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Strategy The Boy Wonder! -- Nightwing General Discussion Thread

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I've having trouble with his F.213xxEscrima Fury, I keep accidently getting a MB FF4 cancel ( I believe because I'm accidently doing DF 3 instead of 2) or nothing happens after the 3 in the string connects, any tips to get it more consistent?
I've had that happen a few times as well.


Hey everyone, all nightwing fans.

I'll be running my stream very shortly, which will be focusing on how to use nightwing in both an offensive and defensive style (Akuma esque) and learn to overcome heavy zoning characters, etc. Bare with the sound.

Feel free to tune in and put in your own two cents as well.



sorry for misleading some of you. I was planning on having a stream to interact with other nightwing users to have more discussion


Truth, justice and the American way.
Ugh..I hate losing to flow chart online Batman. I know he's going to cross up. Lag happens and my block input gets beat. Every time.

Having a hard time beating dumb stuff today. Really irritating me. Practice mode for the rest of the evening I guess.


Justice 4 Firestorm
There is absolutely no reason for Nightwing to be in Escrima stance, the only issue in this MU is changing to staff without getting punished and actually being able to change to Staff. And yeah, his trait affects Escrima Fury from what I've experienced. Dunno in Staff stance though.
What about opening the match with something like b2~4~staff spin?


Dojo Trainee
What about opening the match with something like b2~4~staff spin?
That wouldn't be wise. If it's blocked, you left yourself disadvantaged. You'll be safe, but the opponent is now allowed to start their offense if they wish. And if the b2 hits, you were better off not canceling into Staff Spin in the first place.

Three ways to start a match with b2.

b2 raw
b2 xx Flip Kick for a double overhead (won't crossup at that range)
b2 xx Ground Blast (opponent likely won't hit buttons right away, if blocked, you're plus).
Hey I gotta ask since im kinda new to Nightwing ( hes my 2nd main next to bats, just starting to learn him more now =p ) but ive noticed people mention a 'fuzzy guard' or so to speak on these boards that shuts down some of Nightwings mixups on his staff? Sorry if a noob question but what exactly is it? Is it button spam hoping to avoid some type of high low mixup? ive heard it makes some of his 50/50s on his staff useless which sucks ><. Id like to know so i know what im up against when trying to do some staff mixups xD...

Thanks in advance =)


Hey I gotta ask since im kinda new to Nightwing ( hes my 2nd main next to bats, just starting to learn him more now =p ) but ive noticed people mention a 'fuzzy guard' or so to speak on these boards that shuts down some of Nightwings mixups on his staff? Sorry if a noob question but what exactly is it? Is it button spam hoping to avoid some type of high low mixup? ive heard it makes some of his 50/50s on his staff useless which sucks ><. Id like to know so i know what im up against when trying to do some staff mixups xD...

Thanks in advance =)
When you are fighting against an opponent with overhead and low mix-ups, you'll usually have to guess what he is going for. There are exceptions to the rule where one move takes longer to come out and you can apply fuzzy guard. With NW in his Staff Stance he has his 1F1(low) and 1F2(overhead), it takes longer for the overhead to come out so people can block low at first and then automatically stand up in-case NW does his overhead instead of his low. This totally takes away the guessing game.
However, if you are fighting against someone who likes doing this fuzzy guard you can do 1, Ground Blast MB for a free punish for them trying to fuzzy guard.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
So with nightwing, would people say that for most match ups the staff out does escrima, because ive noticed that staff seem to work better on characters that dont have heavy air control?
^ ah okay thanks. Yeah that technique does make sense but at least he has good punish options for the fuzzy guard, now i know wtf it is xD. Overall even though im a batman main ive been leaning alot towards nightwing latley because of all his quick mixups and control of the match. It seems like he can keep you constantly unconfident in your guard and throw you into a giant guessing game the whole match. As for NW being overall better in staff id say yes, especially cause he has that downjab. Im somewhat of an NW noob though so someone with better experience with him should answer this over me. His escrima flip kick and oki knockdown game with the chargeable ground spark that you can cancel into the overhead flip seems highly useful in escrima stance xD.


Get staffed bro
Staff stance + interactables makes me a sad panda. I just need to be a bit more alert around them though tbh.


So with nightwing, would people say that for most match ups the staff out does escrima, because ive noticed that staff seem to work better on characters that dont have heavy air control?
Staff > Escrima when up close, you can really bring the pressure and I can't imagine anyone AA'ing his jumps in Staff.
In Escrima he has a few options as well, but I feel there are way too easy methods out of that pressure.

Staff stance + interactables makes me a sad panda. I just need to be a bit more alert around them though tbh.
Gotta use your specials to your advantage when in Staff Stance and you need mobility.
What I mean by that is that you can do Flying Grayson with certain interactibles to get close to your opponent to punish.

You can do 4~Flipkick if you need to avoid other certain interactibles, he cancels much faster from Staff to Escrima than the other way around.


Gym rat
Hey Fellow nightwing players i was wondering where would be a good place to start with learning Nightwing? I read some of the threads saw some vids but i still can't wrap my head around his playstyle what would you recommend me to learn what should i practice? And let's not even mention the whole staff stance i can do some escrima combos into staff into escrima but i have no clue when to use it in a match.


You should check the Nightwing video thread to see what he's capable of and try to imitate each player's playstyle as well as implementing some of your own stuff as well. You mainly want to use staff at all times because it's really good for most of his matchups. For staff most of his combos revolve around 1F1 and then MB db2 and then do your own combo after that. You can open your opponent up by doing some high low using j1 and then 1f1. His j2 staff is a good jump in and can catch opponents in the air. Try to find combos that punish opponents in the air starting with j2.

escrima to staff when you want some up close pressure since the staff is extremely good for maintaining pressure up close and especially in the corner. I usually do this since I use staff like 90% of the time but it's up to you. Most of the times I usually do f213xx4xxMBdb2 to start my combo.

I honestly don't use staff to escrima that much since I have no reason to use escrima in most of the matchups. Only time I do it is when I want to open my opponent up with some MB db3 after doing 1F1 with stick for some high low mixup.

I'm having a big problem. Whenever I block the opposite way and do d1, I keep doing db2 and it's really annoying since my opponent can basically get a free combo. Any advice for this?


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
So would everyone say that the main draw to playing nightwing is the amount of dick jokes that come with him


Ball Buster
Any tips for stance cancel combos? I find that I can intiate the stance change but I always fail in executing the special.


There is no buffer to help doing this, so you have to validate the input of the special during the animation of the stance switch (at the very start in fact)


Any tips for stance cancel combos? I find that I can intiate the stance change but I always fail in executing the special.
It's different for every string, all I can say is practice.
For Escrima to Staff you gotta wait until you hear the metal clink, with Staff to Escrima it's almost immediately.


No idea if this is known, but Nightwing's meterburned Wing Dings has an auto-correct.
The meterburned Wing Ding will turn Nightwing around if the person dashed under him.


Dojo Trainee
It's good to know but should rarely come into play. You shouldn't be using Wing Dings that close to begin with other than instant overhead shenanigans.


It's good to know but should rarely come into play. You shouldn't be using Wing Dings that close to begin with other than instant overhead shenanigans.
Came in handy against the Flash :p.
Won't hit people that are under him, the meterburned Wingding travels almost full-screen.


Dojo Trainee
Alright, I played against Joker a bit and I noticed he was ducking the MB Staff Spin every so often.


Getting real tired of people calling Nightwing staff pokes "spamming". Got a ton of hate messages and I'm pretty sick of it. Learn2Block/Push block or get poke
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