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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 1 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave

ok let me say this again cuz apparently u mustve missed it.

what does mk9 have 2 do with injustice? <--- seriously make sure u read this b4 responding

the last time u spoke of how liu went 5-5 w/ kabal u got mopped up at the next tourney by 2 kabals so can u pls stop pretending like kabal in mk9 was "dealt" with?

no1 "dealt" with kabal in mk9. u either got lucky and beat him or he mopped up tournaments and made turned the game into a depressing joke

the fact that u went around saying pre hotfix scorpion was "fine and yall need 2 lvl up" was embarrassing

u must have been pretty bad with pre hotfix scorpion if u thought he wasnt a problem and "easily dealth with"

dont kid urself
uh got mopped? shut your ass up trying to make my losses sound more bad than they were. Also if you think my scorp was bad before the fix? then you are very delirious. Also while you say "NO ONE" dealt with kabal, didn't you get bodied by PL at evo by his lao? and cdjr's lao has beat your kabal in tournament as well.......... let's not bring up tournament stuff from mk9. Also I was making a comparison, but apparently you don't know what that is......, and you'd be dumb if you thought when scorpion came into IGAU he was going to be bad? so basically you thought they would've just made him in IGAU but exactly how he was in mk9? smh. Don't even try to talk about me, you are hilarious lol. Trying to talk trash about some mk9 tournaments from the past and stuff, gtfoh.


@tombrady is right. Scorpion will ruin this game. The only people who are going to defend him are the people who see him as their only glimmer of hope to remain relevant in this new game. Mark my words, scorpion will ruin EVO. Fuck the developers for making something that was amazing and then taking a huge shit on it.

Don't tell me I'm bad. Don't tell me I need to get better. Don't tell me characters can beat Scorpion when they cant. The game was designed to have a head on approach and Scorpion ruined that design. He worked in MK because of the auto defense against almost all options with the push of a button. He DOES not work in this game unless they significantly slow down the startup and recovery frames his teleport and make it punishable on block. All they did trying to nerf him currently is make him more retarded. IS THIS REALLY A PROBLEM? DOES IT RUIN THE CHARACTER? Meter is an abundant resource in NRS games. Spend it to make your stupid ass risks safe or get destroyed. FUCK...
I can't remember the exact quote but it cracked me up when Tom and REO were talking about how DLC characters need to be good and they need to buff Lobo and Tom said, "Which leads me to my next point.." then Dave says "Low gunshots". He always tries to sneak in the low gunshots lol.
@tombrady is right. Scorpion will ruin this game. The only people who are going to defend him are the people who see him as their only glimmer of hope to remain relevant in this new game. Mark my words, scorpion will ruin EVO. Fuck the developers for making something that was amazing and then taking a huge shit on it.

Don't tell me I'm bad. Don't tell me I need to get better. Don't tell me characters can beat Scorpion when they cant. The game was designed to have a head on approach and Scorpion ruined that design. He worked in MK because of the auto defense against almost all options with the push of a button. He DOES not work in this game unless they significantly slow down the startup and recovery frames his teleport and make it punishable on block. All they did trying to nerf him currently is make him more retarded. IS THIS REALLY A PROBLEM? DOES IT RUIN THE CHARACTER? Meter is an abundant resource in NRS games. Spend it to make your stupid ass risks safe or get destroyed. FUCK...
ok I am not even in the mood to get into more arguments about scorpion. All I will say is, actions speak louder than words. So if scorpions dominate evo, then dominate Evo, I'll eat my words and say "ok people were right, he shouldn't be in the game and he causes to many problems". If this doesn't happen, then I'll know I've been right all along and that scorpion isn't an issue.


ok I am not even in the mood to get into more arguments about scorpion. All I will say is, actions speak louder than words. So if scorpions dominate evo, then dominate Evo, I'll eat my words and say "ok people were right, he shouldn't be in the game and he causes to many problems". If this doesn't happen, then I'll know I've been right all along and that scorpion isn't an issue.
I mean look at Reo clammor to justify why Scorpion isn't a problem in this game. All he can every say is characters beat him for some unknown reason. Maybe say some bullshit tidbits like oh aquaman's slow activating shield can absorb the teleport and then punish! Or all Doomsday has to do is jump and hit d3! This shit is unrealistic and stupid. No good Scorpion is going to let teleports rip during Doomsday splash, they will just react to him. And Batman beats Scorpion? Get the fuck out of here. Batman is all about controlling what is in front of him. Scorpion throws his game plan out of the window and takes a shit on it.

