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Guide "I Love My Job" -- Deathstroke General Discussion Thread

AwwWWWWWW YEAAAAA it begins! Deathstrokes B2 is god like for punishing B22 xx ex low shot for extra lawlz. Hell you can b22 xx MB b3 for super lawlz
By the way, all of you who believe IMDB that Nolan North is voicing Deathstroke, don't. IMDB is wrong. Deathstroke is voice by Star Trek Deep Space Nine veteran J.G. Hertzler. He played General Martok in that show. Ironically, another one-eyed bad-ass.


The Terminator
Nolan North voices Deadpool, not Deathstroke.

Also, for any of you gentlemen having trouble meter burning sword spins- I've found myself wishing to conserve meter recently for other purposes than corner combos. I wind up doing 323 f23 db3 in the corner and letting them restand and waiting for them to react. I normally grab and get my free 11% because often they come out of it downbacking. But after a few grabs i condition them to expect the grab and so I step back and let them either whiff a move or a grab, then punish with a sweep. Any of this sounding like a plan to you fellas?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Jump back 3 + iAShot is dirty as hell.
JB3 by itself leads to several follow-ups, depending on height and distance.
GREAT keepaway tool so far if you read a heavy jumper.
Is anyone having trouble doing low gunshots? Sometimes I just get to a point where they just don't seem to come out reliably, but if I switch sides and do the same motion it's perfect quickshots everytime, it's weird.
Is anyone having trouble doing low gunshots? Sometimes I just get to a point where they just don't seem to come out reliably, but if I switch sides and do the same motion it's perfect quickshots everytime, it's weird.
Could be your controller.


Lawless Victory!
No, it's the same on every controller and if it was the controller the same motion wouldn't do perfect quickshots on the other side, it's very weird and sporadic but sometimes he just won't shoot his damn guns low.
The motion for low gun shots is very awkward. It should be down to back - not the other way round. Whoever thought that motion was a good idea either hated deathstroke or is a masochist.

In other news: no one raged quit on me today as DS. But they did vs Cyborg! Hahahaha. The joys of online play.

Deleted member 5032

I really hope they patch Deathstroke's buggy-ass corner game. I hate getting my opponent in the corner because then I can't use f3, b3, or 323, which are my best normals.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Anyone having issues with JI2 coming out? If I input it as soon as i'm jumping it doesn't come out half the time...
Reactions: RYX


Deathstroke can go into full combo punishes off the Batcave interactible after some testing, as well as the Hall of Justice stage, even full screen with guns.

I'll have to test how else he can abuse the environment. I'm willing to bet he's got a few resets like the power characters. ;)

Deleted member 5032

Got a new DS setup I'm excited to start experimenting with.

I've found that after a j3 (crossup or not), 323 can be unreliable, and if it does whiff it is extremely punishable. Because of this, I only ever do f23-Sword Flip after a successful j3. However, the damage isn't incredible and the last hit of the Sword Flip whiffs. I started messing around with the advantage and spacing that's a result of this whiffed hit, and found that it leaves Deathstroke at the tip of his f3 range, and with enough advantage to allow f3 to hit just as the opponent wakes up. This equals a total of 52% damage (22% + 30%). Even if the opponent block the f3, DS is still left at +10 advantage, though he's just outside throw and d1 distance. However, he's just within b1u2 distance, and at +10 advantage, he can only be stopped by a move 5 frames or faster. Because b1u2-f3-323-f23-Sword Flip does 32% damage, this leads to a total of 54% damage, and is basically completely safe as long as you don't go into Sword Flip after a blocked j3-f23.

Here's a short video showing the spacing and advantage you get after a whiffed Sword Flip:

I've also been working on making DS's block-strings as long, safe, and deadly as possible. After a lot of experimenting, I believe the longest, safest, and most damaging string is f3 (or b3)-f23-b1u2.

F3 is an overhead that's +10 on block and leads to around 33% on hit. B3's not an overhead, but it leads to 36%. Both can be armored.

f23 is totally safe after a blocked f3 or b3 and it's +9 on block. On hit, it leads to around 26%.

b1u2 is totally safe after a f23, it hits low, it's totally safe on block, and it leads to around 30% damage on hit. (I'll get exact damage percentages plugged in when I can get into practice again).

All-in-all, that's a total of 5 separate attacks an opponent must block, with 2 small gaps to entice a counterattack that will get stuffed. If you connect at any point in the string, you can take off a minimum of 26% damage. You can also start with the f23 string after a j3, and still go into a safe b1u2.


His back dash kind of sucks. I'm having some difficulty escaping frame gaps with his but it seems much easier with other characters.

On a side note thanks Pig Of The Hut for pointing out GL's gap in b1 strings. Gonna practice getting out of those today. :)

Deleted member 5032

As far as the Sword Spin hit advantage goes, it seems to be very close to 0. If you set the AI to jump, and you try to jump after Sword Spin connects, you will both jump at almost exactly the same time. On block, it only appears to be maybe -6, but with pushback it's still really difficult to punish.

On a related note, I've been experimenting with Sword Spin a lot today, and I've found some pretty cool things.

First up, Deathstroke has an amazing corner reset as long as he has meter: http://testyourmight.com/threads/deathstrokes-1-5-bar-72-ghetto-corner-reset.31631/

In addition to the corner reset, I've decided that Sword Spin will be my new go-to neutral-game move. Sword Flip will still be used to end my 323-f23-Sword Flip combo, and as an anti-air, but that's it. Sword Spin is just too damn safe, does good damage, and can keep the opponent standing. Off f23, Sword Spin actually does 1% more damage than Sword Flip. Overall, it's just a much safer option, while still doing as much (or more) damage as Sword Flip.