What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
general m2dave lets get something straight, first it doesn't matter how much crying someone did for the flash, he was nerfed to the ground pre game release. i heard from testers in person about how much crying everyone did about the flash in the beta. 9 frame b2's you could block during trait, 32 FU combo'd and had less recovery, obviously OTG's that HAD to be blocked (yet wonder woman kept hers). a whole lot of nerfs happened to the flash. and the flash takes SKILL to use brother, as skillful as you think it is to zone, its a hell of a lot more skillful to beat a skillful zoner, especially one that knows the flash MU. so i don't wanna hear this shit about flash cry babies this and that, NO ONE has even made top 32 with this fuckin character and now his dash is faster and i can duck your high gun shot with RMS and blow you the fuck up. this character is balanced, HE'S the flash and his faster normal is 7 frames, he has the range of a fuckin t rex with his legs cut off. once people start to learn the MU they won't bitch as much about all his shenanigans, once i start going to more tournaments, or competent flash players make it out to tournaments, then people will start to look through the flash forums and watch all of mine, and muffins and countless other flash mains videos and tech to learn the damn MU, instead of fuckin complaining about other stupid shit on this site. by then it will be too late.