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General/Other Buff Wish List


Ok forget what I said about DD's trait as it may not be as good as I think it is.

I still don't get how giving Harley a good/one of the best trait in the game is a bad thing.

Even if they made the trait safe it would still suck compared to Soupman's damage buff+armor breaker so the "can't make it safe or it would be too good" doesn't make sense here.

I'm pretty sure his damage buff is already superior to Harley's anyway.


Surprised noone mentioned this yet, but can we get a damage buff for her gunshots (df1, db1, air db1)? AFAIK it's the lowest damage projectile in the game and high. You have stuff like Deathstroke df1 high 2 hit at 6% or df2 mid at 14%, Sinestro mid df1 at 6%, Cybord mid bf1 at 8%, Lex's df is mid and does only 3%, but you can charge it or dash cancel, etc. etc. etc. Harley's guns are pretty lackluster compared to most of the cast, and db2 having a random backfire makes it less than reliable, as well as being on the slow side. I don't see why Harley can't have the damage buffed on df1 to 6% at least.
Buff the damn trait. Its useless as is, nuff said.

F2 overhead is way too slow and crap range. Her hand will actually pass through an opponent without contacting.

TS-1 doesnt need an overhead, but thatd be amazing. Other chars have low-overhead or overhead-low strings

D1 has great speed, but will whiff anyone harley isnt basically touching already

Shes a great character and im gonna play her no matter what, but wow is her trait the most useless aspect of the whole game in general or what?
definitely the most useless thing in the game, if you get a bomb after a close knockdown, good for you but the other two...you're completely screwed

like i said before, making TS~1 an overhead fixes a lot of her problems and makes her terrible match-ups closer to even since now she doesn't have to jump to get in
As dope as that would be, it would need a rediculous cooldown. Getting a 50% 1 meter combo with harley is no feat, add in an unblockable reset? Broken. They would either have to increase the damage scaling after a landed bomb or give it just enuff pop for a simple string like j2 112 df1. Adding a gauranteed 25-30% to harleys already good damage is going to be hard without making her TOO sick

I wanna see some kind of adorable factor that makes the enemies damage get cut in half and you can activate it after his combo starts like aquaman.

Just thought of this. Make pop pop charge faster so we can actually use its charged up versions. I understand why it has a 1/10 fail rate but when it charges so slow to begin with its not fair to have the chance of failing after you miraculously charged one


How about Play Doctor as a mid instead of high? I would gladly give up the 2d3 and shitty overhead for that.


Meow Hoes
I think
-112 should jail standing. ( not being able to duck after 11) and leave the advantage on block.
-One hit of armour on mb ss.
-f1 hits mid.
SS reeaaally doesnt need armor. It wouldnt change anything. The people who keep harley out so bad have multi hitting projectiles anyway.
Grttig in with her is easy, its landing a mixup against good defense thats hard. With the exception of that new f13 to instant overhead nj2 tech, all they have to do is duck all day and react to a slow overhead

PD hitting mid would be awesome, definately not OP to have a Useable grab.
I've been thinking about her trait again.

I get what NRS were going for. She's mentally unstable and this causes her to be unpredictable in regards to what she pulls out of her bag. However, if they were trying to be true to her character, why does she get a damage boost and health regen? She has no superpowers. I think the health regen might be due to some sort of weird Poison Ivy healing plant thing, but the Joker picture? Does she just get some sort of inspiration after tongue-ing Mr. J that makes her inflict more damage?

That being said, the Poison Ivy plant isn't really Harley Quinn specific, which is a bit meh in my opinion. 1/3 of her personal trait is technically a trait of another character.

The Bomb totally makes sense, but it's the uncertainty of if you're going to get it or not that sucks. I've heard people say it would be OP if you could choose the bomb, as it would be an endless loop of unblockable resets. (Ares laughs at this btw) A solution would just be to have longer cooldown, or a limited amount of times you can use each item of her trait.

Thinking about alternatives to her trait, I came up with some suggestions. I know the likelihood of a brand new trait is slim to none, but it didn't stop me from thinking it over. Due to her not having any superpowers, I was thinking that instead of character buffs for Harley, her trait could have de-buffs for your opponent due to that magic syringe she carries about with her from Play Doctor. It could use the same animation as Play Doctor, and you could select which de-buff to choose from by pressing any of the directions and 4. Different coloured particles could glow to indicate which de-buff is active. All would remain active for the length of her current trait, but would take longer to recharge due to them not sucking so hard. The icon on the HUD could be a syringe refilling to determine when it's ready to use again.

b4- Resistance Reduction - Causes the opponent to take more damage. Pretty much the same properties as the Joker picture, except reversed.
f4- Damage Reduction - Causes the opponent to inflict less damage.
u4- Drowsyness- Causes the opponents speed to decrease. Similar to the Flash's, but not as slow, and gravity of combos is not affected.
d4- Bomb - Same as the current bomb, but with a longer recharge time.

