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Maybe its just me...


I like Injustice, but it isn't MK9 and that's the reality for me. MK9's competition was fierce, and entertaining. I do feel Injustice is fun to watch, but nothing beats watching a sick Shang player (like WoundCowboy) or a sick Cage (like Dizzy) land some crazy stuff and win a match. I do like Injustice, but it is no where near the level of happiness that MK9 brought me. It's sad, really, because MK9 has horrible numbers now.


Mechanical Engineering Bitch!
Dunno where all the statements that there is 'no whiff punishing' in this game, we playing the same game or what?
Also, the 'footsies' you guys speak of are MK9 footsies, Injustice has its own style, you just need to learn it.

It's just a lot of people overreacting and are too caught up on "it's not MK9." This community also isn't the strongest (in terms of keeping players) or the most open minded (Meaning most don't play anything but mk9) either so I'm not surprised by some of these replies.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I really don't see myself playing this game 2 years from now like with Mk9. What about you guys??
Maybe it's because I'm more of a Mk fan than a dc one. Game can be fun at times. But lBSH there's a lot of bullshit in it too.

I feel with the lack of Anti airs, dashing in safely , unblock able interactables , Etc . One can get scrubed out more than in mk9. And even though they were bad chars in mk9, people could pull off wins with the right footsies, couterpoking , anti airs, and whiff punishes.

I really hope new Mk is announced by the end of the year.

I love this game for what it is, I love Deathstroke, and I'll stick with it if there's still a scene for it that far down the road/make all attempts possible to help it stay huge now so it doesn't end up another passing fad ala Persona or fucking Divekick...I want Injustice to grow like a virus of justice and encompass all reaches of the FGC...

...but with that being said: Why do you guys think I'm so desperate for Scorpion and/or Sub-Zero to storm the scene?

You're on the right side of the debate, Scar/Piggy/Cat.
This is a fantastic game in its own right, but a great deal of me will always wish MK had stayed on top. Hence, my great intense excitement that I get to bring a piece of it with me into the fight for Injustice.

It's hard to make as huge an effort now that there's no all-encompassing reason to keep up.
But if there's promise of a huge redux come Summer Jam time, best believe I'll be dusting off my Tekunin.


Your Emporer
I've found almost the opposite to what a lot of people are seeing. This is the first fighter I have ever really gotten into mostly because most other fighter's I have played just get boring after awhile, whereas in this I have a hard time even picking a main character, and I'm not even a DC fan.

I think the main problem people have with this is the information overload. The level of character variety not to mention interactables means that compared to most fighters (which tend to have linear fighting designs) there is far far more you need to learn to deal with a lot of stuff.

Also I must repeat the hilarity of comparisons with MK9, even ignoring MK9's balance issues, Injustice is just way too different of a fighter.


The one guy hoping for Kai
I think this game is pretty good, but has GREAT downfalls. IMO dedicated dashing is something that does nothing but limit combo-creativity, and a lot of gameplay elements in this game are designed to cater to the casual/scrub side of the gaming community. Interactables and stage transitions (again, IMO) seem silly. It's like having the Final Smash ball in Brawl. Dumb, one button gets you 20-30 percent damage for free.

But it also has its positives, I like the universal launchers (b3, f3, d2), I love the way meter-burning works in this game, I actually enjoy the meter management system, and clashing is a pretty cool concept. And let's not forget how awesome the training mode is.

Hoowweevverrrr, this game seems too casually oriented for me to take it seriously. Mk9 to me was perfect (minus all the retarded "balance" patches). All in all, I'd give it like a 6/10
THis post sums it up perfectly.
THe game in a sense is a failure but let's not overlook all the AMAZING shit NRS did with this game that will hopefully carry over to their next game(wether I buy it remains to be seen).


Play Monster Hunter!
I think ultimately this game is simply not what a lot of you guys wanted, or expected, it sure isn't what I was expected.

A lot of people though it would just be MK9 with DC skins, I thought it would be a weird mix of SF and MK with some Anime sprinkled on top for good measure. However, it's really not either of those, it's much more Anime then I was expecting. It's like MK mixed with Blazblue, and a bunch of really crazy ideas thrown in for good measure. It all came together to make a very unique game, but some of you may not be the audience for this type of fighter, and that's fine.

