To be fair, REO complains about Kabal too.man, m2dave/REO going to blow me up when I said scorpion was fine before the fix lol that is fine tho. All I know is, I dealt with bad scorpion for 2 years and a half about. He should be good now. Haters going to hate, but all I know is, I dealt with kabal's broke self and never made a thread complaining about him at all, so I dnt want to hear about scorpion now. (kind of ironic from REO when he mained kabal..... smh).
Still, this community is a bunch of whiny scrubs. No one in the top tier is overwhelming everyone else - leave them alone and let the game play out. Buff the characters who are clearly underperforming (as opposed to underplayed) and let the game sit for a while. If there's a problem 4-8 months later we'll address it then.