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Aw, C'mon Puddin' -- Harley Quinn General Discussion Thread


You think you bad? You aint bad.
I guess I should explore mb pop more. Also, combo on hit from range.
I personally abuse MB Pop move. But that's me. When you're walking up with Gun Shots, tossing Cup Cakes and SMing you're building meter so I get it back in case. Some characters you can't do it on much but there's other ways of getting under their skin.
Chip Chip chip, it all adds up in the end
MB pop also let's you SS in if your opponent blocks it as well. You just gotta figure how they'll react.
Nothing wrong with trying to be creative with Harley. She can be an annoying threat.
I'm like 365-112 with Harley lol.
Don't forget mind games play a big role in Fighting Games too. And she can play em :)


Grind to Win
OMG I am gonna pick this character up, I'm in the lab now. I thought people had a hard time blocking WW lmao. You literally have to guess and she has the damage meter less. What is wrong with the character ? ?


I wonder how people are playing around with her Pop MB?
What I've been playing around with in the lab is B2 Pop MB, catches people trying to do something and you get a free combo out of it. Also it's atleast +19 on block. You get an almost safe-jump if the opponent blocks it. You can get a jump-in combo as well but it's very precise, not really hard but kind of unreliable. It's a weird jump-in where you end up crossing up the opponent and you have to reverse input your first input(if you are on the right, you need to input left + 2 for B2 to come out).

I'm pretty sure there is a lot more you can do with her Pop MB. I've only recently started going into the lab with her, looks like it's all gonna be about the corner with her.


OMG I am gonna pick this character up, I'm in the lab now. I thought people had a hard time blocking WW lmao. You literally have to guess and she has the damage meter less. What is wrong with the character ? ?
Her biggest weakness is that she doesn't have strong footsies, which is why Aquaman is her worst match-up. She's a pretty solid character otherwise - not overpowered, but definitely not bad.


Grind to Win
Her biggest weakness is that she doesn't have strong footsies, which is why Aquaman is her worst match-up. She's a pretty solid character otherwise - not overpowered, but definitely not bad.
Oh i see that now that I am messing around with her, I have WW for footsies. so anybody that can control better space can give her a hard time ? ?


Oh i see that now that I am messing around with her, I have WW for footsies. so anybody that can control better space can give her a hard time ? ?
Basically. She has to do risky things like jump-ins or B1 to try and close the space. B3 works too since it's huge. Her options are just really slow.
It seems like armor b3 is a huge part of her game. I was struggling until I started doing this more(and being smart about placement not just doing it like an idiot). Its easily her best anti-air and interrupt.


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Yeah her b3 is amazing, it has awesome range and surprising height, MB for armor and you can really do some hurt.


Yeah b3 is definitely a great tool. With good reads and spacing you don't always have to MB it, but it definiely helps. b3 is about the only thing I burn meter on. That and occasional cupcakes.

Speaking of which,cupcakes are pretty good at shutting down Super air lasers and other air projectiles like Nightwing. Puts down a lot of air dashes as well.

I've been getting a little use out of trait by using it after MB cupcakes. It gives enough block stun far away that most characters can't punish it unless they have a fast projectile.

Mostly I end all my combos in 112, then follow with f3 on wakeup. If they deal with that ok then I start moving on to cancelling 112 into cupcakes or SS into mixup. Been trying to come up with some other mixups by finishing with TS~2 into ambiguous crossups.


Harley & Zatana is all I need.
She is a lot about risk. If you want to get in, you'll need to get risy with air guns and overheads. How I play her, all her meter goes into EX Cupcakes, Air Guns, and B3. You need to be unpredictable with Harley and try your best to get in the head of your enemy. Also, this is common knowledge but ABUSE INTRACTABLES. If Harley learned one thing from Mr.J it was win by anyways.


Too old for this Shit
She is a lot about risk. If you want to get in, you'll need to get risy with air guns and overheads. How I play her, all her meter goes into EX Cupcakes, Air Guns, and B3. You need to be unpredictable with Harley and try your best to get in the head of your enemy. Also, this is common knowledge but ABUSE INTRACTABLES. If Harley learned one thing from Mr.J it was win by anyways.
As I play more and more, I find very few matches that are close.. Maybe 3 out of my last 100 were "close", I either smoke or get smoked and I believe that is why I love the character.. She is unsafe and risky.. :)


Can she not dash out of Doomsday's sky drop? I get hit every. Fucking. Time.
This timing is kinda tough but if you are expecting a sky drop you can cupcake bomb and knock him out of It, if mistimed though it can trade, if you mb cupcakes you can get a combo after for him being trying to get in. Mb b3 is a big help also but be careful how you do it...it can whiff randomly.

You can silly slide the moment you hear the grunt or when he leaves the screen to help get away.


Also I'm trying to develop some strats for after a blocked b3/f3 and landing doctor. Any thoughts? Most of the time I jump back and air gun or MB b3.


