patch fixes to scorpion? One before CEO and one after?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Uhhh...were there not 2 patch fixes to scorpion? One before CEO and one after?
Yes and yes. My point was that CEO proved our community had a lot to answer for considering how many people couldn't tell the difference between the pre-hotfix version or not considering the stream station didn't have it for almost the entirety of pools. All this talk about Scorpion players are lazy and want things handed to them on a silver platter when outside FGC players apparently knew more about the character than the primary competitive resource for the game.

PL has had a few unanimous eyebrow raisers here (KL vs Smoke in MK9 being 5-5 etc. although that's probably more to do with not being able to play matchups as much he'd like to), but how many times does he have to draw the line on player vs character, even when he loses?

Of course, this applies to a lot of scenarios in any community, I'm just drawing the line on Dave and PL in particular.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
At this point I'm not truly certain there is a low tier or "c" tier. Everyone I've ever seen thrown in those categories are Bane, Lobo and Lex and after messing around and seeing some good ones I think those guys are at least a B tier. You just got to play them more cautious than most but some of the things they do just seems enough for me not to call them C or low tier. Most of the cast is honestly mid to upper mid tier.