Stop acting like a spokesman if all you can ever say is. LETS WAIT AND SEE! You're going to be racking up the free 2-0's at evo with Scorpion as well, so I expect a bias.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
AK Pig Of The Hut Tom Brady @REO general m2dave

I will probably get blown up by saying this, but i just feel like i can give my 2 cents here, even if it doesn't matter that much.

Just to clarify on the Tom's statement about not everyone really get into Injustice, because not everyone here is a DC fan, that can be seen as a situation as well.
Angola for example, there isn't much of DC fans since maybe my fathers era, but there is a lot of Marvel fans, i'm even surprised my father knows Jonah Jameson (yes he told me once), but he probably doesn't even know who the fuck Zod or Braniac is, we quickly realized Injustice would die before it starts, when the stores didn't pre-order it, and in NRS Angola Community, only 6 ppl actually have and play the game, and only 4 play it consistently.
The game is really hard to find in the shelves and his demand is quite rare to be seen.

Also, REO somewhat said this game strategy is way too obvious due its mechanics, there is no reason to do something else if what you're doing is the best option.
This was also the reason half of Angolans didn't bothered exploring the game, after they got their hands in the demo, there was that kind of feeling that the game would go to this way.

+I like the fact that Injustice is way different from MK.
+It has a better training mode, it feels more balanced
+you can turn off negative edge
+More stages
+ The Backdash is one of the best i've ever seen.
+ In game frame data (although wasn't correct at first)

But however
- I don't like the mobility mechanic that much, some characters have very long dashes, and not being able to block or attack while it dashes, becomes a nightmare when this character needs to get in, sometimes you can't even punish because you have to get in first, and the walk speed...
- Not every character has reliable AAs, and jump is the best way to aproach because allows you to block and helps traveling faster, and i hate ppl jumping on me, bascially this game its not helping lol.
- Interactables shouldn't have been in this game, they do too much damage, are ublockable, and favor zoning unless of course if you character is Scorpion.
- Constant patching almost every time a DLC comes out or something else, though i agree some things needed to be balanced, still i think there is plenty of things that need to be normalized.
- Sucks when in your country everyone thinks this game is a joke, and you can't find a guy to play properly because you feel Aquaman is the most complete character of the game and you main him, everyone feels themselves shutted down by his range, AA foostie game and trident rush.

There, i've said it.

Good podcast, i will definitely bring up more based your discussions, but that it for now.
I mean look at Reo clammor to justify why Scorpion isn't a problem in this game. All he can every say is characters beat him for some unknown reason. Maybe say some bullshit tidbits like oh aquaman's slow activating shield can absorb the teleport and then punish! Or all Doomsday has to do is jump and hit d3! This shit is unrealistic and stupid. No good Scorpion is going to let teleports rip during Doomsday splash, they will just react to him. And Batman beats Scorpion? Get the fuck out of here. Batman is all about controlling what is in front of him. Scorpion throws his game plan out of the window and takes a shit on it.

Stop acting like a spokesman if all you can ever say is. LETS WAIT AND SEE! You're going to be racking up the free 2-0's at evo with Scorpion as well, so I expect a bias.
I find this quite funny. Scorpion was pure trash in mk9 and had to work hard to win vs chars like cage and what not. Then he is good, and everyone be hella salty. I'm just enjoying it bcuz now ppl got to deal with a good scorpion, not a bs one who was trash :). Like I said, when I see it, i'll believe it. Words are words, and theories are theories. Until it is confirmed at a "MAJOR", then it won't matter. I'm not going to sit here and take all this whining when I dealt with chars like rax in mk9 and never said "oh just ban him", or "he shouldn't be able to play like that". You are showing bias as well.


I find this quite funny. Scorpion was pure trash in mk9 and had to work hard to win vs chars like cage and what not. Then he is good, and everyone be hella salty. I'm just enjoying it bcuz now ppl got to deal with a good scorpion, not a bs one who was trash :). Like I said, when I see it, i'll believe it. Words are words, and theories are theories. Until it is confirmed at a "MAJOR", then it won't matter. I'm not going to sit here and take all this whining when I dealt with chars like rax in mk9 and never said "oh just ban him", or "he shouldn't be able to play like that". You are showing bias as well.
I don't give a shit about MK9 and the history of the game you dealt with. That game is garbage. The fact of the matter is: NRS managed to create a game that has significantly less random factors, good defensive play is actually rewarded in this game, the better player is able to control the match significantly more in this game, etc, etc. Then Scorpion "your shitty character" comes into this game, with its own rules and ruins the game.

