Hey guys, back from ECT. I was the Nightwing player who lost to the raven on stream, and for the record I wasn't salty, I just was telling him the difference between his raven and online ravens, all they do is "Grab, grab, grab."
ANYWAYS i'm here because I played him in a longer set the next day, beat him badly and learned the match kind of. Staff is key here. If you block anything start your seismo pressure, keep at it, it's plus so she can't do anything about it. Perfect range is right near the tip of 1, where it hits both standing and crouchers, that into seismo is a really good pressure tool, when you're too far, MB it to get back in and continue, convert that if they get hit.
When she activates trait you need to be careful because her pillar thing (which this raven never used) is neutral on block, and her full screen grab thing is real good, if you block the grab thing then start your seismo stuff, she literally can't do anything as a reversal after she blocks one, jump or block are the only options here. Anyways keep in dat ass and get her in the corner, and then win because Nightwing corner pressure is lol2good