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Injustice General Discussion


I've played MK9 for some time and this mechanic was in there too aswell as in Injustice however i'm still a little bothered by it. Why can't i visually hitconfirm my jump attacks before committing to a string? Another small annoyance, though less so than the other thing i mentioned are the strings and the cancel windows, they seem really small.

I would have liked to see it being possible without having to input the string before landing after the jump attack.
Am i alone on this or are there more people who feel this way? Just speaking my mind...
*Maybe should have posted this in the minor suggestions thread...oh well.


Plus on block.
the netcode is HORRENDOUS, input delay netcode designs are HORRENDOUS
I don't see the problem, maybe it's your internet connection because my game's been running pretty smoothly since release.

A few laggy matches here and there, but that happens in every multiplayer game i've played.

Only thing I can say is when the game lags, it LAGS.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
the netcode is HORRENDOUS.
you cannot hitconfirm, you cannot block, you cannot do anything you normally do offline. you have to do your combos earlier.
You cannot block? Dude I block online all the time. What you're experiencing aint normal.


Eternal Champion of Justice
The answer to this little nerf problem we have is simple. If the community is so important to NRS then I'm sure they will have no problem with the offline community playing the un patched version in offline tournament (via deleting the update data) till we play this version and compile a list of well thought out changes to the meta once we discover what it even is. Hopefully then NRS will consider those changes in the next update. Obv any data they have at this point is based on online play a small measure of it at that seeing how long patch approval takes plus time to meet and agree on the patch then implement the changes. I hope it's not Nerfs were seeing now moreso I'm thinking its glitches though anything that really wasn't intended to make it to the final build they would be really dumb to rebalance a game on like a week of online data


the netcode is HORRENDOUS, input delay netcode designs are HORRENDOUS
Agreed. In my experience, Visually it's fine, no frame drops etc but there is a huge amount of input delay. Whats worse is that the input delay varies from connection to connection so there is no way to train for a certain amount of delay. Fuzzy guarding certain strings becomes impossible. Like doomsday for example. I can fuzzyguard his d1~df2 fine offline but online I can't, too much delay. The hit confirm window is really small in some combos so online it becomes impossible and you just have to commit to the string. This is also a problem offline where certain strings can't be hitconfirmed into a special so it has to be dialed out in advance, but online it becomes worse. The wakeup attack window is very tight as well so online, you'll find yourself mistiming wakeup attacks all the time and getting blown up for it. Alot of characters can't be played properly online either, especially ones with fast strings and cancels that have to be confirmed in a tight window. For me, It's better than MK9 in the sense that matches don't randomly drop or get desynced often but in terms of input delay and matchmaking, I find it just about the same. Overall i find it pretty bad.


Everything you just said is 100% accurate.
It feels so stupid to play a character like cyborg online who has difficult confirms and difficult execution all around against someone playing killer frost who can just press babies first combo after pressing the best move in the game. Hysterical


Dojo Trainee
I like the online community and playing in lobbies. You also learn all the matchups and practice stage layouts. I play offline too lol
To be honest, you learn 20x more playing Offline (provided you're playing with solid players and such) for 2 hours then you would playing Online for almost any game for 2 weeks.

The Gabriel

Mean Man
was in a KOTH room on xbox and some guy came in who was level 519. SmellyEggPlant i think was his screen name. Suffice to say, he was terrible, and got on the mic and starting complaining about "spamming" almost immediately. It was hilarious thinking about how much time he wasted.


Why the fuck do i keep walking forward for no reason sometimes when i use my left thumbstick instead of D-pad?


MK is kinda dope
Everything you just said is 100% accurate.
It feels so stupid to play a character like cyborg online who has difficult confirms and difficult execution all around against someone playing killer frost who can just press babies first combo after pressing the best move in the game. Hysterical
Online is not offline and to me, it's very different. It's why I approach it very differently and don't get upset if I drop a combo or don't block something I normally block. I make offline practice tourney practice and online is just learning matchups and things like that


It's annoying tho because I come from games with brilliant net code in comparison (skullgirls, ggpo st and 3s, sfxt) wehere practice is easily transmitted to offline play so it's really frustrating to have input delay lol
I don't care if it looks like shit and stuff is flickering everywhere. The game has to feel the same IMO.
Ggpo or bust


Dojo Trainee
Yeah well here's the thing, absolutely no company actually has to use rollback netcode because subpar netcode isn't affecting sales. The closest game to have that possibility is KOFXIII, and that's only because it was going to be a word of mouth game to begin with.

The fact that Capcom even went out of their way to use Rollback in SFxT is a miracle, and the irony is that SFxT is probably the most hated game they've released since Capcom Fighting Jam.


Dojo Trainee
Sfxt is the best game out right now overall besides maybe this one.
Whether that's correct or not is irrelevant (nor do I care to argue that fact since I have a very low tolerance for ranking any game as I respect other's people's preferences).

After the disaster of Vanilla SFxT it will forever be a Black Sheep. It will not get any respect, deserved or not and will eventually be destined to fade into obscurity.