I'm kind of sad its going to be a at the very least 4 years before we see a true sequel to the game, I would really like to see NRS embrace the Anime side of the game, crazier characters, more air dashing, air blocking, even more powerful mixups, faster gameplay, more varied and somewhat better thought out stage interactions.


Oh yeah MK9 had so many kewl projectiles like ice clone, net, EX hat toss, daggers, homing missiles, bombs, force ball, bubble, etc. I think giving characters those kinds of projectiles allows for so many possibilities and new tech to discover. I'm not familiar with a lot of the Injustice cast yet, but from what I've seen only Batman, Lex Luthor, Sinestro, Green Arrow and maybe Ares have the most interesting projectiles.


Waiting for Havik
...I do think this game is one major redesign patch away from greatness, but if the play stays so focused on dirty offense and ultimate lameness ... and most of tournament players keep using the same 5-10 top tier characters over and over again, this game might start losing tournament views, then go under the radar. Personally, I don't know about you guys, but the last two majors I was watching, I was mad bored. Seeing top players do bullshit like the rest of us, just with better reads ...
This :u. There are a lot of chars very boring and dull (superman, Black Adam, Killer Frost, etc), but I have to say that I find some chars really interesting like Batman, Lex, Nightwing, Ares, etc. Sadly, you'll see more of the boring ones on stream than the great ones. Still the game is fun just not DAT fun as MK but thats 'cause they are different plus its a matter of opinions.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
A lot of you guys are MK players. I don't mean this to be like "It's the only thing you're good at." I mean it in the sense that the main reason you are even competitive is because of your favorite FG, Which is MK.

I personally am having a lot of fun with IGAU. Fighting games are literally the only thing I'm mostly interested in in terms of new releases. I probably would be done with games in general if it weren't for this genre. It's so new in terms of what it is, so I'm sure I'll be playing it a while.

But yeah, I think the attachment to MK and only MK is why some of you don't enjoy it.


Man of Tomorrow
Like we all said, it basically comes down to

1 No footsies or good ranged pokes.
2 No AAs.
3 No wake ups.
4 Most interactables are bs and random.
5 Too many safe 50/50s that gives full combos.
6 Too much armor.
7 Input delay.
8 No dash cancels.
9 No wiff punishing
10 Superman & NW retardness.

If they fix all that with future patches this game could be so much more skill rewarding and enjoyable.

1. There ARE footsies and there are good ranged pokes but not everyone has them.
2. This I agree with, there's practically no reliable AA for most of the cast.
3. There are wakeups, they're just not as safe as MK beyond people like Adam.
4. BS? Don't even know what you mean by that. They are by no means "random" though.
5. Define "too many" because this seems specific to a handful of characters and not a problem with the game but with matchups.
6. See five.
7. This is a problem.
8. So? People are still doing high damage combos easily without canceling a dash into 2 or something.
9. This is just misinformed.
10. This is just biased.


My blades will find your heart
This thread makes my head hurt. Some of you are so biased it is laughable.

My last tournament I was in losers finals, Baraka v. Smoke. I used max ranged blade charges to bait him into reacting, and when getting him in the corner I kept him at a blade charge distance so he couldnt get out. Basically I relied on footsies and spacing the entire match. And then whenever I made ONE mistake, he did a 100% reset and I lost the round. Now the Smoke player was still good and I give him props for winning, but how in the hell can you say footsies win in MK when characters can get 100% off one hit? Cyrax and Smoke can kill with one combo, you cant even footsie Kabal, Kenshi mad eit very hard for characters to footsie as did Sonya etc.

