Why didn't you place Sinestro higher in your tier list?
I think Sinestro is the best character in the tier I grouped him in and
could very well be up one more level.
Characters above Sinestro:
S: Superman
S-: Wonder Woman
A+: Aquaman, Flash, Black Adam, Killer Frost
A: Batman, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Raven, Harley Quinn
Superman and WW being above him are self-explanatory.
Aquaman is a terrible match-up for Sinestro. Flash with his increased dash speed and 50/50 mix-up game will give Sinestro major problems up close. Black Adam has become more manageable now, but I still feel he's on another level. Killer Frost is still superior to Sinestro despite the recent patch.
I feel like Batman, GL, Raven, NW, Harley, and Raven are all 5-5 against Sinestro, IF you take into account Trait. I feel like Catwoman and Batgirl are superior characters and counter Sinestro very well. However, I feel like ALL of them fight the characters above THEM better than Sinestro currently does.
The recent patch improved D2 for a number of characters. Sinestro's was NOT improved. I feel like this hurt his overall placing. His D2 WAS one of the best, and was a real benefit over other characters. This is no longer the case. The vertical hitbox is lacking. The improved D2's also impacted one of Sinestro's best tools: Air Axe of Terror. Prior to the patch, you could pressure people with it and not worry about being anti-aired. Now you're taking a risk. It's still strong when used in his Vortex.
FB is too negative on hit. Arachnid is a solid wake-up, but it's very baitable & punishable if you don't have trait out. His regular combo damage is below average without trait. This is a key reason why I put him below the "A" list characters. If Sinestro makes one mistake, he's eating a big combo from the characters above him. When Sinestro punishes you, it's around 29%. His F2D1 and B213 are solid strings, but his buttons lose to those above him fairly regularly. His B2 & D1 are some of his best pokes, but they lack range.
WoundCowboy plays Sinestro the way he needs to be played. He makes him look like a legitimate top 10 character. If he feels like Sinestro has him higher than where I have him, I would defer to his opinion.
Yeah... Sinestro with his trait out is one of, if not THE best in the game.
He's not the best with trait out. It does make him MUCH, MUCH better, but not top 3.