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Black Adam General Discussion Thread

Man so many things to watch. I'll watch that stream later.

B23 U2 gives significantly less advantage on hit than B23 U1+3, I think they're +2 and +9, respectively.
B23 U2 is punishable on hit lol. It's at least -6 because you can't block Lex's Corp Charge in time.

I wish that knockown was +11 like the frame data says it is.


Lab Monster
Man so many things to watch. I'll watch that stream later.

B23 U2 is punishable on hit lol. It's at least -6 because you can't block Lex's Corp Charge in time.

I wish that knockown was +11 like the frame data says it is.
Eh? Testing it in training mode, I can jump before the AI, but barely. What situations make it negative?
Are you serious. Does that mean frame data is different between PS3 and Xbox360? LOL that would be really sad.

I tested this both ways (with AI doing perfect wake up Corp Charge) and as human Lex doing wake up Corp Charge. Black Adam can't block. He can barely block if they don't do the wake up attack soon enough.

edit: no I didn't put the AI on roll either.


Lab Monster
Are you serious. Does that mean frame data is different between PS3 and Xbox360? LOL that would be really sad.

I tested this both ways (with AI doing perfect wake up Corp Charge) and as human Lex doing wake up Corp Charge. Black Adam can't block. He can barely block if they don't do the wake up attack soon enough.
Oh I see, it's not even a hard knockdown. Didn't have the AI on roll I guess. Sorry, I don't think I've touched that move since an hour into day one, haha.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
B23 U2 gives significantly less advantage on hit than B23 U1+3, I think they're +2 and +9, respectively.
Oh I see, it's not even a hard knockdown. Didn't have the AI on roll I guess. Sorry, I don't think I've touched that move since an hour into day one, haha.
I know I haven't used it unless it was an accident lol. I was unaware the frame data was wrong on that move, my b fellas.


I don't like how u2 u1 and u3 all give the same damage and how u3 and u1 both send fullscreen, u2 and u3 should've switched sides and sent opponent up close and full screen respectively, there's no reason to use them right now.


What's a Smarrgasm?
I don't like how u2 u1 and u3 all give the same damage and how u3 and u1 both send fullscreen, u2 and u3 should've switched sides and sent opponent up close and full screen respectively, there's no reason to use them right now.
Yea i only use 1 ( to throw them far ass away) and 1+3 (damage) midscreen. In the corner 3 is useful because it plants them hard on the ground and creates a super ambiguous oki situation.


I don't like how u2 u1 and u3 all give the same damage and how u3 and u1 both send fullscreen, u2 and u3 should've switched sides and sent opponent up close and full screen respectively, there's no reason to use them right now.

Kratos had the same problem. NRS 4 life.
His best combos and setups are pretty high execution compared to most other characters. The whole reason why I win or lose matches online is based on if I drop my links or not. And with this kind of netcode you're bound to drop at least 50% of your stuff which makes online a frustrating gambling experience.

Also I find the timing between online and offline really different. So practicing too much online in this game and with this character can result in making your offline execution super sloppy.

I'm sure the hard contrast between online and offline is the main reason why we see so many top players drop so many combos during tournaments. It's not just tourney nerves, the combo drop rate is much higher in Injustice than in other games (with probably better netcode).
All that seems to have happened are some minor frame adjustments, but they might have just always been that way and only now sorted. Still lots of errors(still no block advantage on EX lightning :3), but they are stepping it up.
Lol I feel out of place here. I'm a superman main looking for some experience against Black Adam. Would love to get some sets with some of you guys.

My XBL Tag is GBS Giovanni. Just send me a message if anyone down to play at some point.


So I hope we're just getting a really dope skin. If we get buffs people are going to riot.
LBSH, once Scorpion gets nerfed, people are going to riot anyways, because a lot of casuals here on TYM seem to have been complaining about him lately. Scorpion only made them forget.


Best Doomsday in the world
LBSH, once Scorpion gets nerfed, people are going to riot anyways, because a lot of casuals here on TYM seem to have been complaining about him lately. Scorpion only made them forget.
I don't understand it either. He's going to naturally deteriorate in the tiers with time and probably land somewhere in A tier without nerfs due to his lack of mix up anyway. But to each their own I suppose.


I don't understand it either. He's going to naturally deteriorate in the tiers with time and probably land somewhere in A tier without nerfs due to his lack of mix up anyway. But to each their own I suppose.
Because a 10% divekick that doesn't lead to anything on hit needs to be punishable with max damage.


Where is crossplay?
His best combos and setups are pretty high execution compared to most other characters. The whole reason why I win or lose matches online is based on if I drop my links or not. And with this kind of netcode you're bound to drop at least 50% of your stuff which makes online a frustrating gambling experience.

Also I find the timing between online and offline really different. So practicing too much online in this game and with this character can result in making your offline execution super sloppy.

I'm sure the hard contrast between online and offline is the main reason why we see so many top players drop so many combos during tournaments. It's not just tourney nerves, the combo drop rate is much higher in Injustice than in other games (with probably better netcode).
So much truth in this post. I honestly tend to do braindead combos cause I'm so scared of dropping them online. Offline I do the BNBs but online, I do shit like 11 T B2, 3 U 1+3. So many matches I'm missing out on damage but online is not the WORST netcode but it's not BA friendly:(


Joker waiting room
Lol I feel out of place here. I'm a superman main looking for some experience against Black Adam. Would love to get some sets with some of you guys.

My XBL Tag is GBS Giovanni. Just send me a message if anyone down to play at some point.
my xbl is qwark28