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"I win. I always win." - The Official General Zod Discussion Thread


Liking what I hear about Zod... I hope I end up using him, not only because he was one of my most wanted characters from the beginning but because I want to send people messages saying, "where did you learn to play fighting games? ON A FARM?!!?"
i laughed way to hard when i read that lol

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
Just a theory here, but do you guys think that after a 22 1+3/112 1+3 he can start charging a far ground beam and trap certain characters on wake-up?
You can tech roll that string, making the distance of the Ground Blast dependant on whether they do or don't roll. D12 is an untechable knockdown, and you can do this instead:
22 1+3/113 1+3, dash, D12 xx Ground Blast full charge

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
Yeah, I summoned a wraith on this one guy and he thought he could block it by walking forward. It didn't go well for him.
Yeah I wrote up an entire thing about how useful and not OP his trait is but the post was locked and I copied over the copy I made unintentionally but once I get in the lab I plan on doing a Zod review.
Do you guys think it would be useful to do character reviews to summarize the communities thoughts and give better insight on why someone would consider playing that character? It's generally what most of our conversations are about but I think it would be useful if it was a bit more condensed with some added time in the lab.


Fabulous Goofball
Yeah I wrote up an entire thing about how useful and not OP his trait is but the post was locked and I copied over the copy I made unintentionally but once I get in the lab I plan on doing a Zod review.
Do you guys think it would be useful to do character reviews to summarize the communities thoughts and give better insight on why someone would consider playing that character? It's generally what most of our conversations are about but I think it would be useful if it was a bit more condensed with some added time in the lab.
That's actually not a bad idea.


I'm starting to think everyone from the Bane board picked up Zod.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if you guys have encountered any good Bane(s) or Lex(s)? I was having a lot of trouble doing anything against Lex's pressure stemming from trait dash cancel and his armor in general especially on wake up.I'm not saying that Zod is as free to Lex as I am to my roommate but I was curious of what options you guys think he has against armored pressure.

I couldn't figure it out, My only real way to deal with it was trying to MB special moves like air Rifle or SideArm but that needs the right spacing. The few strings I tried where to slow and ended up getting punished with a full combo into a mine set up.Of course its not a problem once Phamtom Bro is out but it was painful while I waited for him.

That being said having a lot of fun with the character its a good contrast to Bane, cheers.

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
I'm starting to think everyone from the Bane board picked up Zod.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if you guys have encountered any good Bane(s) or Lex(s)? I was having a lot of trouble doing anything against Lex's pressure stemming from trait dash cancel and his armor in general especially on wake up.I'm not saying that Zod is as free to Lex as I am to my roommate but I was curious of what options you guys think he has against armored pressure.

I couldn't figure it out, My only real way to deal with it was trying to MB special moves like air Rifle or SideArm but that needs the right spacing and the few strings I tried where to slow and ended up getting punished with a fool combo into mine set up.Of course is not a problem once Phamtom Bro is out but it was painful while I waited for him.

That being said having a lot of fun with the character its a good contrast to Bane, cheers.
I was thrown off by part of this that I can remember exactly what I wanted to say.


Dojo Trainee

I try to keep on top of him. I don't zone him, I pressure him and stay in his grill. If he gets the trait up, he gets a free chance to attack you, and so far with Zod barring having meter to waste, or your trait active, you have to block and look for your opening to resume pressure.

Zone him. Zone his face off. Run away and zone him some more. Repeat. If he gets close to you, block, make space, and resume zoning. IAFBs, Trait, Laser Eyes, and his little gun shot allow you to play the ranged game. Depending on how Bane approaches bf2 seems to interrupt/trade/beat most of his options so you can use that on reaction to recreate space.

Someone should open a MU thread.


Scorpion Scrub
I'm starting to think everyone from the Bane board picked up Zod.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if you guys have encountered any good Bane(s) or Lex(s)? I was having a lot of trouble doing anything against Lex's pressure stemming from trait dash cancel and his armor in general especially on wake up.I'm not saying that Zod is as free to Lex as I am to my roommate but I was curious of what options you guys think he has against armored pressure.

I couldn't figure it out, My only real way to deal with it was trying to MB special moves like air Rifle or SideArm but that needs the right spacing and the few strings I tried where to slow and ended up getting punished with a full combo into a mine set up.Of course is not a problem once Phamtom Bro is out but it was painful while I waited for him.

That being said having a lot of fun with the character its a good contrast to Bane, cheers.

Zod outzones Lex, keep him out.


*Supreme Member*
After extensive play. Zod is mid Tier at best. Panda has spoken.

The buffs he needs:
- Safe Charge being [-6] on block
- Faster start-up on Force ball gun and Trait activation

Bam. Top 8.


