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I Am Gotham's Reckoning -- Bane General Discussion Thread

About the in game frame data, why is standing 1 a 9 frame start up, but 113 has 24 frame start up? Why the difference if they both start with 1? Also d.1, double punch is just a trap you can't actually combo that can you? When auto block is on it never connects, but without blocking you get the 3-hit combo show up on screen. Kinda confusing.


Sheeva isn't Goro's wife. Goro is her husband.
The start-up frames refer to the LAST hit of a string. So 24 frames is how long it takes for the 3 in 113 to actually hit from its start-up.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
If you mean the resets, then yes. Remember that super long combo at the end of my level 3 venom discussion? The 82% reset?
Replace that command grab with a nearby interactable and you get a kill off of it. Best example would be something like the flying car on Metro if you can manage it. Takes some precision but you have the time to get it.
What thread is that discussion in?


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
I'm currently on a losing streak against Nightwing hardest AI. Is there something I can do before I smash my ps3 controller through the TV?

He constantly spams d1 which is plus on block, i can't touch him and he does 40% combo with his crap 100hits single retarded move. I believe I haven't seen such a retarded character in my entire life. He does the cane flip each time I jump or I try to cross him up. He also guesses every wake up right so my wake up game is gone. Whenever I do a c.throw he does f3 which jumps through it in a 40% combo. He also wakes up with that move I'm beginning to hate, that single hit that turns into 100 hits. Jeez what an annoying character! God help me now so I can't smash my tv screen in anger.

Edit: God..finally beat him. can't believe how cheesy the AI is. How am I supposed to learn matchups if the AI cheats so much :|

Also, I'm having problems with Bane's jump in belly. Countless times when they block, my bane just freezes there even if I already inputed the follow up commands. So I want jump in belly b23, but no b23 comes out. Bane just stands there with truckloads of hit stun. What is going on? Is this a bug? It happens like 4 out of 10 tries :|

Adam Todd

My biggest problem with Bane is there is literally no reason to pick him other than character loyalty. Grundy does what Bane should do better. He has no projectile, which I would of loved him to have a bazooka,so he gets wrecked by zoning. His best options are once he gets the opponent into the corner, but even Doomsday is better at that. I believe the problem was making Bane a Hulk type character. They should of just made him normal human size but look sterioided out. The venom doesn't make Bane get keg sized arms and chest. The Dark Knight Rises Bane, which is easily the most known now, didn't even use a venom boost and was well received. I will still play him though and hope these problems get fixed eventually.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
My biggest problem with Bane is there is literally no reason to pick him other than character loyalty. Grundy does what Bane should do better. He has no projectile, which I would of loved him to have a bazooka,so he gets wrecked by zoning. His best options are once he gets the opponent into the corner, but even Doomsday is better at that. I believe the problem was making Bane a Hulk type character. They should of just made him normal human size but look sterioided out. The venom doesn't make Bane get keg sized arms and chest. The Dark Knight Rises Bane, which is easily the most known now, didn't even use a venom boost and was well received. I will still play him though and hope these problems get fixed eventually.
I don't want to repeat the paragraph, so trust me when I say theres more to him than people credit him for

Adam Todd

I don't want to repeat the paragraph, so trust me when I say theres more to him than people credit him for
Could you explain something to me? I heard Bane has a parry with his F2 in venom level 3, but I don't understand how it works. I assume this could be key in making him better.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Could you explain something to me? I heard Bane has a parry with his F2 in venom level 3, but I don't understand how it works. I assume this could be key in making him better.
Its a pseudo-parry. At level 3 venom, his f.2 and f.2d have a hit of armor. His f.2 can be charged and, in turn, cancelled via dash. The point of the f.2 "parry" is to use the hit of armor and dash cancel, then punish them using a different string. Its helpful and it does let us get in on some people without needing to yolo charge.


I think people need to look at his sweep more. He can check you with whatever he likes after it hits and it's overall pretty good with range.

Adam Todd

Its a pseudo-parry. At level 3 venom, his f.2 and f.2d have a hit of armor. His f.2 can be charged and, in turn, cancelled via dash. The point of the f.2 "parry" is to use the hit of armor and dash cancel, then punish them using a different string. Its helpful and it does let us get in on some people without needing to yolo charge.
Thanks a lot, I saw it in that Gotham's reckoning video of Bane, but I didn't quite understand what he was doing and I thought it was an important tool to use. I've never played a grappler before so it's taking me extra time to get good with Bane. Do you have any non meter burn combos for putting them in the corner?


