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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 3 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
People called out it's stupidity almost a year before today. We were told to "Shut up, level up, and deal with it". So now that those same people have to do it, they have quickly changed their tune.
Yeah and look at the result, MK9 is dead.
People either shut up - Stuck with shit characters
Leveled up - Pick up a top tier
Deal with it - Accept that the number of viable characters has to drop because of the rediculous strengths of the few.
From an outsider's perspective, mk9 died from the constant patching. The general consensus I gathered from reading other forums and talking to people was that no one wanted to pick up a game with busted online, and if they started going to the lab for tournies a patch might change their character at any time, so why bother?

good to see NRS learned from their mistakes :coffee:


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
From an outsider's perspective, mk9 died from the constant patching. The general consensus I gathered from reading other forums and talking to people was that no one wanted to pick up a game with busted online, and if they started going to the lab for tournies a patch might change their character at any time, so why bother?

good to see NRS learned from their mistakes :coffee:
More options in training mode is a huge plus. Even I can give NRS props for that. No more falling for bogus block infinites or "random advantage"

Otherwise, yeah, everything and absolutely EEEEEEEVERYTHING else is slowly repeating itself from MK9.


My blades will find your heart
Yeah and look at the result, MK9 is dead.
People either shut up - Stuck with shit characters
Leveled up - Pick up a top tier
Deal with it - Accept that the number of viable characters has to drop because of the rediculous strengths of the few.
But where does it end? If we ban Scorpion, then we have KF who shuts down most of the cast. We ban her, Black adam comes into play. Superman, Aquaman, etc. etc.
Haha, nerfed Scorpion winning EVO would cause another shit storm! I can imagine the hilarity!
I would eat my own hat if that happened. I'm not going to have to eat my own hat though, because it won't. I doubt Scorp would have won EVO before the nerf, but now we'll never know because haha sigh

If I had to bet I'd it's going to either be ChrisG's GA, and failing that a Black Adam or a Superman.
On a completely unrelated point: WHAT THE FUCK is this shit about Aquaman being among the most heavily nerfed characters? All four guys seemed to agree about it too! (or they were just doing so to cater to Brady's emo state).

1. you have no sense. I said that in response to m2dave once again talking about how Deathstroke got his low shots normalized and is now "only mid tier". My point was that Aquaman had received 3 nerfs, with 2 of the 3 being SIGNIFICANT. Do I complain that Aquamn is ruined and that I need other players characters to be nerfed so I can have vengeance? NO! I was telling Dave to get over the low shots, man up, and play. You however only hear "Wow.. Tom is crying about Aquaman nerfs". This 100% proves that you DO NOT really pay attention to what people actually say, you just hear what YOU want them to say. Either that, or you intentionally take what the people you don't like say and use their words out of context so as to suit however you want to make them out to look.


Point #2. @all of you in this thread - I absolutely believe that Scorpion should have been nerfed. His MB teleport broke the blocking mechanic of the game which forced over half the cast to hold down 99% of the fight and do no moves while they sit there and guess on Scorpion. NRS did the right thing in normalizing him. Half of the CEO top 8 used Scorpion at several points to get there. DO NOT tell me for sure that 100% REO would have lost in top 8 if he stayed Scorpion or that PL would have 100% lost to KDZ if he stayed Scorpion on the last game when the count was 2-2 w/him using Scorpion. Fact is, you cannot say that they would have won if they stayed the coarse or that them not using the character is proof that "Scorpion was over rated". CEO was inconclusive due to players leaving the character while they are actively having success with him. So, all this talk that "CEO set the record straight" is totally FALSE.

Scorpion is normalized.. NOW.. STFU about Scorpion and the "who's right and who's wrong" witch hunt.
This 100% proves that you DO NOT really pay attention to what people actually say, you just hear what YOU want them to say. Either that, or you intentionally take what the people you don't like say and use their words out of context so as to suit however you want to make them out to look.
lol wut


Zoning Master
Ok, so what you really want is it to be slower on startup so you can throw out LGS anytime you want in the KF matchup.

