Korea just provided a dedicated player base, Blizzard did the rest. The MK community has supported garbage games, so they are missing out on SO many financial opportunities by slowly whittling down their fan base by continuing to release crap.Its not really in WB best interest for the game to be a tourney viable game, there in it for the casual money, and fighting game tournaments don't profit them. The star craft scene is only profitable to blizzard because of all the shit that korea has done for the game, and the fact it is broadcasted on live TV over there, its there fucking national sport, the fighting game scene can't even compare to that.
For better or worse, MK is a brand that will sell no matter what, even if the game is completele horse shit, I applaud NRS for even bothering to try to make a non shitty game at this point, as retarded as that sounds.
Crap games aren't nearly as profitable as they once were. It is pretty much proven fact now that most of the blockbuster games are blockbusters because the myth that they are 'tournament games.' Kids see stars when they think they can become famous playing video games.
Take League of Legends for example. The game is FREE. The only money the company makes is through dlc and advertising. And they are seeing green already. It is also one of the fastest growing competitive games which is super highly streamed ... and guess what, there are more fighting games streamed on average then LoL games.
I think fighting game fans don't realize how big the scene really is, but now with the help of the internet, I think the community is beginning to see just how big it really is.
I agree with you about the potential. Like I said numerous times in this thread. I love MK9 and I want it to be the game I go pro in for the fighting game scene. As for all the other claims in your post, NRS hasn't down much to make me believe they are putting working into making MK9 live 3 years. Seems like their resources are already allocated in MK10.The game and the scene are going to be fine. The patch will be released before Evo. The DLCs will most likely be released after Evo. I think I speak for all members who have been here since MK: D when I say that there is a lot of potential with MK9.