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The Super SFIV Super Thread (4-27-2010)


I have finally figured it out... I now know why I don't like SF4 and the upcoming SSF4...



Holy crap... were they seperated at birth?


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Hadn't seen it mentioned, but in one of the vids of SSFIV I've seen, throws are techable knockdowns.

I'm curious as to how this will affect command throws. I can imagine SPD not being viable for starting Gief's wakeup stuff.


That eclipse looks dope, I don't think I have seen that done in any game that I can think of.

Pretty hard to make a unique stage these days.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
(taken from IPlayWinner.com)


Famitsu said:
This was first spotted over at NeoGAF thanks to Dizzy-4U, mentioning that there is some new Super Street Fighter 4 information in the newest issue of Famitsu! All the Street Fighter 3 characters that were rumored are now confirmed along side rumored Hakan, but it looks like there is one more character to be revealed beyond that!

いぶき = Ibuki
ダッドリー= Dudley
まこと= Makoto
シャドウ= ?
ハカン = Hakan

They say that it is a "..new character named Shadow who is a Sonic Boom user". So that confirms that a variation of Charlie/Nash is another returning character to Super Street Fighter 4! Shadow was his alias in some older Street Fighter games such as Marvel Super Heros vs. Street Fighter.

This is a Google translation of what was posted of the Famitsu scans over at Wii @ Everyday:

Super Street Fighter IV
4月1日 3980円 April 1 ¥ 3980
いぶき、ダッドリー、まこと、シャドウ、ハカン Ibuki, Dudley, Makoto, shadows, Hakan
シャドウはソニックブームを使う Shadow uses a sonic boom
ハカンはまんまダラン Hakan Manma Darran

Wow! What a turn of events - one more character on top of all the others that have been rumored up until now. I'll keep updating as more information on this surfaces.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Computer and Video Games has an interesting preview of Super Street Fighter 4.

Parts of the interview seem to hint at things that they've heard directly from Capcom or another reputable source, while some seem to be taken from the rumor list and other things that have been posted.

Here's a bulleted run down of the notable things they had to say:

• The game is 'feature-complete' and ready for certification, which means the final feature list has been locked down.

• Some problems are still being fixed like slowdown on the new stages, animation and lighting glitches.

• The team is still working on unfinished moves for some of the new cast members.

• The existing 25 characters apparently haven't been rebalanced yet, they don't have their new moves, damage changes, etc. Also, some existing moves will be tweaked, which was previously confirmed by Ono-san.

• The article states Sagat will be a little weaker and Vega (Claw) and Guile will be stronger.

• They mention that there will be selectable Ultra moves, just like in Street Fighter 3 Third Strike.

• CVG hints at the game shipping in three months (March), but we know from a previous announcement the game will not ship until at least April.

• The article states the character count in this title will be 35, which is inline with the rumor list, but debunks the "Shadow" character rumor that popped up awhile back.

• There will be 70 all new cutscenes in Super Street Fighter 4, replacing the old animated sequences.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
(taken from EventHubs.com)

Capcom has unleashed some new images on the unsuspecting public. The first one shows off a new design for the Mad Catz Tournament Edition FightStick, sporting the Super Street Fighter 4 logo and artwork.

Also, Capcom's suite at the CES 2010 show, with a better view of the new Mad Catz sticks, plus you get another look at the infamous character select screen with the empty slots.

These two pictures are of the keychain version of the TE FightStick. The keychain comes with a hex screwdriver so you can violate your warranty of your full-sized stick.


Tim Static

Lead Moderator
BIG Announcment coming next Tuesday!!!


Hello everyone! Thank you to everyone who in the comments for the last blog were concerned about my health.
Well then, today there are a few things I'd like to share with you!

First is the character page on the official site! For the newcomers in SSFIV like T.Hawk and Guy, but also for the returning SFIV cast as well, for 21 of them under the "Characters" page we have movies up of their Ultra I and Ultra II!

