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Question The Buffs Bane Needs?


Where is crossplay?
Not a buff/nerf, but his win pose annoys me. Why is a guy THAT SIZE scaring you w/a knife next to you? Have him kneel before you like Superman Reign does. Or just maybe be on top of the them and just pummel them the entire win sequence where you just their arms flailing around

I really need mental help


i agree. i don't see why using trait could ever be deemed a bad idea or risky, it just seems.. odd.
No other character in the game suffers from their trait, their trait only has positive effects. And it's not like Bane's trait is so broken that it needs negative effects to it too, it's a good trait but not broken haha. Superman or Batman or Aquaman's traits are way better and their traits don't have any type of downfall to them


Not a buff/nerf, but his win pose annoys me. Why is a guy THAT SIZE scaring you w/a knife next to you? Have him kneel before you like Superman Reign does. Or just maybe be on top of the them and just pummel them the entire win sequence where you just their arms flailing around

I really need mental help
He should have just dropped that big ass knife into their skull. Have it censored out like Ares and Joker's win poses are.

I like how he stabs the ground next to your face and just flexes for the camera though. Like, "Yeah, I fucked this bitch up, you want some of this too?"


Venom Addict/Space Pope
Not a buff/nerf, but his win pose annoys me. Why is a guy THAT SIZE scaring you w/a knife next to you? Have him kneel before you like Superman Reign does. Or just maybe be on top of the them and just pummel them the entire win sequence where you just their arms flailing around

I really need mental help

You mean like this? I second it.


Where is crossplay?
If Bane's trait allows projectile immunity there is literally no reason to ever play anybody else that's way too strong. People would cry for nerf like crazy


If Bane's trait allows projectile immunity there is literally no reason to ever play anybody else that's way too strong. People would cry for nerf like crazy
His level 3 does. You just run through projectiles with no consequence but it doesn't matter because most recover fast enough to block your slow ass charge anyway(full screen.) You're still trying to make your way in and it still gets tedious having to waste time for that shit.

Bane does not do well vs this kind of zoning, it's so annoying when the entire cast has it.


Where is crossplay?
His level 3 does. You just run through projectiles with no consequence but it doesn't matter because most recover fast enough to block your slow ass charge anyway(full screen.) You're still trying to make your way in and it still gets tedious having to waste time for that shit
I probably should have worded what I meant better, but yes, that's my main point. There is no fear cause when he's level 3, he STILL has no consistent way to get in and it's frustrating. You can't make DD/Grundy so strong in their mobility/ways to counter zoning and have Bane just take it up the ass
Reactions: RYX


Had a question that got lost in the talk a bit back;

What would you guys say to a faster d+1 with the same advantage as it is now? Something like 8 frames to at least give him a quick long reaching move, 6 frames and +17 on hit seems excessive.


Where is crossplay?
Had a question that got lost in the talk a bit back;

What would you guys say to a faster d+1 with the same advantage as it is now? Something like 8 frames to at least give him a quick long reaching move, 6 frames and +17 on hit seems excessive.
I don't think any Bane player WOULDN'T want that but does it really fit his char? He shouldn't be as fast as NW/Catslut/Flash


I don't think any Bane player WOULDN'T want that but does it really fit his char? He shouldn't be as fast as NW/Catslut/Flash
I think he needs fast pokes to compensate for his slow normals. 1 is good but you're really not going to be using it much, so I think it makes sense to improve his footsies with fast pokes and good advantages.


Where is crossplay?
I think he needs fast pokes to compensate for his slow normals. 1 is good but you're really not going to be using it much, so I think it makes sense to improve his footsies with fast pokes and good advantages.
He already has the great backdash and a great reaching command grab. I just feel a fast normal on top of that like an abuseable D1 is something he doesn't need up close but that's just my personal opinion, others might disagree


He already has the great backdash and a great reaching command grab. I just feel a fast normal on top of that like an abuseable D1 is something he doesn't need up close but that's just my personal opinion, others might disagree
Well, we could reduce the block advantage from +3 to maybe just +1 so he doesn't get a 5 frame D1 like Nightwing(staff 6frames +1).

I'd be happy with command grab if it wasn't so easily back-dashed in neutral situations. :(


I like to play bad characters
Came back on the thread today and enjoyed reading what's traspired since last night as well as had a few laughs. Totally agree with so much. I'd love so many of these things to happen, especially a chainable or MB bounce throw to continue punishing. But I can't see any specials changing or new moves TBH, but it would be fantastice to eat thos words.

