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Are interactables too good?

Are Interactables currently a little too powerful?

  • Yes

    Votes: 131 77.5%
  • No

    Votes: 38 22.5%

  • Total voters


My blades will find your heart
People talk about interactables like they are so scrubby and broken.

Half the roster in this game is scrubby and broken. This game is full of broken, why not embrace it instead of banning everything?

Don't really care if they get nerfed or not


<3 Fighting Games!!!
They are scrubby and take no skill and add to the randomness of the game. In tournament play they shouldn't be allowed imo.
Damn straight. I think NRG should come out with a stage that is tailored to tournament play, ie no interactives at all. This game should be based on skills on both players, not whether one of them has more access to the interatives than the other one.


Goro Lives 
Damn straight. I think NRG should come out with a stage that is tailored to tournament play, ie no interactives at all. This game should be based on skills on both players, not whether one of them has more access to the interatives than the other one.
They don't have to. An option to turn them off at stage selection exists already.

Only 2 stages have the interactables "randomized" (not true since they appear at fixed intervals in the same location). The rest are fixed in a specific location within the stage. It should part of the player's skillset to position themselves correctly to either: a)use the interctable, b) avoid it.
Juggs brought up the idea for this thread late last night in our staff forum, and here is my reply to him about this topic:

So theres where I stand on interactables.

This is exactly how I feel, but didn't bother posting it. Probably would have been called an idiot for try to let the game breathe.

I do feel they should be tweaked, but if they're not (Like NRS decides not to tweak them to other players liking), are we going to start banning stages? I understand what happened at UFGT, but this seems so sudden. Hell, Aris (one of NRS past harshest critics) has been more accepting to how the game currently is (and how NRS made the game) compared to most on this forum. Just confused is all :(
while i feel the problem with interactable is more due to how the game denfesive option are just over all weak. Some interactable due have ridiculous hit box.

I think some shouldn't do knock down as well.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
This is exactly how I feel, but didn't bother posting it. Probably would have been called an idiot for try to let the game breathe.

I do feel they should be tweaked, but if they're not (Like NRS decides not to tweak them to other players liking), are we going to start banning stages? I understand what happened at UFGT, but this seems so sudden. Hell, Aris (one of NRS past harshest critics) has been more accepting to how the game currently is (and how NRS made the game) compared to most on this forum. Just confused is all :(
Well its only be a month & a half, so lets just either make the actual game play just like MK9, or make the rules of playing it at a tourney just like MK9.

Fuck, lets just patch in all the fucked up parts of MK9 into IGAU too. Make negative edge permanent & fuck up the hitboxes even more. THEN Injustice would be perfect!!!!


My blades will find your heart
Well its only be a month & a half, so lets just either make the actual game play just like MK9, or make the rules of playing it at a tourney just like MK9.

Fuck, lets just patch in all the fucked up parts of MK9 into IGAU too. Make negative edge permanent & fuck up the hitboxes even more. THEN Injustice would be perfect!!!!
What about input bug? We also need to rebalance, needs more 9-1 matchups.

Like seriously, without the interactables there would be some seriously bad matchups in this game. Interactables prevent that.

And screw all this "mobility characters cant use them" BS. They can be used for evasion if timed right. For instance if they fire a projectile you can immediately use the interactable and punish for full combo. If they try to move in, you evade and are back out. This is just another case of people not having enough experience with the game.


Why does knowing the rules make any difference? Knowing the rules is irrelevant. What are you supposed to do, not play because you don't agree with the rules? Have you ever been to a tournament?
*sigh* I've been to more tournaments than you have. Knowing the rules means knowing that everytime you sit down you may get a stage you don't like. It's the same in MK with drawing a Kabal on Rooftop Day or a similar situation in any other game. If you cannot handle this concept then yes you shouldn't play.

No, your straw man argument is not what I'm "telling everyone". I said there's many different ways to get around the interactables, but most of the time they're inconsistent. And all of those ways are useless when the interactables are used as resets. It's also not all interactables that are ridiculous, as Vulcan pointed out, but a lot of them are.
If the problem is your opponent using the interactibles then stop them from using them. It doesn't matter the size of the cannon if noone is there to pull the trigger.

That's not what I mean by losing the match before it starts. I don't mean literally losing before the match starts, because for one that's not even possible. What I mean by that is the opponent already, before the match starts, has a huge advantage based purely on luck if it's random stage or 50/50. And for some match-ups, the stage makes, for example, a 5-5 MU turn into a 7-3 or worse MU.

Again though, this isn't what the thread is aimed at. That is a ruling problem, and if the interactables are nerfed, it won't be nearly as big of a problem. Also, you need to check that attitude at the door, and remember who you're talking to. ;)
How is it a huge advantage if both players have access to the same interactibles? It's all part of the strategy dood. Let's say You and I are playing Catwoman vs Bane. Now you know that I'm gonna want to use the interactibles to stay away from your command grabs and lure you in for bombs. What do you do? One possiblility is to run around tossing all the interactibles whether they hit me or not just to get rid of them or you could camp them so I'm afraid to use them for fear of getting nailed myself. Those are only two of the more obvious possilitites.

