After a few hours at work and allowing myself time to calm down I've reached this conclusion. The individuals in the HQ society who deem 2D3 as not a big deal or say they didn't use it and did fine here's the thing. You have probably not played good players for one, or haven't played good players that were familiar with a good HQ and her move set. If you managed to consistently hit raw F2's or open your opponents up without the need of her 2D3 or any other frame trap then chances are they are not good players to begin with hence why you get away with a lackluster offence.
HOWEVER, (and this is important) HQ still has other frame traps!
A blocked F2,3 actually has MORE advantage than 2D3 BUT slower start up and put her slightly further away. The reason why 2D3 was the best was because of its relatively quick start up and perfect positioning. But F2,3 allows for B2,2 set ups, instant overhead or command throw mix ups too. This is the second best alternative in terms of frame trapping strings.
B2,2 also leave her a semi-significant advantage on block and can blow people up for pressing buttons. 2D3 was the best string but now we're forced to make the best of what we have.