Personally, I like Balrog's "Dirty Bull", Cody's "Last Dread Dust", and Ken's "Crimson Hurricane Kick"! Within the Capcom offices, Rufus's "Big Bam Typhoon" is a big hit!

We'll keep the updates rolling out, so keep an eye out for them.

The second issue of the day is the page exclusively for the National Tournament! There you'll find the results for the 1st Kanto Qualifier that took place at Taito Station Takadanobaba last Saturday! As there are 9 qualifiers in total, to try and post about them on this blog...yeah...so that's why the Results Page will be updated every Tuesday with new results!

...Having said that, please let me write a little bit about it here. Thanks to the efforts of the tournament organizers and the arcade staff, our 44 registered teams were able to get pumped up, and the fans who came to watch also got into it, so it was a great time! Everyone, thank you very much!

The winners were the "Lettuce Sandwich" team of Kyabetu, Shiro, and Ojisanboy. In the final round against the team of "Mahou Shojo Zangitan's Challenge! Chapter - National Tournament", both team anchors, Ojisanboy and Mahou Shojo Zangitan clashed to decide it all! Ojisanboy kept his cool - my heart was probably beating twice as fast as his. And with this, the "Lettuce Sandwich" team advances to the stage of the National Tournament! Congratulations!

Next up is the Touhoku Qualifier! As you can see on the Results page, there'll be Mago, Tokido, and Akimo, and plenty of other interesting teams sure to shake things up! Let's all head to Sendai!

Well then, let's get to the third announcement - an update of the mobile site! Not the mobile site for the arcade version, but a site within Capcom just for SSFIV! Check it out! (Az: You would only be able to access the site with a JAPANESE mobile phone. It doesn't look like it offers anything different from the regular official sites.)

We've got an introduction to the game systems, and the latest news, as well as the newest promotional videos, and you'll also be able to view videos of characters Ultra I and II together with the update of the official site on 1/26! Mobile sites these days have become really incredible!

Also, for newcomers who may not be familiar with the Street Fighter series, we want you to know all about them, so there are pages introducing the previous titles from Street Fighter I up to SFIV!

And of course, we'll have some special limited edition wallpapers, so be sure so save it to your bookmarks and check back often.

Well then, the last news item for today is to tell you that this blog is going to have a special update! Tuesday is usually the day for the Dev Blog to update...but not this time! On Tues, 1/26, this little Nakky Blog will be doing the updating! ...Which means that as soon as I finish this entry, I have to write the 1/26 entry as soon as possible.

Why will I be updating on the 26th? There's no other reason of course - I've got a big announcement!

...That's blurry for a reason.

The official site will also be updating on the 26th, so don't miss it! There will be new images to look forward to as well.
(*The Dev Blog will be taking a break on 1/26)

...Aaaaaaand that's my 4 news bites to close out this entry! See you all next Tuesday.(Or maybe at the Touhoku Qualifiers?)
Juri custom combo vid:

Seth's #2 Ultra (its lame):

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Don't remind me about Seth's 2nd Ultra.

I've done a lot of soul searching and figured the only way it's gonna be useful is if it has the same juggle level as head stomps. In other words you could do:

AA LP Shoryu > Ultra,
Shoryu xx FADC > Ultra,
AA j.MP > Ultra, or
POSSIBLY, Lightning Legs in the corner > Ultra

I guess you could do anti air headstomp to it too...

If I'm wrong, I have no idea how the new ultra is any better than his old one...


After 11 months of ignoring SF4's existence due to it being an absurdly bad game(which I was able to come to that conclusion within 36 hours after purchasing it, upon which I returned both copies and YELLED at the gamestop employee, "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE!"), in an attempt to be able to just mingle and play some casuals with friends who were playing, I have come to this conclusion... SF4 is even worse than I had already decided it was. I didn't think a company could screw up so badly, but wow, did Capcom ever pull a Midway with the SF series.