I know a lot better than you do who I'm talking to. You didn't even bother to read the last two paragraphs of my post where I not only agreed with you, but suggested what in my opinion, were some pretty intelligent ways to implement the nerf. You attacked the one part of my post where I didn't happen to agree with you. If that's having an attitude then wave your little ban stick in my direction and I'll laugh my ass off as I go to one of the other billion forums on the web.
If I could make any change, I'd take away the ability to MB interactables. Makes them easier to punish and makes them largely combo finishers, hahah I knocked you down and now I'm throwing a nearby car at you.

I am fine with how things are now, however (though the explosion on Metro rooftop is pretty stupid, dodge the robot and still get nailed by flying debris)


Dojo Trainee
I do like the idea of interactables, I just don't like them in the current state. Damage is high and they can be a bit too difficult to evade. The ones I hate most are the ones that respawn, kind of wish either they didn't respawn or were on a much longer timer.

Also should there be a discussion in regards what to try and do regarding stage selection? I remember seeing Arturo on twitter and it still seems like there's no standard for it, maybe something to look into.


The only down tones to interactables should be:

Watch tower - Cant dash under an air interactable even when obviously scouted. It still hits you on the opposite side, even when outside of its hit box.

Lazer gun in Lex's level (insurgency)- Too spammable, recharges way too early.

Machine turret gun - Left side of strykers island, recharges too quickly, some characters can't move the opponent from that position at all, and are too out matched by a simple walk back, especially P1. The Myscira port cannon is strong and it only has one canon ball, same design, but balanced.

Wayne manor & metropolis car hit box is way too big, can't jump back even on reaction to a power character at almost full screen, again take the Myscira tree on the right side, its very balanced.

Gotham trash bin, has glitches, still hits characters that make a clean jump, land and seconds later get hit by a phantom trash bin.

Apart from that, interactables are fair, interesting and change the game dynamic massively. They must stay.

The piano in Wayne Manor needs to be looked at as well, sometimes it hits you twice for 40% for trying to interrupt it, I think I was playing Bildslash when this happened.
The hitbox on most, tracking on some, and respawn rate on some need to be adjusted is all. Otherwise they are great and a welcome addition to this game.


Neutral Skipper
Depends. I think ones that give you extra combo ability/mobility are fantastic, but throwing a giant unblockable car that goes fullscreen and does a shit-ton of damage which you can also MB for armour... just no.


Omfg guys.

Metropolis Museum, look at that god damn plane. There's a sweet spot for powers that hits twice.

Bane on no Venom does 113 then cancel into wall bounce(level 3 before hit), j.3 stage hazard lolggs 100%


I'm a literal Sloth
Mobility characters get screwed, how come you can blow it up, or throw it, but I divekick and it can be BLOCKED? That doesn't make sense. Also, using "Adapt" or "Level up" to something like FREE DAMAGE makes no sense to me. I can already see MANY players that aren't as skilled placing high in tournaments because they just throw shit around the screen.

This "Im bane vs whatever" arguement, is crap. If you're playing a grappler and you get in(as hard as that is) you shouldn't have a free out. You have other options besides free damage and whatnot (ie pushblock, or you know making a read).

Also, the bombs on Batcave, you cannot BLOCK during this, and if you get hit while holding them, you take damage from the explosion. I still do believe batcave is the most fair stage in it's current state.

Imo hopefully later down the line, interactables will be off, and transitions will be on.


RTSD All Day. I'm going in. No Vaseline.
Interactables need to go. We've given them a chance, now it's time to get back to the core gameplay of injustice.


They are scrubby and take no skill and add to the randomness of the game. In tournament play they shouldn't be allowed imo.
While I feel the sentiment is too extreme, and I do enjoy interactables since they add another dimension to the game, I agree with the gist of what you're saying (though I'm more in line with Juggs about nerfing them, rather than banning them). Watch the match PL lost, or 16 Bit vs. Dizzy and notice how much they can add to the randomness of the game. They obviously favor power characters significantly too. On some stages like Metro, they're ridiculous, as it forces you essentially spend the entire match worrying about getting hit with one (especially if you're gadget character against a power char) instead of actually starting offense.

Stages with endless interactables should be banned, and the hitbox and/or damage on interactables needs to be reduced. In general, they're a cool addition that in time, will force players to create strategies around them, be aware of their positioning, etc... But when all you have to do on some stages as a power character (especially if you have a good keep-away game) is jump backwards until you reach the nearest interactable, throw it at your opponent, rise, rinse, repeat, and win the match, it's a problem.


This "Im bane vs whatever" arguement, is crap. If you're playing a grappler and you get in(as hard as that is) you shouldn't have a free out. You have other options besides free damage and whatnot (ie pushblock, or you know making a read.
Just gonna say that Venom affects stage hazards. So if it's a hazard that hits twice and does 44% Venom brings it up to 66%


Also bane isn't a grappler


I'm a literal Sloth
Just gonna say that Venom affects stage hazards. So if it's a hazard that hits twice and does 44% Venom brings it up to 66%


Also bane isn't a grappler

Yeah I know about that.

Oh I know he's not a grappler, I was just saying that in terms of command grabs and whatnot.


You're playing as catwoman. You are down to your last 5% against deathstroke. What do you do?

Sometimes, there are situations with no escape.
That's something match-up specific. The example he gave applies to all characters on that particular stage. Huge difference.