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The Mop Stop Special Edition: Scorpion Ban? Episode Feat: Pig of the Hut, REO, Tom Brady and m2dave


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Just started listening, but I understand about putting money down for the biggest majors that are coming up.

I'd hate to face a Scorpion at my first major, which is Evo...
Krayzie please tell me you'll be taking Catwoman. I know she's on your pic and sig but I keep being told she's only for casuals.
You'll prove em wrong correct?


I've been repping this video non-stop so that everyone can get a chance to see it, Scorpion truly doesn't belong in this game.

BTW I like The Mop Stop and I also Like Kryptonite Council. Its your pick honestly


PSN: Skkra
I agree with this podcast and recommend Scorpion be banned for the upcoming expensive tournaments. Were I going to Evo, I would be feeling very uneasy about that decision right now, as I would have bought plane tickets already if not booked my hotel room.

Skkra interested in your thoughts on this as well.
I am always against banning anything unless it’s proven to be completely broken. And in this case… yes, sorry NRS, but he should be banned. When he first came out, I was worried, but assumed I’d figure out how to deal with him. Nope. I put in a metric ton of lab time against Scorpion figuring out how to deal with his options in certain situations, but in the end, all that planning doesn’t matter. As Mike Tyson once said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Scorpion breaks the rules of the game.

You just can’t have that rapid attacking teleport in a back to block game. Scorpion simply needs to jump at you, and at the last second either 3, or teleport. You’re forced to block standing for fear of the 3 coming out, but need to duck to avoid the teleport. This mixup happens in 8 frames! A human being cannot react to that. The whole game becomes reduced to sitting there and holding down and hoping for some kind of opening which never really comes. Whee. =(

(For comparison, Dhalsim’s SF4 instant air teleport, which the whole world can agree is absolutely fine, has 30 frames of startup and doesn’t attack.)


Krayzie please tell me you'll be taking Catwoman. I know she's on your pic and sig but I keep being told she's only for casuals.
You'll prove em wrong correct?
I don't know what idiot is telling you that Catwoman is only for casuals. I play RunwayMafia and Birdsongs catwoman, and I have a really hard time winning with BA. I am not complaining, it is fun fighting catwoman and she is alot better than people give her credit for.


Ok i'm going to say this, let's say scorpion gets banned from evo/ nerfed to where ppl are "ok" with him. Now he isn't an issue, but will that stop ppl from complaining about characters? not at all. WW is becoming the next thing to talk about, superman still annoys ppl, ppl still dnt like black adam, many despise killer frost, and etc. So i'm not saying there is no way scorpion should be banned, i'm saying that this will not stop the tears unfortunately as other characters will just take the spotlight of complaining.


i think if you revert the change to his teleport scorpion will be A LOT easier to fight for most of the cast. The change was actually a buff to him imo. He didn't break the blocking mechanic the way he was when he was released. Now....he does. Only chars that can punish him are chars with d12 combos or that get decent combos off of d2.
I'm not understanding this. online I can consistently punish with 112 mb sh with grundy. thats a 12 frame starter and most characters have quicker starters than that. people keep saying its a buff to him but all it makes me think is the mk community doesn't have the reactions of the 3d community, marvel community or the air dasher community. My only guess is people are waiting too long to punish. Basically if you're ducking when he teleports you can stand and attack as soon as he appears on the screen. Hell sometimes I d2 him with grundy before he even finishes the teleport animation. Depends on the connection whether I go for a d2 or a 112 punish but offline 112 is the go to punish of choice.


"Burn baby! Burn!"
Who the hell is going to play the characater like it "should be played"?

People who win are going to ji3 ji3 ji3 ji3 mixed in what his FTs, MB tele, and all this broken dirt reo showed me for first time.

This character is BUR-RO-KEN
I don't mean to discredit you by all means, no offense, but have you went to the lab with the characters that you play and test what you can do against Scorpion?

Regarding the j3 I've agreed before that it is too strong and it should be touched. But the other stuff I disagree.

Explain what you mean by how the character should be played vs that of a derping no brainer, please.

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But of course.

Take Guile...no no, let's pick an Injustice character...hmmm Black Adam. How do people, mostly newbs or derp'ists, play with the character? Trait Active and spam Dive Kick all over the place with the ocasional throw of a df2/db1.

Now tell me, is that the way that the character should be played? No, it is not! The character as much more to it rather than spamming Dive kick across the screen, it has great frametraps, various Oki setups, standing resets and etc. He has alot of 'juice' to drink and he's really fun to explore, the BA members did a great job exploring the character.

That is what I mean by "playing the character like it should be" not derping around, those are two completly and oposite scenarios. REO abused a overpowered character tool, his j3, he derped and to derp is way off of playing a character like it should be. No even one combo was landed, not even an untechable knock down setup was aplied and etc. This character, like the entired cast - i don't include Superman cause I think he's really dull, has 'juice' but it has been blown away to the dark side of the moon because players are abusing a tool and not showing what the character can really do.

People tend to take an overpowered tool and abuse it. That's irracional and plain dumb, characters have potential and often are 'hurt' because they take something on over and over and over again to pubstomp people. It doesn't prove that the said character is broken, that needs to be nerfed to the ground. He really needs to get the j3 fixed, it is really strong.

And please, stop making comparisson with MK9 Scorpion, this is a diferent game and a diferent way to be played. Leave MK9 where it is already.

But the fact that you CAN derp like a no brainer and win should tell you something.
Of course it does, it tell us that his j3 needs to be nerfed, not that the character needs to be BANNED!

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I don't mean to discredit you by all means, no offense, but have you went to the lab with the characters that you play and test what you can do against Scorpion?

Reading your posts and asking me things like "Have you gone to the lab vs him" is sort of insulting but also educates me that you dont know dick about scorpion.

When i read your posts this happens


1 2 3 drink
I don't mean to discredit you by all means, no offense, but have you went to the lab with the characters that you play and test what you can do against Scorpion?

Regarding the j3 I've agreed before that it is too strong and it should be touched. But the other stuff I disagree.


But of course.

Take Guile...no no, let's pick an Injustice character...hmmm Black Adam. How do people, mostly newbs or derp'ists, play with the character? Trait Active and spam Dive Kick all over the place with the ocasional throw of a df2/db1.

Now tell me, is that the way that the character should be played? No, it is not! The character as much more to it rather than spamming Dive kick across the screen, it has great frametraps, various Oki setups, standing resets and etc. He has alot of 'juice' to drink and he's really fun to explore, the BA members did a great job exploring the character.

That is what I mean by "playing the character like it should be" not derping around, those are two completly and oposite scenarios. REO abused a overpowered character tool, his j3, he derped and to derp is way off of playing a character like it should be. No even one combo was landed, not even an untechable knock down setup was aplied and etc. This character, like the entired cast - i don't include Superman cause I think he's really dull, has 'juice' but it has been blown away to the dark side of the moon because players are abusing a tool and not showing what the character can really do.

People tend to take an overpowered tool and abuse it. That's irracional and plain dumb, characters have potential and often are 'hurt' because they take something on over and over and over again to pubstomp people. It doesn't prove that the said character is broken, that needs to be nerfed to the ground. He really needs to get the j3 fixed, it is really strong.

And please, stop making comparisson with MK9 Scorpion, this is a diferent game and a diferent way to be played. Leave MK9 where it is already.

Of course it does, it tell us that his j3 needs to be nerfed, not that the character needs to be BANNED!
Man you really dont get the point do you.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
or maybe slips just plays against kf and aquaman all day, 2 chars who beat scorpion or do the best vs him out of 90% of the cast

did any1 ever sit down and think about that?

of course not
You are right, we all stood up and thought about it.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
pl already contacted mrwizard and many to's on twitter. he showed them his blog and explained scorp is fine

they retweeted it and agreed

scorp will remain legal
If this is in fact true, then the community needs to protest this and demand that he get's banned. It would be rather unwise (from a PR point of view) to allow such a controversial character to be legal just because a former Evo champ "writes a blog" regarding that Scorp is "fine". Also, not saying PL couldn't win with anyone, but it does seem rather suspicious to me that he would want Scorpion in....(perhaps he wants an easy ride to another Evo title...) much to the dismay of SO MANY top players rallying against this idea.


"Burn baby! Burn!"
Reading your posts and asking me things like "Have you gone to the lab vs him" is sort of insulting but also educates me that you dont know dick about scorpion.

When i read your posts this happens
You haven't replied soooo...how is it have you or have you not? You look like to be really butthurt with those kind posts lol

And if you feel insulted, I'm sorry, not the intention but you are really sensitive.

Oh btw, I prolly spent more time in the lab figuring the character and what can he do than the majority of the players posting here.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
Soon no one will want to pay money to get scorpion ........
I can't believe people played MK for as long as they did with Kabal..... and then later..... Kenshi.

MK literally only stayed alive because of its following.

YOu can follow DC in comics.... no need to play a fighting game.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
PM reo

Im not posting that crap to have others do it too

but he summed it up a little in his quote to you
Shouldn't spreading the education of how silly and dumb he is help prove he should be banned?

Before you discredit me and all the players who play me and our opinions could we at least discuess it before BANNING a character?