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Tier List through my eyes


The King
He beats Ares because of wake-ups, Lex as well because he can just tele through the minefield. IMO he has one over on joker, but that's just me. Theres also the arguable beats scorp post-patch as well, and lobo has a bad time against him.
He beats Ares because of wake-ups, Lex as well because he can just tele through the minefield. IMO he has one over on joker, but that's just me. Theres also the arguable beats scorp post-patch as well, and lobo has a bad time against him.
Shazam vs ares probably isn't in shazam's favor cause he has to get in. And even when he does ares still outdamages him hit for hit. Lex can wakeup laser and it is unthrowable, shazam splat n the ground if he goes for HM. If he jumps he eats corp charge. And lex will just j.3 him into oblivion anyway. Joker parries 2, 2 so no shazam player will ever beat him. He can just run from lobo pretty much. I don't see what lobo is gonna catch him with outside of mb shoulder. Though what do I know.

He goes 5-5 with bane. He can't run away from bane for very long unlike lobo.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Shazam vs ares probably isn't in shazam's favor cause he has to get in. And even when he does ares still outdamages him hit for hit. Lex can wakeup laser and it is unthrowable, shazam splat n the ground if he goes for HM. If he jumps he eats corp charge. And lex will just j.3 him into oblivion anyway. Joker parries 2, 2 so no shazam player will ever beat him. He can just run from lobo pretty much. I don't see what lobo is gonna catch him with outside of mb shoulder. Though what do I know.

He goes 5-5 with bane. He can't run away from bane for very long unlike lobo.
What is ares going to do on wake-up against Shazam? Same with Lex, you don't need to wake-up grab him. Just MB b/f 3 him and you'll stuff it all anyways. Joker also can't do much on wake-up, so unless all you do is 22 then you should find yourself to have an easy time.

The other 2 yeah, pretty much.
Far godsmack on wakeup for ares puts him out or range for everything barring a torpedo. Its not worth doing mb b3 on a wakeup since shazam's meter is too precious to waste on guessing. That wrong guess is - 1 bar and now command throws do 0 damage and torpedo is 8 and a soft knockdown. He can't afford that luxury unfortunately. Joker line up there is a troll meant for shazam players.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Far godsmack on wakeup for ares puts him out or range for everything barring a torpedo. Its not worth doing mb b3 on a wakeup since shazam's meter is too precious to waste on guessing. That wrong guess is - 1 bar and now command throws do 0 damage and torpedo is 8 and a soft knockdown. He can't afford that luxury unfortunately. Joker line up there is a troll meant for shazam players.
Oh that's right, shazam needs meter. :p Huehuehuehue
Also I didn't realize you had no low starters. That's kinda depressing.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
S: Superman
S-: Wonder Woman
A+: Aquaman, Flash, Black Adam
A: Batman, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Raven, Harley Quinn
A- : Doomsday, Green Arrow, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Ares, Bane, Grundy, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Shazam
B: Joker, Lex Luthor, Lobo

I think Superman and WW when played at the highest possible levels are the best characters in the game.
This dude is so salty about Frost that he didn't even list her in their list ;_;


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
S: Superman
S-: Wonder Woman
A+: Aquaman, Flash, Black Adam
A: Batman, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Raven, Harley Quinn
A- : Doomsday, Green Arrow, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Ares, Bane, Grundy, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Shazam
B: Joker, Lex Luthor, Lobo

I think Superman and WW when played at the highest possible levels are the best characters in the game.
You sir, are an absolute scumbag for not putting Killer Frost anywhere in your tier list...


This dude is so salty about Frost that he didn't even list her in their list ;_;
Uhm...Not salty about her. Just left her off by accident.

You sir, are an absolute scumbag for not putting Killer Frost anywhere in your tier list...
Overreact much?

S: Superman
S-: Wonder Woman
A+: Aquaman, Flash, Black Adam, Killer Frost
A: Batman, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Raven, Harley Quinn
A- : Doomsday, Green Arrow, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Ares, Bane, Grundy, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Shazam
B: Joker, Lex Luthor, Lobo


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Uhm...Not salty about her. Just left her off by accident.

Overreact much?

S: Superman
S-: Wonder Woman
A+: Aquaman, Flash, Black Adam, Killer Frost
A: Batman, Green Lantern, Batgirl, Catwoman, Nightwing, Raven, Harley Quinn
A- : Doomsday, Green Arrow, Sinestro, Hawkgirl, Ares, Bane, Grundy, Cyborg, Deathstroke, Shazam
B: Joker, Lex Luthor, Lobo
lol never
Oh that's right, shazam needs meter. :p Huehuehuehue
Also I didn't realize you had no low starters. That's kinda depressing.
Lets trade b23s. Shazam gets a low starter that's safe and Bane gets a half screen overhead you can cancel to double punch on block and body press on hit. We both win.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Lets trade b23s. Shazam gets a low starter that's safe and Bane gets a half screen overhead you can cancel to double punch on block and body press on hit. We both win.
Pass, my b.23 goes as far as superman f.23, and I already have a half screen overhead in f.2.d.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Pass, my b.23 goes as far as superman f.23, and I already have a half screen overhead in f.2.d.

Dude, B23 on Bane does not go as far as F23 on superman. Go in training mode, start as superman do F23.

Also it took me 4 F2D to go full screen.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Dude, B23 on Bane does not go as far as F23 on superman. Go in training mode, start as superman do F23.
We've had this conversation before. I ended up being correct.

Also I know f.2.d isn't actually half the screen, if you didn't realize the humor between me and the other fellow we were pitching wanting to swap moves and I was trying to tell about how I see shazam's half screen overhead to be as much use as our f.2.d is, jokingly saying "its half-screen too" to further accent my lack of want for his attack.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Go in training mode.

See the neutral position it puts you in? F23 as superman hits you. B23 as bane does not.
What stage are you doing it on? Because Bane's d.1 will reach most people off the gun and b.23 has more range than that..

A.K.A. yes it does.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
What stage are you doing it on? Because Bane's d.1 will reach most people off the gun and b.23 has more range than that..

A.K.A. yes it does.

Doesn't matter what stage its on. B23 does not hit.

Are you btw, counting the second hit and ignoring the first one? Because if you are LOL

And F23 superman is longer range than Banes d1.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Doesn't matter what stage its on. B23 does not hit.

Are you btw, counting the second hit and ignoring the first one? Because if you are LOL

And F23 superman is longer range than Banes d1.

f.23 is longer range than Bane's d.1, as is Bane's b.23.

And I'm counting both hits, as both f.23 and b.23 travel the same distance, or a close enough distance as to where its negligible at best.