Am I saying it is impossible to win? FUCK NO. But what I am saying is that if you go to EVO without a pocket Scorpion prepare to have your ass reamed. Scorpion needed to be redesigned if they wanted to add him, not copy and paste him over. What I once looked forward to competing in is slowly going away.
I don't give a shit about MK9 and the history of the game you dealt with. That game is garbage. The fact of the matter is: NRS managed to create a game that has significantly less random factors, good defensive play is actually rewarded in this game, the better player is able to control the match significantly more in this game, etc, etc. Then Scorpion "your shitty character" comes into this game, with its own rules and ruins the game.

Am I saying it is impossible to win? FUCK NO. But what I am saying is that if you go to EVO without a pocket Scorpion prepare to have your ass reamed. Scorpion needed to be redesigned if they wanted to add him, not copy and paste him over. What I once looked forward to competing in is slowly going away.
mk9 was garbage to you, that is fine, I loved the game. marvel is broken yet ppl dnt care, it is still getting hella entrants and hype. so saying mk9 was garbage bcuz of the glitches and stuff it had is quite irrelevant. Like I said, you have no video evidence of scorpion going to work at a major yet (that's like blaming someone for robbing a store but the store has no cameras that showed the person doing it...............). Also idk about you, but ppl like my bro and others will find ways to deal with him. Just whining and complaining doesn't get you anywhere. Yun was considered broke in ssf4 ae, but he didn't win evo. Kabal is number one in mk9 (hasn't got an evo yet). Also if you think chars like superman, Aquaman, and etc. can't deal with scorpion, you are wrong.


mk9 was garbage to you, that is fine, I loved the game. marvel is broken yet ppl dnt care, it is still getting hella entrants and hype. so saying mk9 was garbage bcuz of the glitches and stuff it had is quite irrelevant. Like I said, you have no video evidence of scorpion going to work at a major yet (that's like blaming someone for robbing a store but the store has no cameras that showed the person doing it...............). Also idk about you, but ppl like my bro and others will find ways to deal with him. Just whining and complaining doesn't get you anywhere. Yun was considered broke in ssf4 ae, but he didn't win evo. Kabal is number one in mk9 (hasn't got an evo yet). Also if you think chars like superman, Aquaman, and etc. can't deal with scorpion, you are wrong.
Comparing what you admit to be a broken game to Injustice and then saying its ok is irrelevant. Leave the shitty mechanics you cherish and adore to your game I don't like.

You're assuming I don't know how to break down games better than you and your brother. I know HOW to beat Scorpion, I play with some of the best Injustice players in the world, but I also realize that he is a problem.

If you don't think hes ridiculous you are either: Ignorant or (what I suspect) plan to abuse him at the biggest fighting game tournament of the year. I'm sorry you take great offense to the fact that I wan't Injustice to put on a good show at EVO when all of the eyes interested in fighting games are focused on our game.
Comparing what you admit to be a broken game to Injustice and then saying its ok is irrelevant. Leave the shitty mechanics you cherish and adore to your game I don't like.

You're assuming I don't know how to break down games better than you and your brother. I know HOW to beat Scorpion, I play with some of the best Injustice players in the world, but I also realize that he is a problem.

If you don't think hes ridiculous you are either: Ignorant or (what I suspect) plan to abuse him at the biggest fighting game tournament of the year. I'm sorry you take great offense to the fact that I wan't Injustice to put on a good show at EVO when all of the eyes interested in fighting games are focused on our game.
ok even assuming i'm ignorant would be the dumbest thing you can do LMAO (take all AP and honors classes, got street smarts too so I'm quite well rounded. Also it is still opinion when you say mk9's mechanics and what not were bad, and the game was bad (bcuz NOT EVERYONE WILL AGREE WITH THAT). I'm not assuming anything so don't try to even say that LOL, that'd be false. Also I played sf for about 3 years so I know about fighting games quite well and dnt just adore MK9 (bet you didn't know that). Like I said, what physical evidence do you have? you dnt. Like I said, i'll believe it when I see it, you can get butthurt about him all you want lol, not my problem, go whine to NRS.


Zoning Master
- I don't like the mobility mechanic that much, some characters have very long dashes, and not being able to block or attack while it dashes, becomes a nightmare when this character needs to get in, sometimes you can't even punish because you have to get in first, and the walk speed...
- Not every character has reliable AAs, and jump is the best way to aproach because allows you to block and helps traveling faster, and i hate ppl jumping on me, bascially this game its not helping lol.
- Interactables shouldn't have been in this game, they do too much damage, are ublockable, and favor zoning unless of course if you character is Scorpion.
- Constant patching almost every time a DLC comes out or something else, though i agree some things needed to be balanced, still i think there is plenty of things that need to be normalized.
- Sucks when in your country everyone thinks this game is a joke, and you can't find a guy to play properly because you feel Aquaman is the most complete character of the game and you main him, everyone feels themselves shutted down by his range, AA foostie game and trident rush.
- You can low block and safely dash forward every single projectile in the game aside from Cyborg's instant aerial nova basters. If you consider the mediocre fireball recovery frames, blocking and dashing is no different from MK.