You all are ignoring MANY aspects of Injustice that prevent lopsided matchups(Some of which people still are not using enough):
1. Pushblock- This literally makes sure there are no true infinites in this game. Even F23breath can be pushblocked, but the game is new and people are stupid enough to try and poke out. Sure it costs a bar but when you look at how much meter most characters build, it is certainly worth it.
2. Universal Armor- The thing about complaining about too much armor in this game is you forget the fact that EVERYONE has it. In Mk9 the characters that did not have armor usually suffered unless their playstyle removed the need for it. In IGAU B3 and F3 become a tool for everyone. That is not to say every B3 and F3 is just as useful as the others, but it is still an option everyone has.
3. Interactables- Before you spout off all the Metropolis bullshit open your mind for a second. Say a character like Bane is facing Sinestro or Deathstroke. That matchup is going to be super tough for him. But he still has a tool to get in: Interactables. Now sure power characters can usually abuse them MORE EASILY but that doesnt mean gadget characters cant do anything. If people learn to use the evades on reaction instead of panicking, then they will prove more useful. If they start using bombs to get free combo damage and remove the power character threat etc.
4. Clash- It differs from breaker in that it can regain life and get you more damage. This can help comebacks while not making them super easy.

MAIN POINT: Both games have flaws. Both games have broken shit. Both games have things that LBSH, are super scrubby. But they are both good games and both competitive games. People are giving up on Injustice way too early, some of these broken things will be dealt with in time, just like things in MK9 were countered. Both games have matchups that suck and may feel unwinnable, but in both anything is possible. People need to play what they want to and stop mudslinging. I also love how the people saying Injustice is scrubby also play the top tier characters in MK9 like Kenshi and Kabal. Do me a favor and play Baraka for a month and see how far fundamentals get you.

Support both games. You dont have to play them both, but they are both part of this community, and are both worthy of your support.


The one guy hoping for Kai
I think ultimately this game is simply not what a lot of you guys wanted, or expected, it sure isn't what I was expected.

A lot of people though it would just be MK9 with DC skins, I thought it would be a weird mix of SF and MK with some Anime sprinkled on top for good measure. However, it's really not either of those, it's much more Anime then I was expecting. It's like MK mixed with Blazblue, and a bunch of really crazy ideas thrown in for good measure. It all came together to make a very unique game, but some of you may not be the audience for this type of fighter, and that's fine.

I'm kind of sad its going to be a at the very least 4 years before we see a true sequel to the game, I would really like to see NRS embrace the Anime side of the game, crazier characters, more air dashing, air blocking, even more powerful mixups, faster gameplay, more varied and somewhat better thought out stage interactions.
I'm the oppisite.THis game is EXACTLY what I expected it to be.The prob is that the HUGE issues it has are a breaktaking dealbreaker.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
NRS makes a DC game yet they are tired of DC?And you cant tell me WB ordered them to do it.
Also if what you say it's true that just disproves EVERYTHING NRS said about this game and just makes them one trick ponies.
What would prove NRS to be a "one trick pony" is if they could only do, or were only successful at, on thing. Injustice kind of flies in the face of that as IGAU is a very good game, and a seemingly strong new fighting franchise. Not to mention that the MK team, new and old, have done many new and original things throughout the life of past MK's, as each installment brought something new to the franchise and the genre.

Further more, nothing in my post would suggest that NRS dislikes DC at all; but everything about NRS would suggest that MK is what they are most passionate about. Excitement for working on a new DC franchise, and excitement on working on a new installment of MK, quite possibly could be to completely different things entirely for the NRS team. With DC comes new and fresh ideas that can be experimented with, but with a new MK game comes no restrictions (or at least way less than with DC), as well as the attitude saying "we can do whatever we want."

My original post only equates my, and seemingly many peoples, love of MK to NRS' same passion about that franchise. Saying that IGAU lacks a certain...edge (which many people agree with), and saying that NRS sees that, isn't that much of a stretch.


Alright, let's get down to it.

It seems that the consensus, at least for the MK side of the community is, it's simply not as good as MK9 and likely never will be without a big redesign. Or at the very least they cannot bring themselves to like this game over MK9 for a variety of reasons. All of these are fair reasons if they are truly your opinions.

So my offer is this. For most MK players, for at least a day or a week, whatever length of time just drop Injustice. Don't look at it, don't play it. Go back to grinding MK9 like you would had Injustice not come out. Just for a short amount of time, pretend Injustice never existed and you're all on MK9 doing what you do.

Now, after said time elapses, ask yourselves a couple of questions. Did you miss playing or watching Injustice at all? Would you really be sad if it wasn't around? If the answer to both of those is no, drop it semi-permanently. Or a better description, drop it until it actually appeals to you again. And then just stay on MK9.

