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Racist Basketball fans mad at Mexican-American Boy singing the National Anthem at Heat vs Spurs game

DJ L Toro

skimmed, but it seems to assume that people are raised (i.e. nurtured) to not be racist, and therefore the study is problematic. People naturally adapt to their envoronment, and therefore, over time, develop similarly so as to be suited to the environment etc. etc.
What this does is that it naturally allows people to recognize the less suitable by recognizing difference. people do have a natural ability to recognize difference, but the question of being against difference is what is at stake here.
So is it natural to dislike what is not like you? maybe, but it is more probable that something closer to a nurture hypothesis is closer to accurate. You have a good chance of disliking what you have learned to be inadequate. that may also mean that you will dislike yourself (and many people do).
This is also not a question of majority, but of suitability. Socially, it is a question of what kind of person can be successful.

This also helps to explain why the vast majority of people never leave their social classes in their entire lives.

NOTE: i dont think i'm clear above, but i do think racism is PARTLY natural. I think the study is flawed. But generally i think it is a much more complex question than simply saying that x or y is the reason for racism.


Half of those tweets were meant in a humorous manner. Some of them were legit racism. The only people who have room to complain are native americans. No matter who sings the national anthem we should be pissed.

DJ L Toro

Half of those tweets were meant in a humorous manner. Some of them were legit racism. The only people who have room to complain are native americans. No matter who sings the national anthem we should be pissed.
rasist humor is still racist. It reinforces the ideology of racism abound in our society.


Repulsive. The kid is not Mexican, he was born in the united states therefore AMERICAN. Why is it that (insert "minority" americans) labels are accepted? Just like the idiotic "african american" term. Generations of Blacks have been here a long time yet they are still associated with Africa. How come whites from south africa don't identify as such seeing as how they are more african. Do "white people" describe themselves as Irish American, german American, Italian American, Polish American etc? No. If you're born in the USA, You're an american. It's fucking sickening how the government divides and conquers and the dumb sheep fall for the agenda. And by the way Mexican is nto a language nor a race, there are white, asian, native, black people in Mexico.


rasist humor is still racist. It reinforces the ideology of racism abound in our society.

Then you need to lighten the fuck up.

Oh and by that kids age I was well aware how the world worked. I was very aware of social interactions and how people reacted to those that were different. Never understood this ideal that kids are innocent. I guess none of you went to school where people were made fun of, bullied, or picked on.


People claim to be against ignorance then proceed to insult Americans. lol
Can you blame non americans? The "classification" system in this country is a caste system, similar to the ones the Spanish had when they conquered the real americans. The label system is nothing more than a social economic tool used for oppressive and manipulation purposes. Tell someone from Europe that you are "white caucasian", they will laugh at you, since they associate caucasians with the caucasus region. The same could be said for other terms american made terms. They are archaic and idiotic. the biggest joke of them all is christian, god fearing good ol' boys hating muslims and little do they realize that their own religion has semitic origins.
skimmed, but it seems to assume that people are raised (i.e. nurtured) to not be racist, and therefore the study is problematic. People naturally adapt to their envoronment, and therefore, over time, develop similarly so as to be suited to the environment etc. etc.
What this does is that it naturally allows people to recognize the less suitable by recognizing difference. people do have a natural ability to recognize difference, but the question of being against difference is what is at stake here.
So is it natural to dislike what is not like you? maybe, but it is more probable that something closer to a nurture hypothesis is closer to accurate. You have a good chance of disliking what you have learned to be inadequate. that may also mean that you will dislike yourself (and many people do).
This is also not a question of majority, but of suitability. Socially, it is a question of what kind of person can be successful.

This also helps to explain why the vast majority of people never leave their social classes in their entire lives.

NOTE: i dont think i'm clear above, but i do think racism is PARTLY natural. I think the study is flawed. But generally i think it is a much more complex question than simply saying that x or y is the reason for racism.
I think you are misinterpreting. The whole point of the study is that racism is not innate(i.e biological) and is ideological and develop over time.

"Nonetheless, people who want to argue that racism is natural have tried to buttress their position with evidence that racism is in some sense biological. For example: studies have found that when whites see black faces there is increased activity in the amygdala, a brain structure associated with emotion and, specifically, with the detection of threats.

Well, whatever power that kind of argument ever had--which wasn't much, since the fact that a psychological reaction has a biological correlate doesn't tell you whether the reaction is innate--it has even less power now. In a paper that will be published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Eva Telzer of UCLA and three other researchers report that they've performed these amygdala studies--which had previously been done on adults--on children. And they found something interesting: the racial sensitivity of the amygdala doesn't kick in until around age 14.

What's more: once it kicks in, it doesn't kick in equally for everybody. The more racially diverse your peer group, the less strong the amygdala effect. At really high levels of diversity, the effect disappeared entirely. The authors of the study write that ''these findings suggest that neural biases to race are not innate and that race is a social construction, learned over time.''

The point is that it is learned.

