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Guide Deathstroke Combo Thread


Why are some of the combos in the original post missing damage values? I'll do them all and figure them out if that helps.


Some guy with a PS3
Dear god, have we ever stopped to think how fortunate we are to have TONY-T on our side?
Hi guys, I'm a day1 Deathstroke player, and oh my goodness, do I love him.

Now, I still have some trouble executing his stuff online, being day1 and all, but I'm currently using, for my simple bnb, 132 j.2 323 f23 Sword Flip, straight from, I believe, Tony T's video. I gotta say thanks for developing that.

It works great, but is there an ender that allows a safe chain into trait, for some cheap stuff? I think it'd be really useful when the opponent's nearing the end of a health bar, the cooldown gets ignored while the round changes.


is there an ender that allows a safe chain into trait, for some cheap stuff? I think it'd be really useful when the opponent's nearing the end of a health bar, the cooldown gets ignored while the round changes.
I've been working hard trying to find this myself. To my knowledge, the safest you have is f234, which will activate the trait every time, but it isn't really that safe since it doesn't put very much distance between the two of you. It does turn the 3 in 132 into an unblockable, though, which is pretty neat if you manage to use it in response to them getting up in your grill right away.

I've been recently informed that a knockdown from Quick Fire, especially the air version, against an airborne opponent from far away leads to an extremely safe trait. I've yet to put it to the test myself, but I do know it's not 100% safe. Superman can still super from full screen. I honestly don't think anything else is reaching you that fast from the other end of the screen, though.


Some guy with a PS3
Ooh, I'll remember the quick fire anti-air into trait thing. If that works in a combo as well, very nice.

I've actually been trying my own version of activating the trait after a combo, it's derpy though. I've just been cutting out the Sword Flip and going f23 trait. It's safe, so it seems, but leaves them a bit too close for comfort, especially if they've got a wakeup like Hawkgirl or Catwoman, that covers a ton of space. Then again, this is still day1 tech for me, I gotta look into more strings and see how/if they chain to trait.


Ooh, I'll remember the quick fire anti-air into trait thing. If that works in a combo as well, very nice.

I've actually been trying my own version of activating the trait after a combo, it's derpy though. I've just been cutting out the Sword Flip and going f23 trait. It's safe, so it seems, but leaves them a bit too close for comfort, especially if they've got a wakeup like Hawkgirl or Catwoman, that covers a ton of space. Then again, this is still day1 tech for me, I gotta look into more strings and see how/if they chain to trait.
Without distance, it honestly seems totally pointless. Deathstroke has a respectable vortex in my experience, and activating the trait within distance to initiate your vortex to me appears completely wasteful and counterproductive.

If you could special cancel 231, that would be beautifully broken.


50 Shades of Grayson
Hey guys, I'm learning DS as my 2nd. What is the timing for f23 after 323? just so I can get some BnB's in. :D


Not the Milkman.
Ooh, I'll remember the quick fire anti-air into trait thing. If that works in a combo as well, very nice.

I've actually been trying my own version of activating the trait after a combo, it's derpy though. I've just been cutting out the Sword Flip and going f23 trait. It's safe, so it seems, but leaves them a bit too close for comfort, especially if they've got a wakeup like Hawkgirl or Catwoman, that covers a ton of space. Then again, this is still day1 tech for me, I gotta look into more strings and see how/if they chain to trait.
Sadly, from my testing, the only TRUE way to get a safe trait out of a combo is to end it with D2 xx Trait. None of his strings truly make it safe, although if the opponent doesn't react perfectly it may seem safe.

The only other way to make it safe is a full screen air to air quick fire. I've been using this a lot more lately though. Machine gun unblockable is pretty good.

Deathstroke trait combos..

trait, uf2, 12~LGS~MB, 12~QF~MB, f23, 23~db3.... 42%

trait, uf2, 12~QF~MB, f23~MG~MB..... 44% (big character only)
I love you Tony. This "combo" is hilarious.

Hey guys, I'm learning DS as my 2nd. What is the timing for f23 after 323? just so I can get some BnB's in. :D
I watch my opponent. After 323, look for when they're JUST about to hit the ground, then I input F23. It's tricky at first, but through time you'll be able to do it even online.


Some guy with a PS3
Having just learned that combo, my problem was being too hasty with the inputs, they get rather low when the combo is done right. Also, on the b1up2 f3 323 f23 Flip combo, I'm not sure if this is a thing, but I find the f23 easier if I wait on the 323 so they're closer to my height.

I'll remember the fullscreen quickfire and d2 thing, just it seems trait is only marginally useful compared to his amazing zoning as it already stands.


Not the Milkman.
Having just learned that combo, my problem was being too hasty with the inputs, they get rather low when the combo is done right. Also, on the b1up2 f3 323 f23 Flip combo, I'm not sure if this is a thing, but I find the f23 easier if I wait on the 323 so they're closer to my height.

I'll remember the fullscreen quickfire and d2 thing, just it seems trait is only marginally useful compared to his amazing zoning as it already stands.
That's how it rolls. 323 low to the ground = easier F23 followup. I shoulda mentioned that a bit sooner.

And yeah, trait is a gimmick at best. Not core to his gameplay. It makes MG worth using though. Use it as you see fit.


it seems trait is only marginally useful compared to his amazing zoning as it already stands.
If you look at the maximum amount of damage you can achieve in the time it takes for your trait to wear off, you'll see that in most cases, it's unfortunately probably not worth the trouble at all.