But I do think we could get a change to Venom properties, maybe some base damage, perhaps some frame rate changes *really hoping ring toss gets looked at, whiffs way to often. I'm hoping for some changes for him to take his rightfull place as the only one to have broken the Bat and have characters like Catwoman shaking in her hooker heals ala DKR.


I like to play bad characters
Not a buff/nerf, but his win pose annoys me. Why is a guy THAT SIZE scaring you w/a knife next to you? Have him kneel before you like Superman Reign does. Or just maybe be on top of the them and just pummel them the entire win sequence where you just their arms flailing around

I really need mental help
Agreed his win pose sucks. I'd even be happy if he picked em up by the scruff of thier neck to look at thier face, said his "You know nothing of Strenght" quote and then just let thier face fall back on the concrete with a thud like they aint shit to him.


Where is crossplay?
Agreed his win pose sucks. I'd even be happy if he picked em up by the scruff of thier neck to look at thier face, said his "You know nothing of Strenght" quote and then just let thier face fall back on the concrete with a thud like they aint shit to him.
Damn that would be pretty manly. Or even better, IMO, just picks them up by their like a display and doesn't say anything at all. Both would be sick
Good stuff coming in. A couple of points I would like to make:

1) It's really disheartening to see Paulo talking about "managing your Venom", because there really aren't a lot of choices in Venom management at this time. You don't have control of when your Venom hit ends or for how long to use it, so the idea of "management" essentially comes down to either Venom use or Venom escalation, and it's pretty much universally agreed that Venom level 2 is very risky and Venom level 3 flat out isn't worth it unless you're going for a win. That's it.

I actually like the fact that Bane's trait can be a liability, that's fine, but the problem is that 2/3rds of the time the liability aspect either slightly or massively offsets any gains. Nobody else has to deal with this - their traits are 100% Awesome-O, so for goodness sake if you're going to add a liability aspect to his trait please don't make it a net negative. Again, I want to reiterate that if EVERY other character had a button that activated Level 3 Venom (with all of it's current liabilities), the only time you would see it is for a guaranteed combo that would end the match or a Hail Mary. And this is supposed to be an integral part of Bane's gameplan. Yeah.

You can bet your buns that if Bane had Superman's trait or Doomsday's trait (actual good stuff that these characters build their gameplan around) I would be riding that trait button like it was the Pony Express. We all would.

2) Here's an actual scenario you can watch at Civil War 5 - one that I feel demonstrates Bane's weakness - EMP Tom Brady is playing Aquaman on Atlantis, gets a life advantage, and then runs to the corner of the arena in order to meter-burn the corner interactable and blast his opponent backwards. It's a solid strategy and very hard to deal with and requires an opponent to have good zoning and tactics.

Unless you're Bane, in which case you literally have no way to deal with it because you have to pump L3 Venom to have any hope of getting through and breaking his armor to stop the interactable. If you decide to do this, you will have six seconds to answer Aquaman and get him out of that corner - which is not exactly guaranteed - BUT, for 7 seconds afterwards regardless, Aquaman will be able to drain out over 80 percent of your life on a full combo while you will be unable to mount any sort of effective offense whatsoever. Otherwise, you're going to get zoned until you move in and eat 20% damage from the interactable. Yowsers.

The developers did not seem to realize that superior opponents do not leave their rival with a lot of choices. That's the whole point. To make one of Bane's answers carry debilitating penalties when other characters simply DO NOT HAVE these problems is one of Bane's weaknesses. And his strengths do not make up for it. (his fun factor certainly does, but that's neither here nor there)

Bane has no answers to certain setups right now that don't require *massive* risks with Venom levels and full commitment to bad moves. A lot of Bane's strengths are due to the vast majority of people not having the knowledge to do easy escapes to his wakeup game (and really, guys, most characters do have decent answers to our wakeup game - notice I do not say great answers, but they are not nearly as much at our mercy as this forum likes to believe and the wakeup game is one of the harder aspects of I:GAU for new players in my humble opinion). I spent some time in practice and was shocked by how often my setups were getting stuffed by wakeup moves, even with timing variances. Players will eventually add these moves to their gameplan. As time goes by, Bane's wakeup/oki pressure against good players is going to get weaker, not better.