- Players will eventually learn how to deal with jumping opponents. Perhaps they will have to start using MB b+3s / f+3s and/or preemptive jumping attacks. The majority of characters get lots of damage from these two options.

- I agree. The constant patching has been highly annoying for intermediate and tournament players alike. But honestly nothing has changed aside from Aquaman's low scoop and Deathstroke's low shots. Most characters play exactly the same since April 16th.

- People still play the game in my area. In fact, Console Combat may be back soon. The game is fine, and I say so as someone who complains a lot.
I agree

TOM is absolutely delusional on Frost but I feel doing this pod cast and talking it out he opened my eyes up a little more about MK dying situation as well as te KI issue

CAN WE BE ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HERE? NRS cares about us and we should feel lucky
Half of me dislikes KI because they dont care and the other half because microsoft doesnt give a shit either


ok even assuming i'm ignorant would be the dumbest thing you can do LMAO (take all AP and honors classes, got street smarts too so I'm quite well rounded. Also it is still opinion when you say mk9's mechanics and what not were bad, and the game was bad (bcuz NOT EVERYONE WILL AGREE WITH THAT). I'm not assuming anything so don't try to even say that LOL, that'd be false. Also I played sf for about 3 years so I know about fighting games quite well and dnt just adore MK9 (bet you didn't know that). Like I said, what physical evidence do you have? you dnt. Like I said, i'll believe it when I see it, you can get butthurt about him all you want lol, not my problem, go whine to NRS.
You need to learn to read. I never said you were ignorant.

This will be my last and final post in regards to Scorpion you will ever see me make on this site. Because truthfully I realize that everyone will have to adapt to Scorpion if they plan to stay competitive in this game.

The reality is that Scorpion has been green lit for Evo so we KNOW he will be there. Is banning him from tournaments a viable option at this point due to that knowledge? No. All we can hope for is NRS will address his issues. But as Dizzy stated, NRS pays no attention to what us peasants have to say here on TYM.

Now lets look at Scorpion in MK9:
Scorpion takes a meterless teleport risk. He gets full combo punished.
Scorpion spends meter his teleport becomes safe on block and grants frame advantage.
COOL ^ that works. I'm ok with that.
Scorpion could also be punished with an uppercut or d1 into juggle for making either risk if the opponent was fast enough to stick out those limbs before the teleport connected.

Why was this possible? Because you could actually react to it.

Now lets look at MK9 mechanics: Defense against mixups were up and down. THATS IT. In MK9 if you were not pressing buttons you were losing. If you were blocking you were losing.

Why is this? Because if you are forcing someone to block you are gaining meter, you are fucking them up with 1% minimum on any hit that is blocked. It worked in mk9 because there needed to be some way to force somebody to stop blocking. Mk9 had a bunch of safe YOLO factors because otherwise it would be a huge chip war.

Look at MK9 critically and tell me its not just a huge ping pong match. One character YOLO's safely. If it lands he gets a combo and then tries to keep his pressure going. On wake up the opponent will YOLO safely and if it lands he starts his offense. Other wise you have a d1 stalemate into more safe specials. TELL ME IM WRONG.

Injustice mechanics: Carrying over the on block philosophy MK9 had would be game breaking. There are so many ways to mix people up now that people have to move to block correctly. All of the sudden mix ups become up, down, left and right.

Scorpion in Injustice:
Scorpion takes a meterless teleport risk. He gets full combo punished.
Scorpion spends meter his teleport becomes safe on block and grants frame advantage.
COOL ^ that works.
Can't be punished with a d2 or a combo before his teleport connects. This is a problem, IMO.

This is because the start up and recovery numbers need to be adjusted so that people CAN react to him, but it needs to remain strong enough that teleport is still a viable tool.

Now I want you to actually fucking read this and set your ego aside. Ask yourself whether or not my small suggestion towards fixing Scorpion is out of line. To reiterate my point.

I want the start up of Scorpions teleport to be a little bit longer. So that I have a visual queue before I press back to block.

I want his teleport to hit mid on both normal and meter burned versions.

I want a teleport that isn't meter burned to be full combo punishable. (You took the risk, you deserve the consequences)

I want Scorpion to gain small frame advantage to put you in block pressure after a meter burned teleport or get a combo if it lands.

When Scorpion appears from the other side I want to be able to launch him with d2 and combo him whether or not he meter burned it or not.

