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The Mop Stop Special Edition: Scorpion Ban? Episode Feat: Pig of the Hut, REO, Tom Brady and m2dave


Welcome to the Chaos Dimension
I think your podcast was really well done and really informative but i really don't think this game will just outright die if they don't address scorpion immediately and I'm sure even if you guys leave brand new players will emerge to replace as the top dogs of injustice and the community will most likely continue to grow i understand you guys fear for the future of this game and really care and are probably tired of hearing this but just give it time I'm sure if it remains a detrimental problem it will eventually be addressed


Play Monster Hunter!
I think the saddest thing ever think would be if Scorp is fixed in the next patch but it isnt allowed at EVO.

From what I understand, and I may be wrong, Mr Wizard said there was a cut off date for patches, which is the same as the DLC cut off point, and if Zod is not allowed, then the patch wouldn't be either.

So are you guys actually going to start bringing this up with the Wizard or what? Probably best to not procrastinate on a issue as important as this.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
From what I understand, and I may be wrong, Mr Wizard said there was a cut off date for patches, which is the same as the DLC cut off point, and if Zod is not allowed, then the patch wouldn't be either.

So are you guys actually going to start bringing this up with the Wizard or what? Probably best to not procrastinate on a issue as important as this.
zod is banned
patch is happening either way


I never want to disrespect a player, especially one I don't know personally, but every time I see Perfect legend post some sort of "anti-scorpion" article or video I feel like its the Big Bad Wolf trying to tell the Piggies how to guard their house from wolves getting in.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Another great episode to get me through the combo grindhouse.

Bringing up a very important topic. I have not played Online Ranked because I can't make reads on what my opponent will or will not do in just one round - let alone Scorpion players.

My only option against Scorpion's teleport punish bullshit is Flying Grayson - and once my opponent adjusts to that I'm getting speared all day.

Ban this character until they balance him. I'm spending a lot of money to attend EVO. Getting sent to losers because someone has a 5 frame instant overhead into safe cross ups will seal the deal on my decision between KI and Injustice next EVO season.


Truth, justice and the American way.
And the argument can be made that by banning Scorpion we would be alienating a good portion of the community that would otherwise be playing.

However, devils advocate, by not banning Scorpion, we're alienating an even larger portion of the community - players whose characters have absolutely no answer for the things Scorpion can do.

The choice is yours TYM. Sometimes we must sever the hand to save the limb.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
AK Pig Of The Hut
This was/is a great podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you, Tom, Reo, and Dave because you all stayed on topic and you were all very serious, especially Tom Brady. The passion for this community was very evident and I really enjoyed it. Props.

@Reo THANK YOU! When I started to see these threads about banning Scorpion/Scorpion broken popping up, I immediately thought back to our front page and all the awful comments brought forth in regards to both our play. LOL. I smiled when you started talking about how "dumb they must all feel now". ;)


RTSD All Day. I'm going in. No Vaseline.
I honestly think that the cross up itself is the problem. Even with these nerfs, he would still be forcing the opponent to hold down at full screen.


What was the change suggested by Brady? (I am ay work and can't have sound on for videos).

And what do people think of changing Scorpion's teleport to not being able to be done in the air?
Surely that would fix any isseus with him. It might make him suck, but YOLO.


Ya'll stingy
i don't really think those changes would be enough. people are still going to be holding down the whole match because they actually get something from blocking it now, and there's nothing stopping him from hellfiring and jumping and using overheads. is it possible to just have him removed from the game?


Just started listening, but I understand about putting money down for the biggest majors that are coming up.

I'd hate to face a Scorpion at my first major, which is Evo...


Ya'll stingy
what about making his teleport startup slower? so its easier to react to?
that would be nice, but then scorpion players are just gonna say that will ruin him. it's funny how they say the hotfix ruined him when he still gets a free pass around the game's mechanics.

Rip Torn

Please keep making these podcasts!

I think he should be banned but talking about possible changes at the same time is just going to cloud the discussion. Focus on banning him first, then have a separate thread about the changes.


if this happens, there goes my main (my favorite fighting game character) :(........., back to character hopping again, smh. Well looks like I will have to main DS (if that works lol).