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General/Other Batgirl confirmed in Xbox Live Downloadable Content Area

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You will serve me in The Netherrealm
key word HAD you can look around every video game forum and you would see that people dont want another batman charachter but i guess fans dont like to go outside of the tym forums and come up with there own bs on why she is in
No, she still does. It's going strong in the NEW 52.
You what book wasn't re-booted?
Martain Manhunter.
How does Resurrection Man get a re-boot and not Martian Manhunter?
Because MMH sucks. Duh.


Milky Holmes
Just walk in a gamestop and have this conversation. It's not flawed, at all, it just seems to be too hard for people to grasp. Your like Chengler, when did I see people are w/out internet now? I certainly did not say that, certainly most people have internet. What I said was, extremely clearly, was that a lot of people who bought the game did not run to facebook and twitter to complain. Or participated in the polls. I have facebook, I'm on there all the time and don't even have IGAU as a like page. You are all assuming that most gamers are finding EVERY single poll on the internet and have voted. That's not the case, at all.
How about the assumption that polls are representative of broader opinion?

You don't need a census to conduct a poll.

jordan ezman

Hail Jordan
I'm 29 and I'm gonna die soon? LOL that's too silly to respond to, it was actually funny.

I grew up playing SF2 and Tom Brady, one of the best gamers in the world who would probably body you, is 36. Most of the tournament players are actually around my age. I'll let that marinate in your brain for a couple of minutes

Facebook and Twitter do not encompass most people who bought the game. Not every single person who bought the game went on to facebook/twitter to complain. I am not a casual gamer, I've actually made nationals for a game twice.

Man, you make Chengler look smart and that's really hard to do, holy shit you're one of a kind lol
You obviously have a hard time understanding things. what i was stating was that a 29 yr old and 36 yr old playing video games (not only playing v games, but going to forums and arguing with ppl over them) when your 29 YEARS OLD. Dont you have like a job you should be doing WORK at, and a FAMILY to look after? why the fuck are you on forum boards arguing over a video game? (I am much younger than you, so dont even try to say im doing the same bc i dont have a family, wife, kids, dog, cat, mortgage) You think i give two shits that you played fucking sf2 w/ tom brady? GET OVER YOURSELF YOUR PRESUMPTUOUS dick rider. gtfo and go tell your kids bed time stories about how you and tom brady used to suck each others dicks while shooting hadukens all over each others faces


Well-Known Gay Member
wow TYM gets dumb sometimes - I'll say this
To all the people coming here acting high and mighty- oh don't bitch about batgirl, stop complaining and stuff - GTFO the forum if u don't wanna hear complaints - we buy the game, we have the fucking right to complain on anything we want - and don't act like you are saints here to protect NRS - I bet they don't give a SHIT about the forum, me or you guys ^^


Just walk in a gamestop and have this conversation. It's not flawed, at all, it just seems to be too hard for people to grasp. Your like Chengler, when did I see people are w/out internet now? I certainly did not say that, certainly most people have internet. What I said was, extremely clearly, was that a lot of people who bought the game did not run to facebook and twitter to complain. Or participated in the polls. I have facebook, I'm on there all the time and don't even have IGAU as a like page. You are all assuming that most gamers are finding EVERY single poll on the internet and have voted. That's not the case, at all.
I made the no-internet remark just for fun. And just like Chengler said polls are representative of broader opinion. And besides that people who follow the game are the most likely customers for DLC, so their opinion matters even more


MK is kinda dope
You obviously have a hard time understanding things. what i was stating was that a 29 yr old and 36 yr old playing video games (not only playing v games, but going to forums and arguing with ppl over them) when your 29 YEARS OLD. Dont you have like a job you should be doing WORK at, and a FAMILY to look after? why the fuck are you on forum boards arguing over a video game? (I am much younger than you, so dont even try to say im doing the same bc i dont have a family, wife, kids, dog, cat, mortgage) You think i give two shits that you played fucking sf2 w/ tom brady? GET OVER YOURSELF YOUR PRESUMPTUOUS dick rider. gtfo and go tell your kids bed time stories about how you and tom brady used to suck each others dicks while shooting hadukens all over each others faces
Actually yes, I do have a great career, beautiful wife and daughter. I also have time, like most people, for hobbies and this is one of them. I'm actually at work now and I happen to know how to multi task and hold multiple thoughts in my head. Your the one resorting to summarizing what I said instead of actually reading. I never said I played SF2 w/Tom Brady. At all. I said I used to play as far back as SF2. Most of us on the forums did, the ones that were not born in the 90s. When your 29, hopefully you are smart enough to multi task as well but I have my doubts. Your the one who resorted to men blowing each other. If that's your thing that's cool but that's not me