DJ L Toro

Then you need to lighten the fuck up.
No, I understand when things are jokes, but i'm self aware and honest with myself about how racist i am (minimally, but there is a bit of influence). If you can't recognize the meaning behind a racist joke and pass it off as just a joke, then it is a problem and you should not be telling that joke.
Same is true for sexism, homophobia, etc.
For example, if you say "what do you say when you see your tv floating away in the darkness" without ever questioning why we have assigned humor to the very real perception of an increased tendency for black people to steal, then you are racist. If you make a "get back in the kitchen" joke without questioning why women's roled have been systematically oppressed and restricted in the west for centuries, then you are sexist. Yes, it is a joke, but there is very real meaning behind a joke.

Jokes are not abstract concepts, they are uniquely in touch with the sentiment that pervades a culture. I'm sure you've heard people say "it's funny because it's true," but when is the last time you heard someone say "it's funny because it's untrue?" If you know a joke is blatantly untrue, then you're not going to laugh about it, but if there is some sentiment that you are familiar with that it touches on, then it becomes humorous. Jokes dont work on people that have no idea what you're talking about. If i were to go to mars and tell a joke about mexicans they (martians? assume they exist and are not in contact with earth) would ask me "what's a mexican?"

Jokes arent as simple as you seem to think they are. They're very meaningful tools of expression.

Take another form of joke: performance humor. Recently i went to see Blue Man Group, and the most humorous bits were the parts that involved unsuspecting audience members joining in on stage to something they had no idea what was going on. This is a level of discomfort we can all relate to and it is funny when we see the reactions of someone in that situation. Even more so, people are able to laugh at their own situation because they can relate to their own feelings of... say embarrassment as an example.

Assuming that something is meaningless because it is a joke is one of the biggest mistakes that societies make in the understanding of power dynamics. It is a blatant disregard for the ideological status of a society.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
Claims America is the worst country with the fattest, most stupid, and "ingnorant" people in the world...

Rushes to USA to have life saving medical treatment because their healthcare system is incompetent...
You are aware that statistically (and practically) we have one of the shittiest heathcare systems of all first world countries, right?

I don't know what planet everybody else is living on but Blacks and Latinos have a SIGNIFICANT advantage when applying into post-grad schools. That includes Law, Medicine, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Education, etc.
Let me go cry the race card...
nevermind, didn't realize I was responding to a moron.

DJ L Toro

I think you are misinterpreting. The whole point of the study is that racism is not innate(i.e biological) and is ideological and develop over time.

"Nonetheless, people who want to argue that racism is natural have tried to buttress their position with evidence that racism is in some sense biological. For example: studies have found that when whites see black faces there is increased activity in the amygdala, a brain structure associated with emotion and, specifically, with the detection of threats.

Well, whatever power that kind of argument ever had--which wasn't much, since the fact that a psychological reaction has a biological correlate doesn't tell you whether the reaction is innate--it has even less power now. In a paper that will be published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Eva Telzer of UCLA and three other researchers report that they've performed these amygdala studies--which had previously been done on adults--on children. And they found something interesting: the racial sensitivity of the amygdala doesn't kick in until around age 14.

What's more: once it kicks in, it doesn't kick in equally for everybody. The more racially diverse your peer group, the less strong the amygdala effect. At really high levels of diversity, the effect disappeared entirely. The authors of the study write that ''these findings suggest that neural biases to race are not innate and that race is a social construction, learned over time.''

The point is that it is learned.
Right i got that. My point is that it makes sense for there to be some measure of nature insofar as our relation to difference. The bottom paragraph that you posted demonstrates this point insofar as it argues for a nurture hypothesis, but it also shows that at some point there is a question of being "used to" seeing difference.
Note that my argument is never once biological, but social. I argue for a median between nature and nurture (because i believe we are social creatures).


" Bros before Hoes"
Considering the fact that almost all Americans are immigrants, its really dumb that anyone there would be so xenophobic and racist. :confused:
Ignorance and stupidity personified come to mind.


No, I understand when things are jokes, but i'm self aware and honest with myself about how racist i am (minimally, but there is a bit of influence). If you can't recognize the meaning behind a racist joke and pass it off as just a joke, then it is a problem and you should not be telling that joke.
Same is true for sexism, homophobia, etc.
For example, if you say "what do you say when you see your tv floating away in the darkness" without ever questioning why we have assigned humor to the very real perception of an increased tendency for black people to steal, then you are racist. If you make a "get back in the kitchen" joke without questioning why women's roled have been systematically oppressed and restricted in the west for centuries, then you are sexist. Yes, it is a joke, but there is very real meaning behind a joke.

Jokes are not abstract concepts, they are uniquely in touch with the sentiment that pervades a culture. I'm sure you've heard people say "it's funny because it's true," but when is the last time you heard someone say "it's funny because it's untrue?" If you know a joke is blatantly untrue, then you're not going to laugh about it, but if there is some sentiment that you are familiar with that it touches on, then it becomes humorous. Jokes dont work on people that have no idea what you're talking about. If i were to go to mars and tell a joke about mexicans they (martians? assume they exist and are not in contact with earth) would ask me "what's a mexican?"

Jokes arent as simple as you seem to think they are. They're very meaningful tools of expression.