Vertebral Subluxationist
If you ask me, they need to give him the ability to cancel his dash attack. Also, I think we can do without that stupid flexing animation when you don't mete burn it. That kills too much momentum.

also, they should seriously consider either reducing the venom after effect cooldown or just get rid of the after effects in general. The way he is right now, it's hard as hell getting in as it is. And maybe I'm the only one, but I hardly find myself using Venom past level 2. Unless I know I'm going to potential finish the match with a throw which I would then venom level 3 it really quick.

Any thoughts?
I actually like the "flex." When you're standing over them, they can study your movements and pick up on tendencies, making you easier to read. But after charge, they don't have this luxury. They have to fully commit with nothing to go on. You can also buffer inputs during the flex, which mitigates errors when doing them from neutral.

Also, I have a grappler background (Zangief in SF4, Thor/Hulk in UMVC3) and will definitely try to help you guys out if you're ever having trouble with the concepts. Similarly, I don't have any MK experience at all so I'll need help too.
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
I think people need to look at his sweep more. He can check you with whatever he likes after it hits and it's overall pretty good with range.
Honestly I sometimes end off my strings with it if I'm not feeling up to command grabs or if I'm aiming to REALLY get in deep on them. Like on occational I'll do something like j.d.3 b.23 d.2 d.3 and it doesn't do much in damage but its an easier transition for me to get his oki started.
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Trust me, I'm a doctor
Thanks a lot, I saw it in that Gotham's reckoning video of Bane, but I didn't quite understand what he was doing and I thought it was an important tool to use. I've never played a grappler before so it's taking me extra time to get good with Bane. Do you have any non meter burn combos for putting them in the corner?
Off of a jump in or b.23 read, I'd suggest either...
(j.d.3) b.23 123 b.f.2
(j.d.3) b.23 d.2 223 d.b.1

The first one gives better positioning but less meter gain and damage, the second gives better meter gain and damage at the cost of your oki.
I'd recommend the first one though, or do something like j.d.3 b.23 f.2d b.f.2


I started ending combos with Venom Uppercut as well. Really good position you can be in to check with b11 or his overhead and you sacrifice corner carry for damage/setup.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
I started ending combos with Venom Uppercut as well. Really good position you can be in to check with b11 or his overhead and you sacrifice corner carry for damage/setup.
According to the meter gains, Venom upper is next to double punch for the worst in meter gain and damage, honestly you'd be better off just sinking c.grabs at the end of strings imo.


Charge is almost worthless against anyone who knows to jump over it. It needs to be able to be canceled or something. It's only good against people who have projectiles you can eat and armor through, and even they totally shut it down once they can MB.

I wish they would get rid of charge and give us a knife throw or something lol


We definitely need a combo thread that almost every other character forum has. Here, our combos are scattered throughout different threads and posts. I wouldn't mind creating it, but I don't think I'm qualified for it (just bought this game and I only really know one combo and I think it's his BnB). If nobody else takes the initiative, I'll do it later when I learn more.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Yeah most of the best combos are listed in my "more... Venom...!" Topic, he isn't much for variety but that's because he isn't a combo character


Vertebral Subluxationist
All of his stuff is slow on startup. It sucks, but the point of the character is to use them in conjunction with Venom. Without it, the only special that seems worth it is double punch. I think I'm seeing why Bane doesn't use much meter; seems like he needs it for push-block. His normals are really slow (fastest is 9 frames and it can be ducked..) and while DP is fast in netural situations, it's really slow as a wakeup attack or string interrupter. Push block puts Bane back to the range where he likes to be and frees him from oppressive rushdowns from characters like Batman (this matchup really sucks).


About the in game frame data, why is standing 1 a 9 frame start up, but 113 has 24 frame start up? Why the difference if they both start with 1? Also d.1, double punch is just a trap you can't actually combo that can you? When auto block is on it never connects, but without blocking you get the 3-hit combo show up on screen. Kinda confusing.
It goes by the second move so check the string 11 :)


Bane is slow but he has range, mix ups, armor, and a damage boost. Not to mention some of the BEST normals and mix ups.

Really need to give him more credit.