bye felicia
wow TYM gets dumb sometimes - I'll say this
To all the people coming here acting high and mighty- oh don't bitch about batgirl, stop complaining and stuff - GTFO the forum if u don't wanna hear complaints - we buy the game, we have the fucking right to complain on anything we want - and don't act like you are saints here to protect NRS - I bet they don't give a SHIT about the forum, me or you guys ^^


wow TYM gets dumb sometimes - I'll say this
To all the people coming here acting high and mighty- oh don't bitch about batgirl, stop complaining and stuff - GTFO the forum if u don't wanna hear complaints - we buy the game, we have the fucking right to complain on anything we want - and don't act like you are saints here to protect NRS - I bet they don't give a SHIT about the forum, me or you guys ^^
Of course they can complain.
But people who shouldn't complain are the ones who cry and want their money back for the season pass.

You buy 4 unknown characters so you basically are happy with any characters they will add.


Man of Tomorrow

MKvs.DCU sold a couple million, MK9 sold several million, SFIV sold several million, Marvel 3 sold a couple million and this isn't including used games. If these games are generating an audience of a couple million that may, or may not, stick with the game long term then how can you say it's not possible to generate a fanbase through them? If even 1 percent of people that bought/played the game get interested in a character they didn't know before then it's still tens of thousands of people. If even .1 percent gain interest then it's still thousands of people. This, IMO, is a very good avenue on which to showcase some of the lesser known characters because there's practically a zero percent chance we get a movie/cartoon based around any of them this decade.

Who they were when they were first announced/played with them? No, but these same people can easily get interested in these characters and want to know more about them. People may wanna learn about Spencer and where he comes from because they think he's "cool", same with a Rocket Raccoon or the like. People see the character, think they're awesome/funny/bad ass and want to know more, this has happened for people like Taskmaster.

See, I'm taking this as you believe I want "most people that need more attention". I'm not saying that, the game NEEDS to be sold and it's done with big names. But the big names are THERE, they're in the game, they've sold the game for a lot of people. If 85 percent of the cast are big names/well known characters that have already sold the game then why can't the last 15 be people that can use more exposure instead of "tier 3/4 of well known people"? You say I spent the entire time saying who would be the best picks and I don't believe I did this at all. What I did was "why would Joker AND Quinn be needed instead of taking Quinn out for someone more diverse" and "would should Bane make it in as a 6th Batman character when the first 5 sell the game enough and that spot can go to Grodd or someone?". I never said "this would be the best picks" or anything of the like, I questioned the need for so much Batman when 4 Batman people would sell the game and the other 2 weren't gonna bring in a lot more interest that the first 4 didn't.

Marvel isn't dumb enough? THEY DID EXACTLY THAT FOR MARVEL 3. I'm in no way saying that "yeah, being in the game guarantees that people are just gonna flock to these characters now". I'm saying "use this medium to possibly generate interest in characters that casual fans don't even know about".

My point is that Batgirl is NOT gonna generate a significant amount more sales: People have bought the season pass or they're gonna buy all DLC regardless, including a Black Canary, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, etc instead of Batgirl is not gonna cause a big drop off in sales comparatively speaking and getting even a mere 100 more people interested in buying a monthly 3-4 buck comic is 3,000-4,000+ more a year on top of the amount they gained from the DLC purchases. At least that's what I believe, I think you should try to build a fanbase for your library by including them in things that people are gonna watch/read/play regardless as they already have many big names included in the product.