Don't bother with the comment "but you play KF and have safe slide" bs... I've already heard it.

DS up close game is ridiculous and once you knock KF down, he owns her as does most of the cast because her ONLY viable wakeup is slide which can be baited into full combo by every character in the game.
You want your safe BS (i.e., slide) while I cannot have mine (i.e., low gunshots). Your attitude perfectly describes the Killer Frost forum.

Slide is your ONLY wake up attack? You poor Killer Frost players. You only have a fully invincible attack that covers half the screen.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
You want your safe BS (i.e., slide) while I cannot have mine (i.e., low gunshots). Your attitude perfectly describes the Killer Frost forum.

Slide is your ONLY wake up attack? You poor Killer Frost players. You only have a fully invincible attack that covers half the screen.
... which is full combo punishable by everyone by simply jumping backwards or using any armor attack.

A KF player who is cornered and knocked down by Grundy, Bane w/venom, or any other character that has any kind of armor or way to blow up wakeup slide (her ONLY option besides wakeup and block... not a good idea vs a command grab character) and she is done.

Who do you play that can yolo slide all day and get away with it? I try that shit in casuals here and I get blown up bad for it. I can't just throw it out ever.


Zoning Master
... which is full combo punishable by everyone by simply jumping backwards or using any armor attack.
And all you had to versus pre-patch low gunshots was jump forward on Deathstroke and full combo punish him.

Super easy.


"The smart stuff"
About the down buffer when going for downback or downforward can't we have the buffer time reduced in a patch? It's a problem for all of the characters who have a db or df special. I do venom upper when I don't want to with Bane and low-guns when I try and d1 poke after backing up with Deathstroke.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
... which is full combo punishable by everyone by simply jumping backwards or using any armor attack.

A KF player who is cornered and knocked down by Grundy, Bane w/venom, or any other character that has any kind of armor or way to blow up wakeup slide (her ONLY option besides wakeup and block... not a good idea vs a command grab character) and she is done.

Who do you play that can yolo slide all day and get away with it? I try that shit in casuals here and I get blown up bad for it. I can't just throw it out ever.
lolwut. Grundy maybe because of how long the armor on his attacks persists for (WC) but Bane?

Actually Bane can't armor through the slide if he does it meaty. Sadly, Armor doesn't react properly against invincible junk. We can stall or try a meaty charge (especially now that you can't parry it) but we can't just "herp derp armor" through your stuff without stalling it out. Armored command grab on wake-up will get beaten by slide.

As of recently though, you can't do much of anything else though. You either slide or get grabbed, there is no third option. Soooooo enjoy your 50/50 risks.


1. you have no sense. I said that in response to m2dave once again talking about how Deathstroke got his low shots normalized and is now "only mid tier". My point was that Aquaman had received 3 nerfs, with 2 of the 3 being SIGNIFICANT. Do I complain that Aquamn is ruined and that I need other players characters to be nerfed so I can have vengeance? NO! I was telling Dave to get over the low shots, man up, and play. You however only hear "Wow.. Tom is crying about Aquaman nerfs". This 100% proves that you DO NOT really pay attention to what people actually say, you just hear what YOU want them to say. Either that, or you intentionally take what the people you don't like say and use their words out of context so as to suit however you want to make them out to look.
With all due respect Tom, don't tell me "I have no sense" when you just failed to comprehend a two sentence post. Did I say "Tom was crying about Aquaman"? I'll give you credit, you haven't done that at all in this game. I simply expressed my surprise with the fact that most of you agreed that Aquaman was heavily nerfed (I'm not suggesting the scoop nerf wasn't significant by the way, but he's got so many tools and so much dirt that you just can't compare it to other nerfs).

