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The other day i had a deathstroke player do his sword flip over and over. Every i blocked it i gave him 40% after the match he claims i was spamming the same combo and that i have no skill for not switching my combos up


A prop on the stage of life.
I hate that term "playing to win." It's a damn video game lol

(If you go to a tournament that's different. You go to win. But come on man. "Awwww man. I gotta beat this guy xXxKushMan420xXx. LET'S GO SUPERMAN! WE GOTTA WIN THIS SHIT! GET THAT TRUESKILL UP!!!!!)
Maaaaannn. That's how I feel when I play you though! Couldn't you tell?


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
The other day i had a deathstroke player do his sword flip over and over. Every i blocked it i gave him 40% after the match he claims i was spamming the same combo and that i have no skill for not switching my combos up
I'm pretty sure people send things like this just to troll.


The one guy hoping for Kai
I dont know if this is off-topic but yesterday and today while playing online I was getting slightly annoyed at some tactics:
-Joker throwing teeth while delaying his J3.
-GA's High,low,OH string
-NW's finishing his blockstring with DB2(I think that's the notation?The move where his flip special thing) which crossed me up everytime.

After some time of being annoyed I stood up and realized: This is good,the characters are more varied than I thought.Anyway I played those guys over and over till I got the timing on how to properly block each of those things.I'm not 100% yet but I'm getting there.Moral of the story is: ADAPT OR DIE.Also DD's OH.Low special is nearly impossible to block online at least for now.;)


this happens alot from brain Deathstroke players, they just over abuse the spamm, its anoying, this game is called Injustice: Gods Among Us, not Injustice Skilless Spammers Among Us...


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
this happens alot from brain Deathstroke players, they just over abuse the spamm, its anoying, this game is called Injustice: Gods Among Us, not Injustice Skilless Spammers Among Us...
Combo-heavy Deathstroke players are as dangerous as they are rare.

Zoning-heavy scrub Deathstrokes should be a free win for you at this point. Eventually they'll just stop playing the game, move to another character, or learn other aspects of their characters.

-SKM (not great, but spent time in training against Deathstroke's zoning)


bad player
^why, OH WHY do you continue to get hit if you know I'm going to do it? @KF's slide is fine btw


I have to disagree with the idea that a move, performed repeatedly/spam, should be rewarded in any game, or held up as good design. It's not good design. Tic tac toe is solvable because a set of moves can be played such that the game becomes unsatisfying to play and predictable. If you port that concept over to a fighting game, you can get a similar outcome; however, that's not to say that either game cannot be played. Just saying that they become less interesting.

Back and forth is important in all competition. If a game lacks --you know, competing players, then it will eventually become boring. The tension between competitors is what makes people want to watch competition. Tension comes in the major sports in the form of changing possession. Consider what pro football or pro basketball games would be like if they played by playground "make-it-take-it" rules. Who would want to watch the same team score, retain possession and keep doing it over and over again, until they lose possession? Scores would have the potential to get out of hand too fast, and parity would be unattainable.

Most 2d fighters maintain this concept of parity by forcing projectiles and other moves to have trading properties, thus blunting spam advantage, and forcing players to take turns and abide by a sort of pseudo change of possession. Player A has ways to nullify or blunt player B's offense and vice versa, with neither player controlling all or most of the space for an extended period of time. That concept and parrying are the most commonsense, dynamic ways of ensuring that the boring aspect of lame style or conversely the overpowering aspect of rushdown doesn't dominate the flow/tension of a fighting game.

I mean, there's a reason boxing doesn't allow infinite "hugging" or UFC doesn't allow you to protect guard forever, without working, because anything else has the potential to reduce games to Divekick or Tic tac toe over an extended time, where the first hit/score gains an unfair advantage, and strategy becomes less important.
Well said sir.

Also, to address the op...I.haaaaaaaaaate reading, or hearing the word scrub. It makes me think of a random xbl dude with 420 in his gt.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Juggs with the wisdom and truth.

Oh those were the Kitana days.

Air fans galore <3
I don't think I ever took more than a round from you :(. Once with Kitana, once by mistake with Baraka of all people...<3.

As a Deathstroke main, I'm gonna fill my opponent with lead until he forces me to do otherwise.
Fuck feelings. I want to win.