One can dream...
Wow dude those are some sick suggestions. Btw, i started a thread just for her trait and said some of the exact things you just did lol. But tying trait to PD? Genius!


Harley & Zatana is all I need.
Thank you for that brief look into NRS's mind. People don't understand that they attempted to make Harley sort of like Faust (GG) or Teddy (PA4) with the "random items" and pop up randomly not working. It works well with the Character that she is. The Play Doctor thing I like, I wouldn't want it to be her trait, but I would like for it to be like her EX Doctor follow ups. I like the idea of Damage Resis, Reduction Resis, Slow, and then say the last one would be idk like more DoT from the poison say (3-5%).


Like Father, Like Daughter
f+2 buff
Slightly more damage on gunshots
Slightly less recovery on pop pop
Trait to be tweaked

I think that's all she really needs.

Doesn't 112 end in a mid?
Gunshots are fine. No one else can provide as constant fire as harley, its just that she walks forward.

Poppop needs less charge time, it can already be MB for recovery cancel

F2 needs less startup
Trait needs less startup and or less recovery (not cooldown, but recovery)


i wouldn't want to mess with play doctor, her MB effect on it is really really good

she just needs a reliable grounded overhead
An overhead, a slight buff on her gunshots, and maybe a bigger hitbox on her anti-air and that's good enough for me.

Her trait could be improved, but I don't even know how.


Too old for this Shit
Wow dude those are some sick suggestions. Btw, i started a thread just for her trait and said some of the exact things you just did lol. But tying trait to PD? Genius!
I like the fact that you started that topic..Now, what we have to do is get serious and think of some good fixes, get a variety of opinions and somehow get it to NRS... Twitter?

Thank you for that brief look into NRS's mind. People don't understand that they attempted to make Harley sort of like Faust (GG) or Teddy (PA4) with the "random items" and pop up randomly not working. It works well with the Character that she is. The Play Doctor thing I like, I wouldn't want it to be her trait, but I would like for it to be like her EX Doctor follow ups. I like the idea of Damage Resis, Reduction Resis, Slow, and then say the last one would be idk like more DoT from the poison say (3-5%).
I unfortunately understand the fact of what they tried to do... However in a game where some traits MAKE the character great.. Harley, Joker and Cyborg get the short end of the stick in the trait department.


Filthy Casual
I really don't know how/ if they're going to buff the trait outside of just making the buff gifts safer by reducing startup and recovery. For what it's worth, I love the syringe Pain Doctor idea. As it stands, I think Harley's trait is easily the worst in the game.


Too old for this Shit
i think harley needs an anti-air more than an overhead
Harley has all the tools to keep someone at bay.. And if they happen to get in she can defend herself with the universal options of the rest of the cast.. MB B3/F3, and push block. dont have meter or those options, you have Silly Slide that can be used as an escape tool. Upguns and Cupcakes for good reads and proper MU knowledge...She has one of the best B3's in the game period. Adding anti-air would be kind of blah...like Aquaman.. Why move? Let them come at me.. D2 all day.. That's not Harley.. That's not her type.

Valid Overhead is needed to make her mixup game competent.... NOT OP.


Jump and shoot.
Making PD hit mid is pretty much the best suggestion of the thread. Giving her a good overhead would be a pretty generic fix and I'd rather the developers not go that route.
i guess it's just online having a shitty connection...i seriously have a hard time doing bf2 online and usually getting it when i don't want it
Harley has all the tools to keep someone at bay.. And if they happen to get in she can defend herself with the universal options of the rest of the cast.. MB B3/F3, and push block. dont have meter or those options, you have Silly Slide that can be used as an escape tool. Upguns and Cupcakes for good reads and proper MU knowledge...She has one of the best B3's in the game period. Adding anti-air would be kind of blah...like Aquaman.. Why move? Let them come at me.. D2 all day.. That's not Harley.. That's not her type.

Valid Overhead is needed to make her mixup game competent.... NOT OP.
I totally agree with this, harley should be played in constant motion. That being said, i still think Up guns are pretty garbage. Theres really no incentive to use it instead of cupcakes being that its got snail-like startup and an ant-like hitbox. I would even go so far as to say id rather have this removed altogether in exchange for some quicker startup on f2. Anyways, i hate getting up guns when im trying to d1 lol.


Best Zatanna that uses Aquaman
They need to buff her 123 string back to the way it was, the nerf to making it rollable and then NOT listing in the patch notes is a smack in the face. Secondly, they need to fix the hitbox to her b2... this normal whiffs on floating characters like Superman, Sinestro, etc. making the range much shorter than it should be (perhaps increase the height of the hitbox). I can't even whiff punish a f2 from Supes with a b2 even if he's in my face... I guess the b2 goes under the character's feet.

I agree with f2 having faster startup but not only for a legitimate 50/50, but for an extra footsie tool.