She is a lot about risk. If you want to get in, you'll need to get risy with air guns and overheads. How I play her, all her meter goes into EX Cupcakes, Air Guns, and B3. You need to be unpredictable with Harley and try your best to get in the head of your enemy. Also, this is common knowledge but ABUSE INTRACTABLES. If Harley learned one thing from Mr.J it was win by anyways.
One of my favorite things about Harley is that she does not need to use meter for her hit confirms at all, ever. It makes her gunshot zoning stronger, gives her access to more pushblocks and MB B3s, or gets her super extremely fast. There's a lot of strings with holes that only super can punish.


Button Masher
full screen harley =
Gun shots
MB cupcakes
MP PP followed by cupcake or gunshot

good luck moving.
(unless ur sinestro Cyborg or DS)


Clipeum Aurea
full screen harley =
Gun shots
MB cupcakes
MP PP followed by cupcake or gunshot

good luck moving.
(unless ur sinestro Cyborg or DS)
Or Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Adam, Raven, Killer Frost, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Ares, Doomsday, Joker, etc...


Button Masher
also u guys are talking how she has no mix ups.

i have played a good deal of people from tym or other crazy 88's and i rape them with harleys mix up game. no one expects her overhead on knockdown. like no one does throw it out and they must respect it. thats when she becomes deadly if you never use it cause its "too slow" then u will get no where good luck opening people with jump ins and TS-1 and end up being -6

throw out a f2 on knockdown make people respect her overhead. then u can come in with b2 or f2 or grab on knockdown. harleys grab is pretty damn good cause it keeps them close.

i respect all of you playing her i demoted her to my 2nd / 3rd now due to how hard you have to work with her vs Supes,bman,aquaman,GL,doomsday blah blah. its just too much risk for such little reward vs them. that and shes kinda slow in the normal department & got the t-rex syndrome on alot of normals


Button Masher
Or Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Black Adam, Raven, Killer Frost, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Ares, Doomsday, Joker, etc...
please. If u mix up those zoning tools people will be scared to move. MB cupcake stops all jumps / Air moves
MB PP removes recovery allowing u to follow the shot with a gun shot or cupcake.

harleys zoning is her stronger point but she is hybrid


Clipeum Aurea
please. If u mix up those zoning tools people will be scared to move. MB cupcake stops all jumps / Air moves
MB PP removes recovery allowing u to follow the shot with a gun shot or cupcake.

harleys zoning is her stronger point but she is hybrid
No they won't. And it doesn't. Batman, for example, just has to sit and take some chip, wait for his trait, hit you with the bats and zip if hit, and dash in if block. They have forever to block MB cupcake from fullscreen, even if cancelled from MB PP(which is like 2 meters eaten for minor chip damage). And people like Superman will just jump over it and keep raping you with MB Heat vision. And let's not forget everybody with a low shot or a pillar, they just destroy your attempts unless you jump and get in at least to half-screen for air gunshot.

Harley's zoning is situational, and a large chunk of the cast can nullify it if they've seen it more than once. There is no mixup with her zoning, she doesn't have a low shot. Of course, it IS her stronger point, but only because all the others are just so damn struggly.


Button Masher
No they won't. And it doesn't. Batman, for example, just has to sit and take some chip, wait for his trait, hit you with the bats and zip if hit, and dash in if block. They have forever to block MB cupcake from fullscreen, even if cancelled from MB PP(which is like 2 meters eaten for minor chip damage). And people like Superman will just jump over it and keep raping you with MB Heat vision. And let's not forget everybody with a low shot or a pillar, they just destroy your attempts unless you jump and get in at least to half-screen for air gunshot.

Harley's zoning is situational, and a large chunk of the cast can nullify it if they've seen it more than once. There is no mixup with her zoning, she doesn't have a low shot. Of course, it IS her stronger point, but only because all the others are just so damn struggly.

if batman sits back and throws trait and grapple block it.
if he rushs in AA him 99% of batmans J2 all day.

Supes air laser < harleys gun shot can avoid it and gain meter.

also im not saying sit full screen and throw shit nonstop you have to make reads on what they do i said zone not spam.


Grind to Win
if batman sits back and throws trait and grapple block it.
if he rushs in AA him 99% of batmans J2 all day.

Supes air laser < harleys gun shot can avoid it and gain meter.

also im not saying sit full screen and throw shit nonstop you have to make reads on what they do i said zone not spam.
This is what I feel makes her really good. It looks like she has the tools and the movement, Strong mixups and zoning (If you use it right) and lack luster footsies. Because of that, She can condition the opponent to play her game. Patience is key


Clipeum Aurea
if batman sits back and throws trait and grapple block it.
if he rushs in AA him 99% of batmans J2 all day.

Supes air laser < harleys gun shot can avoid it and gain meter.

also im not saying sit full screen and throw shit nonstop you have to make reads on what they do i said zone not spam.
I duck under grapple, personally. Why give him chip?
"99%" of Batmen play Batman. Nothing more. Some Batmen slide, some Batmen yolo j2, some go for a crossup, some delay their jumps with that glide bs to avoid AAs(though MB cupcake and qcb1 gunshot eat that).

Not when you are in recovery because you thought he'd mix it up with straight land laser, and competent ones do. And he still does more chip than you because he is fucking Superman and his chip is insane.

I'm saying, most of the cast can deal with Harley sitting at fullscreen. If they can deal with Deathstroke, they sure as hell can deal with her.