I went ahead and took the liberty of unearthing the damage values for the combos missing them from the original post, at least the ones I could actually do. Pink text is what I found, and red text means I couldn't do it. I'm convinced that they are in fact impossible, possibly due to a conflicting update since their discovery.​
Meterless Midscreen Combos
  • ji3, 1, 323, f23 xx quick fire= 34%
    *Safer if block and does more damage*
  • b1u2, d2, b3, ji3, 323, f23 xx sword flip = 30% (midscreen), 31% (near corner) (Credit to TONY-T)
  • ji1, b1u2, d2, b3, ji3, 323, f23 xx sword flip = 32% (midscreen), 33% (near corner) (Credit to TONY-T)
  • b1u2, d2, b3, ji3, 323, 12 xx quick fire = 32%
  • ji1, b1u2, d2, b3, ji3, 323, 12 xx quick fire = 34%
  • ji2, b1u2, d2, b3, ji3, 323, 12 xx quick fire = 36%
  • f3, ji2, 323, f23 xx quick fire = 33%
  • b3, ji3, ji2, 323, 12 xx quick fire = 42%
  • d2, ji2, 323, f23 x quick fire = 24%
  • d2, ji2, 323, f23 x sword flip = 25% (Credit to Monokeros)
    *counter poke combo*
Meter Midscreen Combos
  • 132, ji2, 1, 323, 12 xx EX quick fire = 36% (Credit to TONY-T)
  • ji1, 132, ji2, 1, 323, 12 xx EX quick fire = 38% (Credit to TONY-T)
  • d2, ji2, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire = 28%
  • b3, ji3, ji2, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire = 43%
  • ji3, 1, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire = 39%
  • f3, ji3, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire = 40% (easier with a spaced or cross-up f3)
Meter Corner Combos
  • 132, 323, f23 xx EX sword spin, 323, f23 xx sword flip = ?? (1 meter) [too low for 323 after EX spin] (Credit to TONY-T)
  • ji1, 132, 323, f23 xx EX sword spin, 323, f23 xx sword flip = ?? (1 meter) [too low for 323 after EX spin] (Credit to TONY-T)
Midscreen Super Combos
Midscreen Meter Burn Wall Bounce/Ground Bounce Combos(Requires 2+meter)
  • 132, dash 12 xx dbMB, ji3, 323, 12 xx EX quick fire = 42% (3 meter) [dbMB only connects on larger characters] (Credit to TONY-T)
  • ji1, 132, dash 12 xx dbMB, ji3, 323, 12 xx EX quick fire = 43% (3 meter)[dbMB only connects on larger characters] (Credit to TONY-T)
  • 12 xx dbMB, ji3, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire= 43% (3 meter) (Credit to TONY-T)
  • ji1, 12 xx dbMB, ji3, 323, f23 xx EX quick fire= 44% (3 meter) (Credit to TONY-T)


Not the Milkman.
Very nice effort Redfield. I'm pretty sure TC messed up some of the notations though. The thread seems to be filled with some impossible combos. Im pretty sure he's getting 12 mixed up with F23 in some spots.

For any midscreen combo that you couldnt connect F23 for, I think they're supposed to be 12s. Try replacing F23 with 12 and post back if you can.


Very nice effort Redfield. I'm pretty sure TC messed up some of the notations though. The thread seems to be filled with some impossible combos. Im pretty sure he's getting 12 mixed up with F23 in some spots.

For any midscreen combo that you couldnt connect F23 for, I think they're supposed to be 12s. Try replacing F23 with 12 and post back if you can.
Nice catch. I've updated the post with pink 12's replacing f23's for combos that didn't work.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
im surprised that more slade players arent't using the b2,3,f2 more. its good to end a combo with because your opponent will end up just about full screen. you can a lot go into trait at the end of this string.


im surprised that more slade players arent't using the b2,3,f2 more. its good to end a combo with because your opponent will end up just about full screen. you can a lot go into trait at the end of this string.
I think it's because b2 just isn't fast enough to end your combos on it. Some of the combos currently in use create almost full-screen distance anyway with plenty of good damage and time to move around.

Deathstroke's other regular dial-up combos also give him better blockstrings and mix-ups, like b22 xx Low Shot. B23f2 is one low, one mid, and an attack that doesn't even come out if the last attack didn't hit. B23 by itself doesn't put that much distance between the two of you, can't be special canceled, and isn't terribly safe on block. It might be nice to use it on a wonky confirm where you want quick damage and distance without having to work for it, but I don't think it's one of his better moves.


Some guy with a PS3
im surprised that more slade players arent't using the b2,3,f2 more. its good to end a combo with because your opponent will end up just about full screen. you can a lot go into trait at the end of this string.
There are some good combos ending with this string, I've seen it on the youtube.

But none into trait, I'm labbing it right now mashing on the trait button, it doesn't chain, and I can get smacked by an Ares fullscreen blast. It's all sorts of unsafe.


Not the Milkman.
You'll have to sacrific some damage to end with the grenade launcher string, and it's still not safe to trait out of. Actually, Sword Flip is probably more safe than it due to the hard knockdown. If you backdash after a Sword Flip, you end up just about full screen also.

Basically, Sword Flip is just as good and produces more damage.


Hey guys, I'm learning DS as my 2nd. What is the timing for f23 after 323? just so I can get some BnB's in. :D
I totally gave up trying to connect that :-7
I go with 3231 DF1, or 323 D1 DF3 instead. Slightly less damage, but much easier to pull off.


I totally gave up trying to connect that :-7
I go with 3231 DF1, or 323 D1 DF3 instead. Slightly less damage, but much easier to pull off.
The sword flip at the end of f23 also puts more distance between the two characters, and lets you move around more before they get up. Quick Shot after 3231 also has a habit of missing late in the combo.

It's not that hard, really. Just make sure you connect 323 when they're closer to the ground so you get a bigger window for f23. I use Deathstroke's altitude as a timing marker for f23 just before his feet touch the ground.