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Tom Brady's and REO's Early Injustice: GAU Tier List

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
I don't think you understood me at all. lol.

I was saying the reasons why he would like the game. (No idea what you think I said.. haha)
oh i was answering u fast so i fucked up i thought u was talking about deathstroke zone shit haha
and yeah m2dave will love this game can't wait to see injustice in 2014 evo to see what will happen there or any other tournament


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I think Killer Frost should be S tier. I can't believe I am having to up-play her on this tier list.............


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I'm still really bad with Green Arrow but he seems easily bottom 10 right now. He's got some issues atm.
I think GA is the character that is probably going to rise on the tier list the most in the future to be honest. His mixup game is ridiculous.


Grundy think you handsome!
Lobo second worst in the game?

I have to respectfully disagree the SHIT out of that, he really isn't as bad as some people make out in my opinion.
Lobo is terrible online and offline, usually it is one or the other. placement is warrented.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
KF has no block infinites... 3~4 can only be looped 3x before she is pushed out and 111~4 cannot be looped as the first hit is high and she gets full combo punished for it.

Lobo trait has to be fixed so he recovers faster... it's ridiculous.
Yeah, I was just writing a reply to say pretty much the same thing. If you try to loop 1114 in the corner and your opponent has the brain power to understand the first hit is high you can just punish the crap out of it. That is why I think although KF has good advantage on some of her strings, they really can not be abused if the other player knows what they are doing. Plus, if your opponent has let you get close to them then you should be looking for ways to go into the 50-50, not try to get cute with chip pressure.

Minh Giang

aka ChrsitianDMG on Stream
Yep, srsly his mixup, roll and dive move are pretty good.
REO just made a leagendary troll thread and we believe it :16Bit


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
I'm hopeful that KF does eventually move up :( I wanted to main her since the moment I saw the trailer!! A+ or S+--won't really change it for me.
This is a tier list based on opinions...KF is an awesome character and can beat anyone in this game. I wouldn't let her placement discourage you at all.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Nobody is vouching for Lex and arguing for a higher spot. Seems about right.

One of these days I'm gonna fall in love with a high-tier character out of the gate instead of developing a fixation on a scrappy bottom feeder. Oh well, just makes the wins all the sweeter.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Nobody is vouching for Lex and arguing for a higher spot. Seems about right.

One of these days I'm gonna fall in love with a high-tier character out of the gate instead of developing a fixation on a scrappy bottom feeder. Oh well, just makes the wins all the sweeter.
That had a nice ring to it.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I agree with this, the only character I would think is higher is Nightwing, but I probably just need to put more time into fighting him.


this list is is terrible , this is why you dont make a tier list 3 weeks into a game in which half the cast is being used.
tier list are based on match ups not tools a character has basing anything on just tools is a foolish idea.
in my opinion we only know so much about the cast ability in a tourney.
with most of this community flocking to one to a small set of characters, most of the cast are not being used.
cyborg is not number no way,DS in the same tier as superman what are you smoking.
why are people down playing KF that bitch is s tier, she is very broken.
the real list should have been

S tier superman , aquaman , killer frost
A tier batman , green lantern, black adam,doomsday,sinestro

B tier wonder woman , raven ,deathstroke , cyborg, green arrow, hawk girl, solomon Grundy,Ares ,nightwing ,catwoman ,The joker

C tier harley quinn , the flash lex luthor ,shazam , bane Lobo

D tier there are no unviable characters as off now people are just people lazy and settling with what other players have found out hence you have a tourney in which everyone is playing superman and black adam
Says you shouldn't make tier lists 3 weeks into the game...

...makes tier list.


"130 ms is more legit than Labbing" - TYM
Yeah I am sure it is REO being lazy and not putting effort into the character. Give me a break man.
I forgot, everyone must take his word as fact. So suprising that i dont believe something just because a tourney player said so... lol, i even read his thread and most of the things he said were easily refutable but whatever.


Grundy think you handsome!
Why? Because they said so?
I can do that too, why ISNT lobo bad? stop playing around i dont know what your motive is, but REO who put alot more effort than you or I already explained why LOBO is bad. Don't ask silly questions like why if you havent stated what makes Lobo a viable character.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Or maybe all the effort in the world is not enough to determine how good (or bad) a character is when he's only been playable for a week...
I can agree with that. I also believe that Lobp probably isn't second worst in the game. But I don't want to hear somebody saying the Reo is being lazy and not working hard on the character, because that is bullshit. As far as we know right now though , he kind of sucks.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
I forgot, everyone must take his word as fact. So suprising that i dont believe something just because a tourney player said so... lol, i even read his thread and most of the things he said were easily refutable but whatever.
Reo is known for his hard work to get the most out of every character he plays. And he isn't just a tournament player, he is a tournament player who places top 2 at almost every tournament he goes to. I am just saying that his opinion is certainly something to be trusted.


"More deadly than the dawn"
I can do that too, why ISNT lobo bad? stop playing around i dont know what your motive is, but REO who put alot more effort than you or I already explained why LOBO is bad. Don't ask silly questions like why if you havent stated what makes Lobo a viable character.
I've mained Lobo since release, and have put quite a fair amount of time into the character myself.

Really good space control, best command grab in the game, frame traps, decent amount of ambiguous crossups from MB charge and Nuclear low shot. Standing 3 corner control, decent damage.

I've been exploring Lobo and trying to find what makes him tick, instead of doing what 90% of this forum did and just decide to complain about him.

You should know more about me before you make ignorant statements. The character has only been out for a week.