To be honest I don't have much of a deal with the character, in all honesty I play with Scorpion and I don't derp, online. It's true I haven't played a REO or PL, I'm in Portugal, and that factor alone can be intimidating, let alone the char in question and the way it can be played. It seems that playing Scorpion like that is shamefull, but I guess if its possible and works why stop right? However I think dat derpness will be figured out and an adjustment needs to be made to j3 I think, a not so strong hitbox or active frames. I don't think he's that broken at all.
So no, I don't think or saying that he's 100% fine. His j3 is too strong because you can jump all around and it's really dificult to AA or A2A, but from that basis to ban him, it goes a long damned way.
I know, but the character has more to it than j2/3 ad infinitum and spamming teleport like mad. That doesn't prove that having a teleport that punishes you for being reckless or playing the way you want to play, zoning from afar and throwing stuff, makes the character broken or even ban worthy. However it proved that his j3, as I said above, is too strong as it is at the moment. I'd rather prefer for j3 to be fixed than his teleport rendered useless or him banned.
I will play the character regarding the fixes given to him, but if you please, don't cry rivers and make the char useless just because his a guest character or/and you don't like him and if it forces you to do some lab work.