I know that this probably sounds very doom and gloom and that's not the case. I enjoy Bane and think that he's pretty good. The problems start occurring when you play someone who isn't a novice with the character - who has put in their matches and actually knows what Bane is capable of and has a plan for dealing with him. That's when you really start noticing that the lack of trait control and the limitations of some of his moves make him inferior. I would like to see that changed.

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!


Stfu, his win pose is great. You guys obviously know nothing of strength, he's driving a fucking aluminum butter knife into solid concrete.


Dojo Trainee
I think it's excessive to say lvl 2 is "very risky." It's not. You aren't in debuff very long and you only take about 10-15% more damage. If you aren't progressing to lvl 2 each every time you're on the offensive, I think you're doing it wrong personally.

Level 3 is the real problem.

That said, I think the extra damage taken should be removed entirely.
Reactions: RYX
Level 2 adds nothing but extra damage and adds no new properties to any moves - so it adds no answers for certain setups. In return, it's 5 seconds of essentially Half Damage Bane when it ends. I consider that to be "pretty risky". "Very risky" is of course Level 3 Venom, aka Thunderdome: The Trait. One of you isn't walking away from that.


My whole thinking process is changing bane as a character is that NRS deliberately made venom have a downside, I think the original idea of venom was to for a short amount of time, make bane a near unstoppable killing machine. Unfortunately, it seems compared to the rest of cast he isn't, because even if he is a unstoppable killing machine for 7-9 seconds it doesn't matter if someone like superman and others with good air mobility and projectiles can keep bane out indefinitely.

I went into training mode and sat there and tried to think when i first started playing bane when i liked about him. I liked his air throw, was disappointing that it didn't have a MB option available, but nonetheless i thought it was interesting that it threw the opponent depending on how they went in the air. I then explored bane's other MB options and i found them lackluster. The fact that pretty much what all of them is add damage seems to me like a poor balance decision. I feel like bane should somewhat of a combo monster that has grapple options.

After reading what has been posted after I logged off last night and what was posted today for suggestions. I like the toggle option but i think that defeats the original design decision that NRS was going for. They wanted venom to grow in lethality as you used it. I saw that you guys wanted him to have a projectile, but i feel that is asking a bit too much and bane wouldn't really need it if his movement on the ground was solid and he could dash to the person to punish them. Part of the problem is if i'm fighting a somewhat laggy deathstroke as bane, i'm screwed there's really nothing i can do. I can't jump because it's too floaty and i'll get hit, I can't dash because the lag makes me get hit everytime i try to dash. I basically have to #YOLO level 3 venom raging charge and hope it hits. But the problem is, even if it does hit. I don't get anything off it for long because the venom has run out and now i'm made of glass and are as slow as a turtle walking through molasses.

Anyway, when i originally thought of my "frank west" proposal, i thought it made logical sense that if bane gets more venom, i'd imagine him smashing some dude into the ground with ring slam and for some reason made sense to me that it would ground bounce him. One thing i think we can all agree on is that you should be able to pick the direction you throw people with super. if NRS doesn't want to change their concept of venom maybe making it a tad more interesting like if bane's specials were to do something extra at certain levels or some of the other great ideas in this thread. I want bane's trait to be an intregral part of his gameplay so that to play bane at his maximum level you have to use his trait to it's fullest, because right now, I see a lot of bane who never use his trait because it's way too risky.

TL;DR I think that bane's biggest issue stems from his inability to control the air and when someone is full screen, to fix this make bane faster on the ground and when bane gets in, if he uses level 3 venom he should be able to do a borderline OP amount of damage because of the risk. My suggestion: refer to post #84. Best of course action that i can see is buff bane's strengths and that will fix his weaknesses. I feel like superman and heavy zoner character should be bane's bad matchups, but those matchups shouldn't be impossible at the highest level.

If you've made it this far thanks to listen to my random thoughts on bane right now :)


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
I like how this discussion is getting so much discussion, which is a nice change from the Sheeva days of MK9.


I like how this discussion is getting so much discussion, which is a nice change from the Sheeva days of MK9.
For a character with so little love he sure has some active players, eh?

I mean, we DID get the attention of NRS; if we can all come to terms on what Bane needs we might be able to bump him up quite a bit.