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The Mop Stop Special Edition: Scorpion Ban? Episode Feat: Pig of the Hut, REO, Tom Brady and m2dave


GGA Dizzy, I can definitely agree with what you are saying. just banning scorpion won't eliminate the other problems within this game (AAs, Interactables, walk speed, etc.). If they just nerfed scorpion, I would be fine with that, as long as he can be used at evo. But having him banned would also make our game look bad because people will be like "damn NRS making a broken character again? well looks like they haven't learned anything from mk9" and they will proceed to leave the game. I don't mind the "ban all the dlc from evo" argument as much because that happened in mk9, but it is too late now and I dnt think ppl are clueless about the dlc anyways. I still dnt know why ppl act like there hasn't been other characters who "go against how the game is supposed to be played" in the past. THTB listed some earlier and was making a valid point about that. Overall, this can either be great for us and make the game look better or have ppl worry about upcoming DLC and how NRS is handling the game in general and cause them to want to leave (like in mk9 where ppl left bcuz they weren't happy with the patches and etc.). Also, unfortunately, in the long run, I dnt know if we'll have as many characters being "viable" because while ppl continue to put one specific character on blast, characters like superman and black adam are just chilling and staying on top.


My blades will find your heart
The funniest is that for all this communities bitching not one person has contacted Mr Wizard about this yet.

I am really going to laugh if we wait last minute and he is legal lol


The funniest is that for all this communities bitching not one person has contacted Mr Wizard about this yet.

I am really going to laugh if we wait last minute and he is legal lol

pl already contacted mrwizard and many to's on twitter. he showed them his blog and explained scorp is fine

they retweeted it and agreed

scorp will remain legal

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
"Where is the YOLO?"

Probably the most thought-provoking question I've ever heard, and my new favorite quote.


Administrator and Community Engineer
But having him banned would also make our game look bad because people will be like "damn NRS making a broken character again? well looks like they haven't learned anything from mk9" and they will proceed to leave the game.
I feel like this is what will happen if he's allowed to play and does the same stuff REO was doing in Top 8 on the world stage at EVO. If j3 and tele win the tournament, this game will probably never recover.

But at the same time, I feel bad because two people I like and respect very much (you and Slips) play Scorpion and probably don't play him that way. I hate to see you guys suffer because of the broader situation.

But if people see what we all have been seeing, on stream at a major tournament, beating skilled players from various games.. this company's fighting games will probably never recover in the eyes of the competitive community. We were just starting to get some momentum :(

It's worrisome.. I don't know that there's a solution that will make everyone happy.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
pl already contacted mrwizard and many to's on twitter. he showed them his blog and explained scorp is fine

they retweeted it and agreed

scorp will remain legal
Yeah, I contacted the same people about my Ivan Ooze blog that I made............................


"Burn baby! Burn!"
I asked 16 bit what do you do when slips does this w scorpion

His response was "he doesn't do that"

That bothered me, slips isn't even using his brokeness yet
No, because he isn't retared and plays the character like it should be played, not derping like a no brainer.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
No, because he isn't retared and plays the character like it should be played, not derping like a no brainer.
Who the hell is going to play the characater like it "should be played"?

People who win are going to ji3 ji3 ji3 ji3 mixed in what his FTs, MB tele, and all this broken dirt reo showed me for first time.

This character is BUR-RO-KEN


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
No, because he isn't retared and plays the character like it should be played, not derping like a no brainer.
Explain what you mean by how the character should be played vs that of a derping no brainer, please.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Seriously everyone who plays scorp needs to go out to CEO and prove that he is broken, that is the only chance we have at getting EVO to ban Scorpion. People can probably pick him up now and still show how stupid he is at CEO.


I feel like this is what will happen if he's allowed to play and does the same stuff REO was doing in Top 8 on the world stage at EVO. If j3 and tele win the tournament, this game will probably never recover.

But at the same time, I feel bad because two people I like and respect very much (you and Slips) play Scorpion and probably don't play him that way. I hate to see you guys suffer because of the broader situation.

But if people see what we all have been seeing, on stream at a major tournament, beating skilled players from various games.. this company's fighting games will probably never recover in the eyes of the competitive community. We were just starting to get some momentum :(

It's worrisome.. I don't know that there's a solution that will make everyone happy.
yeah, can't make everyone happy :(. I dnt mind if they just nerf him where ppl dnt mind him being used in tournament. But an outright ban at evo definitely anger all of the ppl who actually use scorpion because they like him (not because he is cheap and most dnt want to deal with him). I'm sure ppl who are maining scorpion have other characters they play without a doubt, but let's hope that they still do well at EVO/ any other tournament in the future. What I really don't like is people saying "oh he takes no skill to win and you can just scrub ppl out", that phrase/saying is basically just an excuse for someone when they are mad that they lost to scorpion. I'm not going to criticize anyone for beating me with a character ppl consider "cheap", i'll just take the loss nd move on and find ways to do better next time.


Electrical Engineering bitch!
I'm not a fighting game maven, and I dont really attend tournaments (cause people tend to smell haha), but I can say that I have had no desire to play this game since scorpion came out. I dont want to play onine, and I dont want to play at events. . . who would?

I dont even care to watch the game. . .

If I feel this way, being a supporter of NRS, I can only imagine how others feel.

Ban him

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I played REO last night

lost 0-10 no chance w My mains

He said to me "pick scorpion"

I did and then we then went even which actually made me hate scorpion worse, the fact that i can pick that character with no training whatsoever and change a 0-10 streak to being even. All i did was copy best i could what he was doing to me and all it came down to was who hit who first. This character is a laughing stock and not one round using scorpion whether i lost or won did I feel like I was playing INjustice. At least against Frost i feel like i can to some degree

.end story


Administrator and Community Engineer
Yeah MITDJT I feel you. I mean at the same time though, it's probably more damaging to scorpion's rep to have REO winning with him, by a large margin, and still saying he honestly felt it required little skill or thought to win. The people losing don't even have to say anything if that's the case, if some of the guys winning feel the same way.


Master of Quanculations
This community will be torn apart by its indecisiveness. We can`t agree on banning Metropolis (which we should). We`re talking about banning characters. Every week a different character is OP. We can`t even settle on a rule for selecting the freaking stage for the first round.

We look like fools.

What happened to my proposal of getting all the top representatives together on a podcast to simply determine all the rules for this game? We need to act fast. Get 10 guys together. Pig, Reo, Brady, 16 Bit, Dizzy, Storms, MIT, Perfect Legend, and whoever else. I`ll host it. Just determine the rules, and the community can fucking deal with it if they don`t agree.

AK Pig Of The Hut