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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 1 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave


man, m2dave/REO going to blow me up when I said scorpion was fine before the fix lol that is fine tho. All I know is, I dealt with bad scorpion for 2 years and a half about. He should be good now. Haters going to hate, but all I know is, I dealt with kabal's broke self and never made a thread complaining about him at all, so I dnt want to hear about scorpion now. (kind of ironic from REO when he mained kabal..... smh).
To be fair, REO complains about Kabal too.

Still, this community is a bunch of whiny scrubs. No one in the top tier is overwhelming everyone else - leave them alone and let the game play out. Buff the characters who are clearly underperforming (as opposed to underplayed) and let the game sit for a while. If there's a problem 4-8 months later we'll address it then.
To be fair, REO complains about Kabal too.

Still, this community is a bunch of whiny scrubs. No one in the top tier is overwhelming everyone else - leave them alone and let the game play out. Buff the characters who are clearly underperforming (as opposed to underplayed) and let the game sit for a while. If there's a problem 4-8 months later we'll address it then.
that's how I feel about, let the game play out unless the character has something like an infinite/ glitch that shouldn't be in the game. I know he said kabal was very good and what not, but he still played him. I already said, if they put scorp in he would be good bcuz he wasn't in mk9. Also I didn't even whine about kabal's broke self, I just dealt with him and beat some top kabals during the process of that. Even with all the tools scorp had before the fix, was he actually just better than everyone? we never will know bcuz he never got used in tournament. But of course ppl are going to say "he was way too broke" and etc. I could care less because they should've known he was going to be good simply bcuz he wasn't good in mk9, so that'd be stupid if they put scorpion in just to make him exactly the same but just in IGAU now, who would do that? and that is pretty much what I am pointing up about scorpion and him being good in this game.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Good podcast. Only "nrs" one I'd listen too. I would say tighten it up a little, keep it 2 hours or less.

Frost - I'd say leave her as is but make that over head unsafe, bitch shouldn't be able to freely 50/50 with out thinking twice about it.

Stages - 1st match should be 50/50 after loser picks.

Mk9 died because the kumunity wanted one last patch and nrs ignored us and left us with super strong characters that aren't " busted enough" to ban.. -_-

If they do the same with injustice, it will die sooner. If anything nrs should save $$ for one last patch one year after the zod patch comes out. Not 3 months, 6 etc one year after.

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
+1 on Agreement


great show, i love to hear words from the best players, great way to entertain me at work, but be a little professional and take turns speaking and listening like adults. the 4 of you got together specifically to nut this shit out [i guess] so work through it, stop the interruptions, you will have your turn, just take a deep breath, listen to the points, address the points.

but really good thanks guys i hope you will do more.
MITDJT, the comparisons to Kabal are unnecessary. The point is that no one wants such an overpowered character in Injustice: GAU.
I can respect that, I never said the game needed a OP character. Also it'd be dumb for NRS to put scorp in and make him exactly how he was in mk9, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that he is good.


Ignorant Scrub
Yo when you guys are talking about how to choose stages like a gentleman why not have P2 vote stage, it will be selected randomly as soon as P2 hits the vote stage button. Then P1 will have to choose the randomly chosen P2 stage and 50/50 the random P2 stage. This way you don't have the random future stage as the background, and it's truly random.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
When Tom said "This company that made Killer Instinct...what the fuck have they ever done for us?" I got a lil hype haha great podcast fellas!
I agree

TOM is absolutely delusional on Frost but I feel doing this pod cast and talking it out he opened my eyes up a little more about MK dying situation as well as te KI issue

CAN WE BE ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HERE? NRS cares about us and we should feel lucky


idiotic? uhm I never say idiotic things, but whatever works for you. Second thing, you played the NUMBER ONE character in mk9, but have an issue when some other character is super good in IGAU (and I already learned that he was supposed to be different when he first came out). So you can keep using a troll account, or you can use your real account and stop acting like an asshole and a punk trying to hide behind a account. Don't get mad at me for pointing something out. It's irony from me? you might want to look up the definition of that. I'm going to keep it simple like this, dnt mention me in a podcast/post and etc. and expect me to just sit there and not say anything. You didn't even hear me complain about kabal, I even openly challenged kabal and said I can beat kabals with characters like liu kang and etc. Don't come at me like that, I'm not the one. Also I was one of the first to say "if scorpion does get into IGAU, he will be good because he wasn't good in mk9". So this should've been expected by many that he would be good.

ok let me say this again cuz apparently u mustve missed it.

what does mk9 have 2 do with injustice? <--- seriously make sure u read this b4 responding

the last time u spoke of how liu went 5-5 w/ kabal u got mopped up at the next tourney by 2 kabals so can u pls stop pretending like kabal in mk9 was "dealt" with?

no1 "dealt" with kabal in mk9. u either got lucky and beat him or he mopped up tournaments and made turned the game into a depressing joke

the fact that u went around saying pre hotfix scorpion was "fine and yall need 2 lvl up" was embarrassing

u must have been pretty bad with pre hotfix scorpion if u thought he wasnt a problem and "easily dealth with"

dont kid urself

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
hehe great podcast man. Still listening. I got hype when my name came up lol.

Frost is still nuts.
I hope we pointed out strongly enough how players in MK9 who used


Now are showing how good they are when they are now using top tiers as well .

Smar - black Adam
U - GL
Tom - aqua
Cubanguy - sinestro
Slips - scorp

......big d - bane........?

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
as long as you can armor frost.... everyone would be MUCH better off. the +22 free mixup is not really legit. Who else can effectievly stop wakeups and get a free 50/50? Exactly.
She'll still be REALLY good without the freebie.

I'm not gonna lie. We need you guys to be the voice of the smart argument. I don't mind the occasional whining or bitching... as long as they stay on topic.

Keep it up guys.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
I agree

TOM is absolutely delusional on Frost but I feel doing this pod cast and talking it out he opened my eyes up a little more about MK dying situation as well as te KI issue

CAN WE BE ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS HERE? NRS cares about us and we should feel lucky
No shit, man! I don't think we appreciate NRS nor do we appreciate Tom and you and everyone else that works to improve our gaming experience as a whole! Coming from CoD, most of us at TYM don't realize that Boon actually works with us...people at IW or 3arc may listen and nerf an op gun a lil but they don't do enough to make it really noticable...I mean, Tom even said "I'll email him about the random map"...he is actively improving our competitive experience and the fact that Ed Boon even fucking listens and takes into consideration us and actively updates shit is amazing and we should feel honored. Honestly? Fuck Double Helix.