I also said maybe they did it to cater to your emo state in reference to your CEO result, not that you were crying about your character. Huge difference there. And all you have to do is listen to the first 30 minutes to notice how emo both you and REO were. It was almost depressing. I'm not putting you on blast by the way, since you have every right to be given the high expectations you put on yourself.

Also LOL @ "people I don't like." Dude, I'm one of your biggest supporters here.


Point #2. @all of you in this thread - I absolutely believe that Scorpion should have been nerfed. His MB teleport broke the blocking mechanic of the game which forced over half the cast to hold down 99% of the fight and do no moves while they sit there and guess on Scorpion. NRS did the right thing in normalizing him. Half of the CEO top 8 used Scorpion at several points to get there. DO NOT tell me for sure that 100% REO would have lost in top 8 if he stayed Scorpion or that PL would have 100% lost to KDZ if he stayed Scorpion on the last game when the count was 2-2 w/him using Scorpion. Fact is, you cannot say that they would have won if they stayed the coarse or that them not using the character is proof that "Scorpion was over rated". CEO was inconclusive due to players leaving the character while they are actively having success with him. So, all this talk that "CEO set the record straight" is totally FALSE.

Except this is pure speculation. Sure, it might have concluded the way you just suggest but we don't know. Moreover, the mere fact that so many Scorpion matches were so close and he lost his fair share of matches puts a dent into the "unbeatable, broken" bullshit. It was suggested that Scorpion will just J3 MB tele his way into a Grand Finals mirror match, and that was absolutely proven to be wrong.


disclaimer - I'm a nobody player of low skill and a MKC fan, i understand it is not my place to tell virtually anyone what to do or anything like that - so the following post is just coming from the point of view fan of the show and of the players. this post will be totally talking out of my ass without any facts. so without any further ado-

who nerfed the kryptonite council? it was like hearing 4 internet scrubs complain and whine for 2 hours - pig redeems himself by announcing his training regime, at least that is a positive attitude. im a no one and im not even good at the game but coming from a MKC fan, you guys continually appoint yourselves as leaders as mentioned many times on the show - i just want you guys to really be leaders. i know i wasnt asked to vote on the leaders of the community and i do not know who did - but these things come to light because respect is gained by your professional attitude, your valuable knowledge, people recognise this over time, because you demonstrate it. lately you dont demonstrate it your attitudes at all. REO is in troll mode on the forums with his dumb pseudonym. Tom is in EMO TOM mode again [judging by his new TYM handle] not only are we all really tired of emo tom, tom said he was over this shit. m2dave is what it is.

REO is an amazing player with the saltiest childish attitude ever, his argument was "I'm supposedly a pro level player, but I caved into peer pressure like a school kid and now you all must apologise for my weak will/your bad advice." am i the only one who finds this really unprofessional?

but as I said, REO isn't the only downer on this show, you guys sound like your confidence is at rock bottom, how can you lead when you are so controlled by your emotions like this? and m2dave seriously enough of low gun shots dude its been 3 episodes dawg you feel me?

KDZ, Chris G and Rico Suave are running a train on the IGAU community. right now, they are leading. its too bad they do not seem to be as in touch with the TYM community as others. but can we blame them?

- anyway I still like the show and if i dont let it get to me [and it really shouldn't, its free content produced for the good of the community after all] i still enjoy the show. as much as i love to hear your guarded personal opinions i also like to hear a certain level of unbiased judgement. i know im asking too much of free content. i just like to hear you guys but i hate to hear you be negative and salty and lack confidence.

SaltFace NS

Ultimate Mileena Exterminator
In my opinion this was a great podcast that brought up a lot of issues within the community...funny thing is if anyone should be on that "Ban Scorpion" bandwagon it should be me considering my 2 losses at CEO were to 2 Scorpions...instead of crying & bitching about the character I'll be the 1st to admit I didn't prepare enough to face him at that kind of level...honestly imo he wouldn't be so bad to deal with if we sit & learn the damn matchup...if Deg was able to do it & beat Scorpion so can I.