Take another form of joke: performance humor. Recently i went to see Blue Man Group, and the most humorous bits were the parts that involved unsuspecting audience members joining in on stage to something they had no idea what was going on. This is a level of discomfort we can all relate to and it is funny when we see the reactions of someone in that situation. Even more so, people are able to laugh at their own situation because they can relate to their own feelings of... say embarrassment as an example.

Assuming that something is meaningless because it is a joke is one of the biggest mistakes that societies make in the understanding of power dynamics. It is a blatant disregard for the ideological status of a society.

Wow you presume to know what I think? Really? You're a pompous intellectual at best spouting mostly nonsense with little to know clue who the fuck I am. Sorry son I know everything you're saying but you're looking at it from the wrong view point. Humor is used to depower the stereotypes. The people who actually believe them aren't going to change. However the absurdity of the humor actually can sway some people who are on the fence about their believes. Thats the real point that humor servers in racism and stereotypes.

So again lighten the fuck up get the fuck over yourself and quit spouting first year nonsense to me.


man that little kid screwed up wearing a mariachi outfit to sing the national anthem. i don't think he would have gotten all that hate if he had dressed up differently. The racist comments are uncalled for but i can see why some people might have been offended.

DJ L Toro

Wow you presume to know what I think? Really? You're a pompous intellectual at best spouting mostly nonsense with little to know clue who the fuck I am. Sorry son I know everything you're saying but you're looking at it from the wrong view point. Humor is used to depower the stereotypes. The people who actually believe them aren't going to change. However the absurdity of the humor actually can sway some people who are on the fence about their believes. Thats the real point that humor servers in racism and stereotypes.

So again lighten the fuck up get the fuck over yourself and quit spouting first year nonsense to me.
No, i didnt say anything about "how you think." You must have read my "if... then..." statement at the top as directed, but i mean "you" generally and in the plural (you can replace it with the word "people" if you wish).
What about what i said is "nonsense." It seems like a pretty well structured, linear argument, and you have not responded to a single of my points (other than by positing your own opinion of what humor is, but that is preempted by the discussion of how we relate to humor), so what isnonsensical here.
as far as "who the fuck you are" i dont particularly care. you just seem to be some angry and defensive person, but i could be wrong and it is extremely unimportant.
The argument for "depowering" (i think you're looking for "disempowering," btw) is true only for parody/satire, but not of jokes generally. Otherwise what i said about "funny because it's true" answers this point.

finally, what do you mean "first year" nonsense? first year of what? tym? comedy? life?

DJ L Toro

man that little kid screwed up wearing a mariachi outfit to sing the national anthem. i don't think he would have gotten all that hate if he had dressed up differently. The racist comments are uncalled for but i can see why some people might have been offended.
He's a mariachi singer though. Also, they're in san antonio, texas. any other context and i would agree, but in this case it seems appropriate.

Mr. Mileena

It's harder for a kid to be the victim of racism for many reasons such as

We "supposedly" live in a new era where racism drastically is reduced, slavery is illegal, etc.
He's still very young and developing.

Old people, for many cases, grew up witnessing much heavier racism, etc.

I can see your point morbid, but regardless, racism should not be tolerated whatsoever, for any race, despite gender, age, etc.


He's a mariachi singer though. Also, they're in san antonio, texas. any other context and i would agree, but in this case it seems appropriate.
People who sing the national anthem are usually dressed appropriately for the occasion. Him wearing a mariachi outfit to sing the american national anthem is like him wearing a mexican flag accross his chest. Next thing you know we are going to have muslims wearing turbans to sing the national anthem, african american wearing african clothing etc. There is a code and a tradition behind the singing of the national anthem. wearing something like a mariachi outfit is untraditional and i will even go as far as to say it is disrespectful. The national anthem is sacred and ingrained in the American culture. No matter your ethnicity when you sing the national anthem you should respect the traditions behind it.


my perspective from the outside - america is falling apart. it looks more like a dystopia every day. between monsanto, the NSA and good old fashioned patriotic racism, could your country possibly be any uglier?

DJ L Toro

People who sing the national anthem are usually dressed appropriately for the occasion. Him wearing a mariachi outfit to sing the american national anthem is like him wearing a mexican flag accross his chest. Next thing you know we are going to have muslims wearing turbans to sing the national anthem, african american wearing african clothing etc. There is a code and a tradition behind the singing of the national anthem. wearing something like a mariachi outfit is untraditional and i will even go as far as to say it is disrespectful. The national anthem is sacred and ingrained in the American culture. No matter your ethnicity when you sing the national anthem you should respect the traditions behind it.
Are you serious? This post is pretty fucked up. I shouldnt even need to explain why what you said is not true in the least bit. Yes, muslims can sing the national anthem in a turban (though wouldnt that make them sikhs?) if they want. We should have literally no problem with that because believing in whichever god resonates with their soul is their prerogative in this country.
There's a difference between wearing a mexican flag and displaying your heritage. Only the natives have the right to claim that they are truly americans. the rest of us have heritage somewhere else, and displaying that while demonstrating allegiance to our country should never be an issue