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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread


PSN: Skkra
You did not detect the sarcasm. Why are you not including 123 in here?
It's good, but I hate that it's -4. I prefer to use 1,3,2 in situations where I feel like its bound to be blocked so I end at 0.


It's good, but I hate that it's -4. I prefer to use 1,3,2 in situations where I feel like its bound to be blocked so I end at 0.
123 is a great ender. Hard knockdown and dash B.1u.2 eats wake ups for breakfast.


PSN: Skkra
123 is a great ender. Hard knockdown and dash B.1u.2 eats wake ups for breakfast.
Yeah, wakeups seem really weak in this game. Does b+1,u+2 actually straight up stuff invulnerable wakeups like sword spin?


PSN: Skkra
I believe so. Will test tomorrow if nobody else does.
I'll test the setup tomorrow if I get a chance. I'm playing HON and slamming whiskey right now or I'd do it myself. Eh, maybe before bed tonight if'n I'm not too tired haha,

As far as I can tell, sword spin has ridiculous startup invinc. It seems to cover the entire startup? I wish we had that frame data. =\


PSN: Skkra
Lobo seems pretty ridiculous. Huge damage, insane dash speed, super fast overhead --> low/throw mixups. Huge range, too. He'll probably wreck people with gimmicks early on, then wreck people with solidarity later. I also love his gun trait... the speed is more along what I'd like to see for DS's.

Right now, I basically just play DS like he has no trait. There is almost no time where I think "I'd like to set up unblockable guns!" rather than set up another attack. The only real use I see for it is if you're losing by a bit, time is running out, and they're running away. Even so, the moment they see you charge it up, they probably have enough time to fire a projectile on reaction and have it hit. It's that slow. =\


Right now, I basically just play DS like he has no trait. There is almost no time where I think "I'd like to set up unblockable guns!" rather than set up another attack. The only real use I see for it is if you're losing by a bit, time is running out, and they're running away. Even so, the moment they see you charge it up, they probably have enough time to fire a projectile on reaction and have it hit. It's that slow. =\
Deathstroke's trait is only needing four buttons bound on your stick. The more I look at it, the less useful it seems. I don't think he really needs it, and I can't think of what I'd replace it with, but it bugs me a bit when so many others have traits that are SO GOOD.


PSN: Skkra
Deathstroke's trait is only needing four buttons bound on your stick. The more I look at it, the less useful it seems. I don't think he really needs it, and I can't think of what I'd replace it with, but it bugs me a bit when so many others have traits that are SO GOOD.
To be actually useful, it would need to either 1) not cause your bullets to be ineffective afterwards, 2) start up a bit faster or 3) most likely both. Right now it's not worth doing something like d+2~trait just to get it out when you could do actual damage.

Other character traits are so strong. Aquaman has a straight up combo breaker. Superman can get nutty damage. Green Lantern and Lobo get their moves to turn into free juggles, no EX.


RYX karaokelove Skkra

B1U2 does stuff invulnerable or vulnerable wake-ups, this is something I noticed before the game was officially released and I though it was some kind of OTG. In this game ALL wake-ups have some number of vulnerable frames. This does only work in certain situations like a hard knock down, I can't speak for other characters cause I don't play with them but if I get a hard knock down with DS you have pretty much 2 safe options 1) dash away. 2) hold block. 98% of time if you try a wake-ups against me I will stuff it.

I noticed when the Sprite is on the ground you have to give it a second before you input the wake-up or it won't register as a wake-up. Once that's down that Character than stands up from the ground before their animation transitions into the wake-up. You have to time it so that B1U2 comes out at same time as the character on the ground is going to be standing up erect. This is the most precise way of practicing the timing for stuffing wake-ups with B1U2, works against deadly wake-ups like Lanterns Might or Doomsdays Venom. For slower wake-ups it's even easier to time and stuff.

PS Do not try online this kind of precision is near impossible online, it's like doing Kabals 2NDC infinite online lmao.


This is a crappy video I made a while ago when I noticed this shit was going down. I was still trying to figure out this games fundamentals and weather or not what I noticed is universal or exclusive to Deathstroke. I was blem at the time so I might not have made as much sense but everything that I pretty much explained shows in this video... I hope lmao


Dojo Trainee
Yeah.. I am having a MUCH easier time doing low air gun shots with D, D/F +1 instead of D, F +1


RYX karaokelove Skkra

B1U2 does stuff invulnerable or vulnerable wake-ups, this is something I noticed before the game was officially released and I though it was some kind of OTG. In this game ALL wake-ups have some number of vulnerable frames. This does only work in certain situations like a hard knock down, I can't speak for other characters cause I don't play with them but if I get a hard knock down with DS you have pretty much 2 safe options 1) dash away. 2) hold block. 98% of time if you try a wake-ups against me I will stuff it.

I noticed when the Sprite is on the ground you have to give it a second before you input the wake-up or it won't register as a wake-up. Once that's down that Character than stands up from the ground before their animation transitions into the wake-up. You have to time it so that B1U2 comes out at same time as the character on the ground is going to be standing up erect. This is the most precise way of practicing the timing for stuffing wake-ups with B1U2, works against deadly wake-ups like Lanterns Might or Doomsdays Venom. For slower wake-ups it's even easier to time and stuff.

PS Do not try online this kind of precision is near impossible online, it's like doing Kabals 2NDC infinite online lmao.
You're just hitting them when the invulnerabilty frames are done, some moves have none, some cover the startup, some fall in-between...


I found something that may be very marginally useful to know. We all know about the weird random side changes (cross under?) with 323 in the corner that screws up our combos. But playing around a bit in the lab, I think I've found a way to minimise this, off F3 as a combo starter at least. Instead of doing JN or JI 2 after the F3, I do JB2 - the 2 still connects in the air, and it puts me at perfect range for the tip of 323 to connect, but far enough out of the corner that it doesn't do the cross under crap. If you're too far out of the corner this doesn't work, but in my testing, when you're this far back, just a normal NJ combo of F3 should work fine. I haven't found any range where JB2 doesn't work, but 323 still crosses up of a normal combo.

Of course, this is limited to F3 -> J2 corner combos (I couldn't get it to work with B1U2), but at least it's something, I guess. And it looks cool. Jump back combos always look cool.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
So, I'm not even a Deathstroke main, but I think that all Deathstroke players need to use THIS as their theme song for tournaments: