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The Mop Stop Special Edition: Scorpion Ban? Episode Feat: Pig of the Hut, REO, Tom Brady and m2dave


1 2 3 drink
At first i was more on the side of waiting untill after evo, but tom brought up some good points.
We cant really wait untill too many players have quit the game. And every person with a little bit of logic has to agree that the teleport is gamebreaking.


All in a day's work
pig couldnt have said it better....what the hell is NRS doing over there dont they even check their dlc before they send them out. They bring in all these top players to help balance the game and then they nerf this nerf that and then release scorpion. Its like a slap in the face

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
and like i said in the other thread, if you guys really want NRS to fix Scorpion, i think they should make his teleport leave the screen in 15-18 frames and everything will be fine :p.


I am requesting for Scorpion to be banned at EVO. This is based off of principal. The developers failed to bring him into this game at an acceptable level. Even if they fixed him at this point it is too late for us to cross our fingers. Everyone needs to get it in their head that spending time on Scorpion with the intention of winning EVO is time wasted.

The only viable fix I've heard suggested was from AK Pig Of The Hut. I wan't both versions to be a mid hitting special and only special cancellable if it hits. Regardless of the other suggestions this would be the only suggestion that could fly if the MB version stayed high because technically an MB doesn't exist until the teleport hits.

If I go into EVO with Scorpion the way he is currently I will be very upset. As you guys have all mentioned on this podcast he ruins the game, I am in agreement. colt please fix this character. MrWizard please ban this character at evo.

This forum generally makes me feel as if I don't really matter. I don't give a fuck. I know that here in Arizona I make a very big positive impact. I am vowing, right now to never play this game again. To never stream it. To never host an event that promotes NRS games. To give up completely on fighting games in general. If I go to EVO and Scorpion is allowed.

And as funny as all of you trolls think you are for trying to force Scorpion into tournaments that people pay good money to be at, all you are doing is ruining what could have been something great and ultimately the place you spend all your time trying to annoy people. You are what is most toxic to this community. Instead of these fucking mods wanting to infract me or get rid of me for voicing my opinions they should focus their efforts on what is ruining our community. They are not truly looking out for your best interests. I am and people like me who want to see Injustice succeed because we love what has been created.

/signed - Sao

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Hey, anyone remember his foward teleport in MK Trilogy, replace his current teleport with it hahhah :p.


The problem is the MB teleport to get in for free, it still breaks the blocking mechanic.

A good scorpion using a freaking reg teleport will never happen. Few and far between my friend
I'm not saying he's not OP, but I've played some pretty damn good scorpions(maybe not REO or PL) and I don't really have a problem against him. Maybe its because WW and Grundy naturally have stuff that counters what he does so i dont feel everyone else's pain. Just to be on the safe side though I guess ban him.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Cleaned up a few of the completely off topic threads in here. This is a serious conversation and there's no need to be rude or to go off on random tangents.

I agree with this podcast and recommend Scorpion be banned for the upcoming expensive tournaments. Were I going to Evo, I would be feeling very uneasy about that decision right now, as I would have bought plane tickets already if not booked my hotel room.

Skkra interested in your thoughts on this as well.

B W1zZ

lol Tom Brady by YOLO factor I mean he can say fuck it and do what he wants when he wants. Overall he is a fucked up character but theres a few characters that can make him think twice about throwing out teles, he just happens to beat a lot of the top tiers with the exception of probably Aquaman.

On one hand I support learning how to better defend against the character and improving in the matchup (if your going to evo you better be), but at the same time he can YOLO (do whatever the hell he wants) against most characters all day.

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
I love you guys make your points....
I totally agree with what you guys say.

BTW.... this totally kills any "this is a troll thread" stuff.

My goodness was that annoying.
I posted this on the 'I'll be the first to say it thread', but it may have been lost amongst all the back and forth attacks, so here it is again:

Could a possible 'nerf' to scorpion be to make his teleport punch only a teleport when his trait is activated? This would fit in the game pretty well, since a lot of characters have something that kinda 'breaks the game' as a trait. You could then tweak it to balance it better based on start up and cool down times. The non-trait version could just be a forward advancing punch, that behaves the same on hit and block, so combos would still be viable.
If this is stupid or unreasonable, please let me know why. I think it is a decent start to a discussion of how to make him fit in the game.
if the majority and top players agree, just ban him. he can always be unbanned again after evo which is an option you should keep in mind.

Edit: actually if they ban him now, nobody can say they have really put time in this character to make scorpion their main. if you ban him after evo people will have put months off time in this character and it will all be for nothing.