Est In Harvey 1989
I 100% agree with this post. This is a competitive site. I don't see the point in coming here if you're not trying to learn the game & be the BEST player you can possibly be. When I first started here I wanted to become a lot better, If I didn't have a play to win mentality then I wouldn't have stuck around for two years. If you take the time to research something on the internet then I expect to take the same amount of effort in practice mode. It's only logical. I'm not the best player mind you, but I do want to be a GREAT a player I can be. I want to learn. I want to get better.


unfortunately we all saw this coming. a comic book-based game was bound to bring in hordes of weak, pathetic, whining fan-boy maggots with no sense of what being a competitive or tourney gamer is all about. don't misunderstand, casual gaming is fine, and ALL of us are casual gamers at SOME game at one time or another, but this IS a competitive site...catering to people who play to win. for all the new members: if this isn't your play style, and if frame data, spacing, reads, etc. aren't important to you, then this very likely isn't the right site for you.

with that said, i do understand the frustration. this is an NRS fighting game after all, and that means woeful balance issues, poor net code, highly abusable tactics for a select few characters, and female character models with man hands and linebacker shoulders whose faces look like they were based on vin diesel and ving rhames. it also means intense fun; somehow it seems to balance out. take the good with the bad, i guess.
Back in the days of arcades, I used to run into this a lot. The whole you are cheap mentality for Street Fighter 2 affected me quite a bit to where I only would play low tier characters because I don't like to be called cheap. To me it takes away from my win to have someone call it unfair.

So now instead of being called "cheap", I get called a "scrub" for losing with a bad character usually. Thank you for the write up Juggs, think I may finally after 20 years start picking characters that aren't awful to play as. Which I hope leads me to enjoying fighting games more.


I have to disagree with the idea that a move, performed repeatedly/spam, should be rewarded in any game, or held up as good design. It's not good design. Tic tac toe is solvable because a set of moves can be played such that the game becomes unsatisfying to play and predictable. If you port that concept over to a fighting game, you can get a similar outcome; however, that's not to say that either game cannot be played. Just saying that they become less interesting.

Back and forth is important in all competition. If a game lacks --you know, competing players, then it will eventually become boring. The tension between competitors is what makes people want to watch competition. Tension comes in the major sports in the form of changing possession. Consider what pro football or pro basketball games would be like if they played by playground "make-it-take-it" rules. Who would want to watch the same team score, retain possession and keep doing it over and over again, until they lose possession? Scores would have the potential to get out of hand too fast, and parity would be unattainable.

Most 2d fighters maintain this concept of parity by forcing projectiles and other moves to have trading properties, thus blunting spam advantage, and forcing players to take turns and abide by a sort of pseudo change of possession. Player A has ways to nullify or blunt player B's offense and vice versa, with neither player controlling all or most of the space for an extended period of time. That concept and parrying are the most commonsense, dynamic ways of ensuring that the boring aspect of lame style or conversely the overpowering aspect of rushdown doesn't dominate the flow/tension of a fighting game.

I mean, there's a reason boxing doesn't allow infinite "hugging" or UFC doesn't allow you to protect guard forever, without working, because anything else has the potential to reduce games to Divekick or Tic tac toe over an extended time, where the first hit/score gains an unfair advantage, and strategy becomes less important.

This is true, and if one move is used to beat SKILLED opponents then the game is bad.

However, that is not the case in good fighting game. one move does not beat SKILLED opponents. If scrubs and casuals are losing to one move, then they are not SKILLED and need to level up and learn how to beat that one move.


Get over here!
Yeah. I don't obviously used to think zoning was bad. It has a negative reception and no one seems to like it. The only people who accept it are the hardcore FGC. To be honest, I still have the mentality that using the same move over and over is a little annoying. I don't do it. I use all of the tools my character has. I use all of the different strings.... and I just have fun with it. I am not in it to win it... so I don't feel the necessity to spam the same move over and over again. I don't mind it though... I just wont do it myself. :16Bit


People who repeat the same specials or combo: scrubs
People who repeat the same specials or combo: "zoners"
People who repeat the same specials or combo: are playing to win
People who repeat the same specials or combo: usually lose to anyone who isn't a scrub

I've been accused of using only one combo before, but I was actually using 4 or more different combos, but they couldn't tell the difference. :p

I recently have fought a few players who back off to fullscreen screen distance and then complain when I spam/zone them WITH BATMAN! I think they expect me to chase them and play their game. Why would I go after a Flash when I can be safe from fullscreen and still do some damage.