More and more, this game has proven to be Street Fighter EX4. Again, I can't comlpain ENOUGH about SF4 and how bad of a Street Fighter game it really is.

I have to add some more to some stuff I don't like:

10. Playing for the homerun - The ultra is even worse than I initially thought. No such thing as small ball here... play for the loss just to use your ultra to win. I guess this is technically innovative as all other fighting games want you to try to play for the win.
11. Controlling space/flow of a match = pointless. - Again, the ultra is the culprit here. Why bother to control the flow of a match with tactics or the gamespace with footsies only to have that all negated with a single move?

I'm sure I'll have more to add to this list...

After a little more research, I am still correct... for those who thought the Focus Attack/Focus Cancel was "innovative"

(make sure you note the irony of the song that is playing)

And also... LOL.. to those who want to laugh about Seth's 2nd Ultra even more(and the fact that it's so far and away NOT innovative)

about 40 seconds in:


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
After 11 months of ignoring SF4's existence due to it being an absurdly bad game(which I was able to come to that conclusion within 36 hours after purchasing it, upon which I returned both copies and YELLED at the gamestop employee, "GET THIS CRAP OUT OF MY HOUSE!"), in an attempt to be able to just mingle and play some casuals with friends who were playing, I have come to this conclusion... SF4 is even worse than I had already decided it was. I didn't think a company could screw up so badly, but wow, did Capcom ever pull a Midway with the SF series.

More and more, this game has proven to be Street Fighter EX4. Again, I can't comlpain ENOUGH about SF4 and how bad of a Street Fighter game it really is.

I have to add some more to some stuff I don't like:

10. Playing for the homerun - The ultra is even worse than I initially thought. No such thing as small ball here... play for the loss just to use your ultra to win. I guess this is technically innovative as all other fighting games want you to try to play for the win.
11. Controlling space/flow of a match = pointless. - Again, the ultra is the culprit here. Why bother to control the flow of a match with tactics or the gamespace with footsies only to have that all negated with a single move?

I'm sure I'll have more to add to this list...
Then don't play it...

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Believe me, I won't be that stupid again.
My question is....you've posted your opinion about the game in another thread here, plus i personally know you dont like it from our IM sessions, etc, but this these 2 posts plus the 3 replies to the 3 ECT2 threads (@ UMK, CMK & MKE).....We know how you feel about the game, but why?? You know I love ya bro :)nohomo:) but these 5 posts were not needed at all....


My question is....you've posted your opinion about the game in another thread here, plus i personally know you dont like it from our IM sessions, etc, but this these 2 posts plus the 3 replies to the 3 ECT2 threads (@ UMK, CMK & MKE).....We know how you feel about the game, but why?? You know I love ya bro :)nohomo:) but these 5 posts were not needed at all....
I think what it is, is that I really wanted to like SF4. I think it's obvious how utterly disgusted with it I am though. Combine those 2, plus the impending release of Super, and it's making me angry at Capcom again because I want to like Super as well. I know I won't like it, but that doesn't stop me from initially wanting to. I guess you can kind of liken it to being a Jets or Mets fan... you WANT your team to win, no matter how bad they are, even though you know your team is going to lose and let you down. The difference is, this time I'm actually making some noise about Capcom(and if you notice, I didn't even disagree in the Superbowl Thread about the Jets not making the Super Bowl) because of how bad the game is, and, also how the masses of people are letting SF EX4 go because there's no EX in the name. I can go on, but I think the SFEX2 video in one of my posts pretty much speaks for itself.(I actually meant to make that and another post one post but I didn't realize till too late, LOL)

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Sorry dude, but no matter how much you hate SFIV, it's still the #1 Fighting Game in the world right now.

And you think SFIV is like SF EX? Have you ever played that series?

Come back to me when Sagat can combo mp xx high tiger shot xx low tiger shot xx high tiger shot xx low tiger shot.

Or when I can chain like four supers.


Yeah, we sort of get that you don't like the game by now... lol

Personally, I love that game.