i can't wait for the day when our country will grow the fuck about about judges, no man or woman should be able to just do some shit like that like no accept the renegotiation of a plea deal because of a joke or something so small, and instead give him 30 days in jail.......these judges are the epitome of self proclaimed law enforcers that i hate in this country/world. a cop can act anyway he wants to a citizen, say some shit out his ass, and when spoken back to, because of a formality in the law its disorderly conduct towards a police officer, fuck that shit. a judge at any moment can make judgments that are completely biased and can ruin a few lives before they are called to attention for their actions and exposed for being biased. humans are imperfect, and with such a small room for error that can determine the future of lives, i really hate that judges have that much power in the court room. and the fact that their are judges out there like this guy
make me sick that they have so much power. thank god for the jury lol i know that as of now its hard to change it, not very many ideas can float around on how to improve it. and maybe chad johnson should have acted more professional but at the same time, 30 days and jail and no plea because he slapped his lawyer on the ass? thats so dumb to me. and i realize that judges need to show power in order to command respect of those who broke the law, but stupid shit like this? i hate it.