Idk if this has been posted yet but has anyone noticed that when you cross up j2 the next input is done as if you are on the original side?Say for instance you do j2(cross up) f2 the f2 must be done as if you were still on the side you were on when you jumped if you input f2 on the side that you are now on after the cross up you will get b2.


*Supreme Member*
Yes, i've noticed. I do Ji2, b12 etc... after my jump in i'm on the other side and my b12 still comes out. Nothing special.


too smart to play MKX
I'm using a Madcatz TE so that may be a part of my problem. I can do Cyborg IAFB pretty consistently at the lowest height so it may be a matter of how fast the inputs can register on an arcade stick. Good to know that it's possible to do it that low as an instant though. Another excuse for me to lab more. Will try with pad and see if I yield different results.
You can do Cyborg's faster because you can buffer the first half of the input; ub+f1. You can't do that with Zod. You gotta got u+db1 reeeeeeeally fast. It's a huge pain in the ass. Luckily I'm not really convinced at this stage that Zod is going to be hugely reliant on these fucking things. It really seems more like the lot of his zodballs play a roll in his distance game.

Beeteedubz, if anyone is thinking his f3 sucks, it's actually pretty solid if you pretend it's Makoto's overhead chop from Turd Strike. +12 on block too... IIRC, that makes it the most advantageous f3 in the game. Pretty sick stuff if you keep that shit a secret.

After extensive play. Zod is mid Tier at best. Panda has spoken.

The buffs he needs:
- Safe Charge being [-6] on block
- Faster start-up on Force ball gun and Trait activation

Bam. Top 8.
Can't... tell... if... serious...


After extensive play. Zod is mid Tier at best. Panda has spoken.

The buffs he needs:
- Safe Charge being [-6] on block
- Faster start-up on Force ball gun and Trait activation

Bam. Top 8.
Safe charge would be OP, I think he will end up beeing top 10, at least, however if someone thinks he too weak then as buff I ask his ray to be cancelled with db OR a dash.
His forceball is very strong his istant air rifle has a very quick recovery his air charge is just Godlike

Disaster FX

Boom Bap Dragon
You can do Cyborg's faster because you can buffer the first half of the input; ub+f1. You can't do that with Zod. You gotta got u+db1 reeeeeeeally fast. It's a huge pain in the ass. Luckily I'm not really convinced at this stage that Zod is going to be hugely reliant on these fucking things. It really seems more like the lot of his zodballs play a roll in his distance game.

Beeteedubz, if anyone is thinking his f3 sucks, it's actually pretty solid if you pretend it's Makoto's overhead chop from Turd Strike. +12 on block too... IIRC, that makes it the most advantageous f3 in the game. Pretty sick stuff if you keep that shit a secret.

Can't... tell... if... serious...
Ah, well that makes sense. I've been doing UDB1 as fast as my hands will let me and it just ain't happening. Good to know. Also stealing Zodballs. So much easier to say Zodballs than Kryptonian Rifle.

And instant air Zod Charge is terrifyingly fast. 1/2 screen whiff punishes lol.


*Supreme Member*
Safe charge would be OP, I think he will end up beeing top 10, at least, however if someone thinks he too weak then as buff I ask his ray to be cancelled with db OR a dash.
His forceball is very strong his istant air rifle has a very quick recovery his air charge is just Godlike

And Frost's full screen safe LOW slide isn't OP?

I'm just asking for equality and Injustice for all.


too smart to play MKX
And Frost's full screen safe LOW slide isn't OP?

I'm just asking for equality and Injustice for all.
Not really. She has shitty little T. Rex arms. And it's her only option past the distance of said shitty little T. Rex arms. I don't feel sorry for anyone that gets hit with slide outside of point blank range.

Zod charge doesn't need to be safe. It's a combo ender and nothing more. The air charge is one of the best things ever though. iaZC is a solid escape plan if your opponent is close enough to you when you take off. If you whiff it from a distance it seems wildly unsafe, though I can't confirm this because no one's punished me for it yet. Also beats basically every air attack in the game, pretty much on reaction.

You will stay grounded before Zod.

Anyway, your definition of "extensive play" is 36 hours TOPS so gtfo with that shit.

There hasn't even been a tournament featuring Zod yet for shit's sake. And he's not the same as Scorpion. He doesn't have anything mind-numbing that instantly threatens the entire balance system like Scorpion did. This is a different situation. We're dealing with an extremely meta character that clearly needs time to evolve. This dude doesn't have a move that's Raiden's teleport and superman as one that's +9 on block. That doesn't mean he needs buffs, and nothing about him screams nerf. He's fine right now until an obvious problem presents itself.


Norwegian Lab-work Champion
I think a huge part of Zod's zoning game will revolve around instant air fireballs to keep opponents from using their own projectiles and advancing on the ground, ground laser to make them want to jump the fireballs, and instant air dive on reaction to jumps!