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Guide Deathstroke Combo Thread


Not the Milkman.
Yo TONY, do you have that video of your other 1 bar corner combo using MB Sword Spin? I thought I saw it in this thread somewhere, but now I can't find it, and I checked your channel and couldn't find it either.
I've been trying 323, f23 x flip for a while now, and it seems ridiculously hard. Any tips on how to time it? Also, landing f3 after b1u2 seems impossible. I've never successfully done it even once. Can I have some tips?


I've been trying 323, f23 x flip for a while now, and it seems ridiculously hard. Any tips on how to time it? Also, landing f3 after b1u2 seems impossible. I've never successfully done it even once. Can I have some tips?
Just a slight pause after 323 then hit f23xxflip in one smooth motion. You'll find the window. It's earlier than it seems. Keep Practicing.


Mad scientist
Yo TONY, do you have that video of your other 1 bar corner combo using MB Sword Spin? I thought I saw it in this thread somewhere, but now I can't find it, and I checked your channel and couldn't find it either.
Do you mean the 46%?

If so, i don't think Ive recorded it yet..

uf2, 323, 12~db3~MB, 323, f23~df3...

Works on everyone..


I've been trying 323, f23 x flip for a while now, and it seems ridiculously hard. Any tips on how to time it? Also, landing f3 after b1u2 seems impossible. I've never successfully done it even once. Can I have some tips?
like I said earlier of this week, to do this online its really hard imo
you have to press the f2,3 a bit later than usual to connect it
offline I can do it like in 80% of the cases, but online right now I connect it like in 25% of the time


Not the Milkman.
It's possible to get it online with practice (F23 that is). I used to drop it almost 100% of the time, now it's more like 15%.
F3 after B1U2 I have to work on though... If it's any easier, this combo does only 1% less damage:

B1U2, Ji2, 323, F23 xx Sword Flip

Deleted member 5032

The issue with online is that the input delay varies from match to match, so it can be very difficult to find the correct window for f23 and f3. I recommend sticking with it, though, and eventually you'll get a feel for the input delay and you'll naturally make adjustments. I've had matches where I had to input my f23 around 6 to 8 frames early and still gotten it to connect.
Okay... so let's say I can't get these combos down. I could just spam and poke all game, but lets say I don't want to do that. Are there any combos that are more user friendly? Looking for a low and an overhead, but the damage doesn't have to be huge or anything.


Okay... so let's say I can't get these combos down. I could just spam and poke all game, but lets say I don't want to do that. Are there any combos that are more user friendly? Looking for a low and an overhead, but the damage doesn't have to be huge or anything.
You can just omit the JI2/F3 altogether, and do stuff like B1U2, 323, F23 xx Sword Flip (starts low) or F3, 323, F23 xx Sword Flip (starts overhead). You'll just have to delay the timing a bit for the 323 in both these cases, otherwise you'll hit them when they're too high up and some of your hits will whiff.

As for doing 323, F23, what I do that makes it a lot easier is just hold forward after dialling 323, then just hitting 23. It feels easier to time just pressing 2, while already holding forward, than to time forward and 2 at the same time.
This isn't my advice either, I read it somewhere on here (but I can't find it), so credit to whoever suggested this. You can also replace F23 with 12 in most/all situations, which does less damage, but feels easier to time even though 1 has a slower startup than F2.


Burn this motherfucker to the ground
Okay... so let's say I can't get these combos down. I could just spam and poke all game, but lets say I don't want to do that. Are there any combos that are more user friendly? Looking for a low and an overhead, but the damage doesn't have to be huge or anything.
If you want neverfail combos, use 3231~air guns

b1u2, 3231~guns
aa d2, 3231~guns
air to air j2 or j3, 3231~guns

anywhere you see 323, f23~spin, you can 3231~guns

Its giving up a bunch of damage and positioning, but you can't drop it. Also, 323, d1~spin is a little more lenient than 323, f23~spin as well


Is [whatever] 12 xx MB Spin, 323, [whatever] in the corner bigs only? I've seen it in videos, like the 47% one on Doomsday, but I can never seem to get 323 after the MB spin, only f23 or 12. Is it just really strict timing, or is it only possible on certain characters?

EDIT: Also, has anyone found any ways to combo of MB Spin midscreen, aside from just gunshots? I feel like I've seen videos with people doing MB Spin, dash, something into Flip, but nothing I've tried seems to work after the dash.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
Ji-2 ' 12 xx B3 ' Ji-2 ' Ji-2 ' 3231 xx DF1 (40% Damage)

B3 ' Ji-2 ' Ji-2 ' 3231 xx DF1 (33% Damage)

B3 ' Ji-2 ' Ji-2 ' B2-3-F2 (31% Damage)

Ji-2 ' B1-U2 ' F3 ' 3231 xx DF1 (32% Damage)


Not the Milkman.
Is [whatever] 12 xx MB Spin, 323, [whatever] in the corner bigs only? I've seen it in videos, like the 47% one on Doomsday, but I can never seem to get 323 after the MB spin, only f23 or 12. Is it just really strict timing, or is it only possible on certain characters?

EDIT: Also, has anyone found any ways to combo of MB Spin midscreen, aside from just gunshots? I feel like I've seen videos with people doing MB Spin, dash, something into Flip, but nothing I've tried seems to work after the dash.
Aris found that you could dash and Sword Flip, but the timing is pretty tight.


End Of Humanity
I was messing around in training mode today and I have discovered something.
Ive always had hard time landing f2 3 sword flip or 12 sword filp at the end of his combos .
When you add simple 1 after b1 u2 it doest not incrase combo dmg BUT it makes it a lot easier to land .
so its like this : b1 u2 1 323 f2 3 sword flip .
if its known, sorry


The Real Red Hood
Small tip for those who, like me, have had some trouble landing a 323 after and ji3.
After you connect the ji3, press a 2 on the way down just to time yourself, the move won't actually come out. Then after that you just dial in 323.
For all DS's timings I notice you can solve the question of "do I press the next move now?" by just looking at the character and seeing from his stance "is he done with the last move? does it look like he can start the next one?"
Might be useless info to anyone without my odd inner monologue I developed from lab hours but for us visual learners its a decent little tip. Hope at least some of this made sense :D


Not the Milkman.
I honestly prefer to NOT look at my character, but that's just me. If you get the muscle memory, you can do your combos without even looking, which translates to you being able to do them even online, since the visual cues online are a million years off.