Thanks, that's great to know. Had no idea it was positive on block. I picked up on the keep away, flying around, zoning stuff easily enough but had no idea what to be doing or going for in her up close game.WE2 is HG's most practical starter. It's fast, is + on block, launches and hits overhead. You'll have to use it in your pressure if you want to open up people. Cancel normals in we2 when you're upclose is great. It also avoids most d1.
Yeah, you're very thorough. I've seen your MK stuff.I hope I didn't come across as snarky. I'm just the type of player that likes to list ALL possibilities and what not because to truly master a character you have to know everything they possess and are capable of...even small combos from less used normals. Don't limit yourself by asking what you SHOULD use...if you are serious with HawkGirl just jump in the lab and start experimenting and learn her and find out what you like the most. One thing I'm finding is she isn't really combo dependent...I win the majority of my matches with bullying my opponent with stomp and mace charges. The string I find most useful is B23 or B22...her mix up string.
Glad you are interested in this fabulous character!
I generally agree with you about learning process and getting to know you're character. I just feel like it's important on the forums to know that not everyone's on the same the level, and that's ok. I could have easily been a new guy who's already struggling to learn the notation and then I find this giant list of combos and am just overwhelmed and have no idea which ones to use or even try. I have no idea why you'd even need so many combos so I ask for help and get 'lol, use the list'. Not sure I'd ever ask for help on the forums again or develop into a player who'd eventually give back to the community.
Luckily that's not the case and I'm just an experienced forum goer who knows you're well meaning and am just trying to get my new secondary up too snuff quickly enough to feel ok using her in casual at the tournament I'm travelling to tomorrow. Right now my game with her is based solely on fly around and being obnoxious so I'm just trying to get to a point where I'm not just flailing around mashing buttons if I happen to land something while I'm on the ground.
If all goes well I'll be finding my own stuff and contributing to the Hawkgirl community soon enough.
I feel like this actually a common problem. When you're maining a character and you're knee deep in exploring every string, combo, and piece of tech it makes sense to post every combo for every situation, and you may even be trying to help newcomers by posting combos with different execution levels and things like that. But there's a certain point where soneone's not involved enough with the character(either because their interest in the character is temporary or shallow or just because they're not there yet) and all that info is just in the way and they need something specific to start with. It's a common scenario and I've seen people on this forum handle it much worse than you did. A player isn't necessarily lazy or stupid or a scrub(not that you implied any of those, but 'the info's there, do it yourself is a mentality I've seen here') for not wanting to dig through a big list of combo, and even if the intent is to help them grow as a player denying them what they asked for isn't necessarily helping them.
I actually think it's worth having a basic bnb list of not more than 5 combos, a 'these are your general, basic execution level combos that will get you through most situations' kind of thing, and then more comprehensive list that's as big as you can make it. They just serve different purposes