Well-Known Gay Member
I am very glad for you - now go back to praising NRS to heavens ;) coz they make the right choices everytime they decide something!
I really don't give a shit about the DLC anymore - i am done - some people will never stop sucking cock (ironic right coming from a gay guy)- so i am not wasting my health on arguing with u guys


bye felicia
I am very glad for you - now go back to praising NRS to heavens ;) coz they make the right choices everytime they decide something!
I really don't give a shit about the DLC anymore - i am done - some people will never stop sucking cock (ironic right coming from a gay guy)- so i am not wasting my health on arguing with u guys
You said that before, I wanna say maybe that exact post when it was confirmed MMH wasn't in the game. See ya in the Zod thread!
I swear that is the only argument these Batgirl fans have :D
they live in this magic place where Batgirl is the ICON of DC - bigger than anyone and where people dream about her being in the game somehow - but those people never go online or ask for her - i guess our bodies aren't ready yet for her Majesty Batgirl ;) We want her but we don't know it yet..
I'm not gonna lie, I'm about as hype for this as you (well maybe not, you seem to want to say words with NRS about this decision, which is understandable). Hey bro, I wanted Booster Gold in this game, do you know hype that'd be?! This game is seriously in need of a Johnny Cage-like character (don't even bother asking why i think that, i might punch you). But the miracle never happen. No me gusta. But when it comes to Batgirl's status in DC history, she's pretty much up there. I ain't saying shes up there with Supes and Wondy, but she's pretty well known. I mean, before I played DCUO (i'm gonna flat out admit it, I knew next to nothing about the DCU before playing that game), I knew about Batgirl n Nightwing, and all those wonderful bat peoples. Sure, people might not like her, but they sure as hell know the girl. She's a solid C+ to B tier in terms of "i know dis character". Also, for the record, I don't think any of these guys said she's the icon of DC, or how great AND OH MY GOSH YES BATGIRL IM SO EXCITE I NEED A CHANGE OF PANTS. But, yeah, she's well known, this could be a DC or WB choice much like Freddy. Every character has some fans, ya know. You could treat the situation like me: be hype for how she might play =D Or you know, flame NRS over it =p


ugh, can we not guys? poll or not the last thing we need are knockoffs. we already have Superman, we dont need Power Girl or Zod and we sure as hell dont need (or want) Batgirl. we already have too many bat-characters as is. Manhunter would be more than welcomed because of how different from everyone he is. him, Beast Boy, Blue Beetle, Static Shock, Black Manta, any of these guys would be so much better than this lineup of middle fingers and disappointment.

now i understand why theyd put Scorpion in the game and while DC fans will complain Boon likes to throw in wildcards like he did with Freddy Kruger in MK9. personally i never cared for Scorpion and would much rather see Subzero or even Raiden but neither of them are the NRS poster boy so dems da breaks. who knows? maybe thisll be the first game i actually use him in


Well-Known Gay Member
You said that before, I wanna say maybe that exact post when it was confirmed MMH wasn't in the game. See ya in the Zod thread!
don't worry you won't see me in the Zod thread or any thread associated with this DLC :)
Now go back worshipiing Batman with tits and Regime Superman with a beard :)

jordan ezman

Hail Jordan
Actually yes, I do have a great career, beautiful wife and daughter. I also have time, like most people, for hobbies and this is one of them. I'm actually at work now and I happen to know how to multi task and hold multiple thoughts in my head. Your the one resorting to summarizing what I said instead of actually reading. I never said I played SF2 w/Tom Brady. At all. I said I used to play as far back as SF2. Most of us on the forums did, the ones that were not born in the 90s. When your 29, hopefully you are smart enough to multi task as well but I have my doubts. Your the one who resorted to men blowing each other. If that's your thing that's cool but that's not me
Nice rebuttal bro. Here i thought you were at least creative. Ok so do everyone a favor(since i have seen MANY other members telling you to gtfo with your NRS brown nosing and overall stupid posts about telling us to stop complaining when this is a fucking FORUM) and GTFO Forum Noun A meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.


bye felicia
don't worry you won't see me in the Zod thread or any thread associated with this DLC :)
Now go back worshipiing Batman with tits and Regime Superman with a beard :)
What!? I didn't blindly pay for characters with beards! I assumed we'd be getting Shaven Zod from the comics! You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you NRS! Damn you to all hell!
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