You see I'm getting a sense that really, a lot of MK players are just forcing themselves to play the game at this point either out of obligation, or the fact that it's an NRS game. You should NEVER have to force yourself to play a game. If you do not like it, or there's simply a game you like playing far more, play the different game. It's that simple.

And MK9 deserves love too, it's a solid game that would be helped if MK players went back to grinding on it full time again.

So like I said, take some time out, pretend Injustice doesn't exist, play the hell out of MK9 again. If after that time you don't feel the true need or want to go back to Injustice, you'll know where your heart lies. Better to play the games you truly want than to force yourself to play games you don't want to.

Who knows? Maybe down the line the game will develop into something you actually want. But as of right now, for a good amount of you, it isn't what you want. So don't force it. Let those who DO like this game develop it, they'll do so with or without your input. And if it doesn't develop to your liking, you still have MK9. And if it does, you can always come back. There's no final decision or final destiny for any game.


The one guy hoping for Kai
A lot of you guys are MK players. I don't mean this to be like "It's the only thing you're good at." I mean it in the sense that the main reason you are even competitive is because of your favorite FG, Which is MK.

I personally am having a lot of fun with IGAU. Fighting games are literally the only thing I'm mostly interested in in terms of new releases. I probably would be done with games in general if it weren't for this genre. It's so new in terms of what it is, so I'm sure I'll be playing it a while.

But yeah, I think the attachment to MK and only MK is why some of you don't enjoy it.
A billion and one bad things in this game and "derp it's not Emkay" is the worst one?STFU and learn a thing or 2 about proper game design.


cr. HP Master
I agree with some posts that say you guys are just favorable to MK because it's your first love. My first fg was SSF2, then Tekken DR. I played those games longer than MK9. Most of the reason I was pissed at MK in the beginning was because it wasn't SF basically. I eventually grew past that and accepted it as it's own game.


The one guy hoping for Kai
What would prove NRS to be a "one trick pony" is if they could only do, or were only successful at, on thing. Injustice kind of flies in the face of that as IGAU is a very good game, and a seemingly strong new fighting franchise. Not to mention that the MK team, new and old, have done many new and original things throughout the life of past MK's, as each installment brought something new to the franchise and the genre.

Further more, nothing in my post would suggest that NRS dislikes DC at all; but everything about NRS would suggest that MK is what they are most passionate about. Excitement for working on a new DC franchise, and excitement on working on a new installment of MK, quite possibly could be to completely different things entirely for the NRS team. With DC comes new and fresh ideas that can be experimented with, but with a new MK game comes no restrictions (or at least way less than with DC), as well as the attitude saying "we can do whatever we want."

My original post only equates my, and seemingly many peoples, love of MK to NRS' same passion about that franchise. Saying that IGAU lacks a certain...edge (which many people agree with), and saying that NRS sees that, isn't that much of a stretch.
I see your point but Injustice is Injsutice and if you put MK characters in it you prove nothing other than they cant move awy from it.

Scorpion doesn't have advancing normals. Reptile doesn't have a good anti air. Shang has trash wake ups. There's not much universal fundamentals for MK besides the jumps that everyone shares.

Everyone can whiff punish in Injustice. Who can't that I'm missing?
Not really arguing your points but just saying Reptiles uppercut works fine as an anti-air, ex soul steal works great as a wakeup with meter, and characters don't nessecarily need advancing normals with being able to dash up and attack or block.

I agree that Injustice could turn out to be just as good or better than in MK but the inability to dash block and dash attack have really made it seem easier to zone rather than work my way in.


Waiting for Havik
...You see I'm getting a sense that really, a lot of MK players are just forcing themselves to play the game at this point either out of obligation, or the fact that it's an NRS game. You should NEVER have to force yourself to play a game. If you do not like it, or there's simply a game you like playing far more, play the different game. It's that simple.
Too many "this", but also this :u.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Really dude? No need for all that. Some people just prefer it over this game. No need to get all hostile.
Then people should not carry around their opinions as facts.Being rude sometimes the only way people will learn humility.
There are a billion and one bad things about MK, you're just used to them so they don't feel so bad any more.
I dont own MK9 and the only time I played it I tier-whored with Kabal.