RM Jonnitti
Hot Dog
Who do you think in this game beats Harley Tier wise? I think Superman,Batman,Aquaman,Grundy,Batgirl,Deathstroke(Barely) and obviously at the moment Scorpion. That's 7. Like I said I think she is 8, 9 or 10 Tier wise, unless you can add 3 in there that can beat her 90% of the time with 2 equally skilled players.
Superman, Aquaman, Batman, Black Adam, Scorpion, Flash, Lantern, Frost, Nightwing, DS, Wonder Woman, Grundy, Arrow I would all place higher than her without a doubt. Raven, Ares (who i think is better than people are saying), Doomsday and Sinestro id place in the same league as her debatably, probably a little bit higher.
I think a lot of people are having a hard time understanding that this game is actually pretty balanced, and most matchups become fucked up based on stage selection. there are very few matchups i feel are fucked up regardless of the stage. maybe like hawkgirl vs DS or Doomsday vs Arrow. I personally believe that there are no unviable characters in this game. there are characters that are debatably unviable like Lobo, Bane and Lex, but i feel thats because nobody has the balls big enough to actually use them and test it in tournament play.
I dont think you understand how tiers work if you say that they will win 90% of the time in order for you to place higher, that means that its a 9-1 matchup and i havent seen a 9-1 matchup in this game. tier placement works by a matchup-to-matchup basis. i think she has a lot of 6-4s and a few 7-3s going against her and only a few 6-4s going for her. a most are pretty even though from what i can tell.