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Strategy The Boy Wonder! -- Nightwing General Discussion Thread

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It's good to know but should rarely come into play. You shouldn't be using Wing Dings that close to begin with other than instant overhead shenanigans.
It appends sometimes against Shazam's psycho crusher :D
He travels under nightwing, dodging the first 3 wingding, and get hit in the ass by the MB one :D
Getting real tired of people calling Nightwing staff pokes "spamming". Got a ton of hate messages and I'm pretty sick of it. Learn2Block/Push block or get poke
Something about this game just brings out more scrubs than any other fighting game I play. On top of the piles of hatemail I get, I fought a Green Arrow who really said that he does not use his arrows because he does not want to be a spammer like me.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Something about this game just brings out more scrubs than any other fighting game I play. On top of the piles of hatemail I get, I fought a Green Arrow who really said that he does not use his arrows because he does not want to be a spammer like me.
It attracts casuals due to it being about Dc characters and maybe marketing, so I think that most dicks should embrace this and prepare the phallus puns for witty remarks in true boy wonder fashion.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Now how important would you say pushblock is to nightwing, because I feel without a get off me move that it is going to be a must?


"Get a life fatass"
Sent to me by a DS ragequitter while getting comboed by Nightwing. Yes guys doing combos will instantly make you fat.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Currently I am looking for secondaries, anyone have any suggestions that cover nightwing's bad matchups?
Currently I am looking for secondaries, anyone have any suggestions that cover nightwing's bad matchups?
hawkgirl or superman, cant beat em join em lol.

and i love making people rage and send hate mail/ rage quit or what have you. it gets my dick hard...... too bad i have shitty internet so i cant make ppl rage =(


Truth, justice and the American way.
Catwoman is looking really, really good against Cyborg. Her cat dash is full screen and will blow up his air fireballs. If I do decide to pick up an alt catwoman will cover that bad matchup for sure. Plus her projectile evade builds meter while negating chip.


Truth, justice and the American way.
Was just Dicking around in training mode. If you use the teleporter on the right side of the Fortress of Solitude, you go in with Kali Sticks, and come out with a Staff.


Dojo Trainee
I was afraid of that.

This means we have to test each interactible to see if they force a stance switch or not.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Since I can't get online yet, I spend myself mostly in training with Record trying to work on stuff.

A well-timed Flying Grayson can hit an Armored Godsmack (Ares) and you'll be able to land without getting hit. I also had a FG hit him during his TP and he was in the hit animation when he recovered. It was weird.

And I'm starting to enjoy zoning with Escrima way more than staff . Pretty much forcing the opp. in, getting your hits in and knocking the opp. back. repeat. yolo
I'm sorry if this is here before but I've tried looking through several threads and used the search function on this one and couldn't find it. I've been working on a bunch of different safejump setups in the corner because I'm fed up of reversals (yeah, I'm new to MK/IJ games - I've only played KoF for years). Here is the first, I'm going to be compiling all my findings and several other setups etc.

I've tried it against a bunch of stuff. Annoyingly Hawkgirl has more than one option to get out of it (I'm hating this matchup right now). If she does reversal super you can block it if you empty jump but not pressing a button.
So here's the start

I'm not saying just use these and ignore all other oki, but they're quite helpful against opponents that do have good reversals or training people not to when it works on their characters. More testing to be done.

I'm not sure if this belongs here or a different thread so if it should be elsewhere just tell me where.


Against people who love to wake-up with their invincible attack, you'll find that in general neutral jumping or cross-over will avoid and punish that attempt. Sometimes blocking is the better option(Deathstroke).
It's just very MU-specific and some characters have good counters against these reads.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't jumping backwards a good counter against Hawkgirl's wake-ups?
Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely look into that against Hawkgirl - so long as it doesn't put me out of range so she can just run away and make my life more hell.

The good news is this works against Deathstroke's wakeup sword flip if you do it as j3 (instead of 2 as in the video) it just beats it clean (I've not seen a Deathstroke wake up with anything else), I haven't been able to combo off it yet because its a little high for my liking but its something to play with to improve.

The point of this setup was that I wanted something that would tag people who did nothing (so they are in block stun and standing so I can 112 or hit and either crouching or standing so I can f213) but was safe against reversals - thus the characters it works on have no option but to take more pressure. It also means that I retain my corner pressure and don't end up putting myself in the corner by doing a crossup to avoid the reversals (which Black Adam's unfortunately just takes a dump on). Its even safe against Flash's dp which just whiffs completely and puts him out of the corner, but hit in the back by the combo of your choice.

As a note, you have to make the staff spin combo really low for it to be a safe jump otherwise they take longer to hit the floor and you end up jumping too early. An example of something else that doesn't work and how to modify it to work:

[not a safejump]
(staff) 1f1 db3-mb, d1 db3

[safejump version]
(staff) 1f1 db3-mb, [d1]*5, d1 db3
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