This forces Scorpions teleport to have purpose. It removes the absolute safe YOLO factor. This makes Scorpion less of a problem without ruining him.

Agree or disagree? Explain why I am wrong if you disagree. And your explanation better not be lets wait and see. colt


uh got mopped? shut your ass up trying to make my losses sound more bad than they were. Also if you think my scorp was bad before the fix? then you are very delirious. Also while you say "NO ONE" dealt with kabal, didn't you get bodied by PL at evo by his lao? and cdjr's lao has beat your kabal in tournament as well.......... let's not bring up tournament stuff from mk9. Also I was making a comparison, but apparently you don't know what that is......, and you'd be dumb if you thought when scorpion came into IGAU he was going to be bad? so basically you thought they would've just made him in IGAU but exactly how he was in mk9? smh. Don't even try to talk about me, you are hilarious lol. Trying to talk trash about some mk9 tournaments from the past and stuff, gtfoh.

after all that talk about how u said liu went 5-5 with kabal u got badonk'd by two kabals

oh i know who pl is. thats the dude who holds title of biggest mopped up in history vs ur bro denzell at evo 2011

ur so lucky pre hotfix scorpion doesnt exist anymore. cuz reo would have mopped u up and all ur buddies with pre hotfix scorpion everyone would have had flashbacks from denzell vs pl evo 2011 top 8
You need to learn to read. I never said you were ignorant.

This will be my last and final post in regards to Scorpion you will ever see me make on this site. Because truthfully I realize that everyone will have to adapt to Scorpion if they plan to stay competitive in this game.

The reality is that Scorpion has been green lit for Evo so we KNOW he will be there. Is banning him from tournaments a viable option at this point due to that knowledge? No. All we can hope for is NRS will address his issues. But as Dizzy stated, NRS pays no attention to what us peasants have to say here on TYM.

Now lets look at Scorpion in MK9:
Scorpion takes a meterless teleport risk. He gets full combo punished.
Scorpion spends meter his teleport becomes safe on block and grants frame advantage.
COOL ^ that works. I'm ok with that.
Scorpion could also be punished with an uppercut or d1 into juggle for making either risk if the opponent was fast enough to stick out those limbs before the teleport connected.

Why was this possible? Because you could actually react to it.

Now lets look at MK9 mechanics: Defense against mixups were up and down. THATS IT. In MK9 if you were not pressing buttons you were losing. If you were blocking you were losing.

Why is this? Because if you are forcing someone to block you are gaining meter, you are fucking them up with 1% minimum on any hit that is blocked. It worked in mk9 because there needed to be some way to force somebody to stop blocking. Mk9 had a bunch of safe YOLO factors because otherwise it would be a huge chip war.

Look at MK9 critically and tell me its not just a huge ping pong match. One character YOLO's safely. If it lands he gets a combo and then tries to keep his pressure going. On wake up the opponent will YOLO safely and if it lands he starts his offense. Other wise you have a d1 stalemate into more safe specials. TELL ME IM WRONG.

Injustice mechanics: Carrying over the on block philosophy MK9 had would be game breaking. There are so many ways to mix people up now that people have to move to block correctly. All of the sudden mix ups become up, down, left and right.

Scorpion in Injustice:
Scorpion takes a meterless teleport risk. He gets full combo punished.
Scorpion spends meter his teleport becomes safe on block and grants frame advantage.
COOL ^ that works.
Can't be punished with a d2 or a combo before his teleport connects. This is a problem, IMO.

This is because the start up and recovery numbers need to be adjusted so that people CAN react to him but it needs to remain strong enough that teleport is still a viable tool.

Now I want you to actually fucking read this and set your ego aside. Ask yourself whether or not my small suggestion towards fixing Scorpion is out of line. To reiterate my point.

I want the start up of Scorpions teleport to be a little bit longer. So that I have a visual queue before I press back to block.

I want his teleport to hit mid on both normal and meter burned versions.

I want a teleport that isn't meter burned to be full combo punishable. (You took the risk, you deserve the consequences)

I Scorpion to gain small frame advantage to put you in block pressure after a meter burned teleport or get a combo if it lands.

When Scorpion appears from the other side I want to be able to launch him with d2 and combo him whether or not he meter burned it or not.

This forces Scorpions teleport to have purpose. It removes the absolute safe YOLO factor. This makes Scorpion less of a problem without ruining him.

Agree or disagree? Explain why I am wrong if you disagree. And your explanation better not be lets wait and see.
need to learn to read? GTFOH, lol dnt get me started. Also i'm done even replying, you can keep complaining and whining, i'll do what I do best, and figure out how to deal with it, simple as that.